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Welcome to Wilson’s School Sixth Form Mr A Doyle Director of Sixth Form Mr T Coop Deputy Director of Sixth Form Dr D Hemp Higher Education Co-ordinator. Aims:. To introduce the new Sixth Form Team.
Welcome to Wilson’s School Sixth Form Mr A Doyle Director of Sixth Form Mr T Coop Deputy Director of Sixth Form Dr D Hemp Higher Education Co-ordinator
Aims: To introduce the new Sixth Form Team. To outline school expectations and our role in insuring that you son reaches his maximum potential while in the Sixth Form. To outline the year ahead for the students in Year 12, to highlight some key dates and to give you a brief overview of the next 2 years and Key Stage 5. To recommend a few effective means of communication we would like you to use between you as parents and us here at school. To highlight a few key school policies including the Sixth Form Contract. To answer any questions you may have.
Sixth Form Staff Mr Cole (NC) Deputy Head with overall responsibility for Sixth Form Mr Doyle (AD) Director of Sixth Form Mr Coop (TWC) Deputy Director of Sixth Form Dr Hemp (DAH) Higher Education Coordinator Mrs P Kitchen (PK) Sixth Form Administrator Contact: sixthform@wilsonsschool.sutton.sch.uk
Mrs Kitchen is responsible for all Sixth Form administration including return permission slips, attendance and punctuality checks, Oyster Card authorisations, lockers, etc. sixthform@wilsonsschool.sutton.sch.uk If you going to absent from school please ensure that parents telephone the school before 8am on 020 8773 2931 Extn 144 Sixth Form administration
GCSE Results 2012 86.9% A*/A50.9% A*School league tables, ranked 3rd for GCSE and 5th for A level (state boys’ school)
AS level Results 2012 88.7 % A-B grades 67.0% A
A2 level Results 2012 93.1 % A*-B grades 23.2% A* 69% A*A grades 46% of cohort obtained 3 or more A*/A grades
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TO U6 No automatic entry into the U6 Minimum requirement of 3 grades C In addition each department as a minimum entry requirement for continuation of study at A2. Performance & participation in the EPQ, general conduct and behaviour, including stages of Sixth Form contract, statistics on attendance and punctuality would also be considered.
Recent UCAS Offers (2012) Accounting & Finance (Bath) AAA Architecture (Liverpool) AAA Biology (Cardiff) AAB Biology (Manchester) AAA Chemistry (Imperial) A*AA Chemical Engineering (UCL) AAB Civil Engineering (Nottingham) AAB Computer Science (Imperial) A*A*A Dentistry A*AA Geography (Nottingham) AAA Economics (LSE) A*AA Economics (UCL) A*AA Economics (Bath) AAA Economics (Cambridge) A*A*A Engineering (Cambridge) A*AAA English (Birmingham) AAB French & Spanish (Leeds) AAB French & Portuguese (Leeds) ABB
Recent UCAS Offers 2012 History (Exeter) A*AA Law (Warwick) AAA History (Sheffield) AAA History (Nottingham) AAA Mathematics (Cambridge) A*AA + Mathematics (Warwick) AAA Mech Engineering ( Southampton) AAA Medicine (QMUL) AAA + Medicine (UCL) AAA + Medicine (Oxford) AAA + Medicne (Kings) AAA + Music (Manchester) AAB Natural Science (Cambridge) A*AA Nat Sciences (UCL) AAA Optometry (Bradford) AAB Pharmacology (Kings) AAB Philosophy (Exeter) AAA Physics (Liverpool) AAB
Results matter… …but so do lots of other things.
What else matters? The ability to work independently Interests beyond the classroom Design and presentation skills Balancing school work, social life, part-time jobs…and relaxation and sleep Work experience & work placements Genuine extra-curricular participation and achievements Attendance & punctuality will always be included on all references – UCAS and employment Respect, integrity, commitment, courtesy and reliability – our expectation
Key dates 2012 - 2013 19 September Late start 24 September Entrance Exam 5 October L6 transition check 26 October University interview day 20 November L6 Parents’ Evening 4 – 6.30pm 10 December Inset day 7 - 30 January Public examinations 8 February Biology coursework trip 15 February Founder’s Day 16 February Y12 trip to CERN 27 February A level music recital evening 4 March Higher Education & Oxbridge Information Evening 13 - 15 March AS Geography Trip 21 March Meet the Universities Evening 28 March End of term and full L6 reports 10 May Y12 Examination Leave begins 10 June Y12 return to dull timetable (no authorised absence in next 2 weeks) 15 July Y12 UCAS Personal Statements checking 19 July End of term
AS Results day. All Lower Sixth students must be available on AS results day Thursday 15 August 2013 to collect their results and confirm the A2 subject choices. Results will not be issued over the phone or via email. Sixth Form staff will be available only on Thursday and Friday August to discuss and support subject choices & changes, entrance to U6, timetable changes, University support etc. Final deadline for A level subject change requests is ????
Expectations in the Sixth Form Uniform and presentation Attendance and Punctuality Private / independent study and Homework Extra-curricular involvement
Dress Code Business style dress code for all Sixth Former A plain blue, black or grey business-style suit. Collarerd shirt, full length tie, optional plain v neck jumper Black sensible formal shoes. No coats or hats to worn in lessons or around school Clean shaven No jewellery, other than wrist watch. No badges other than House or Prefect badges. No piercings No extremes hair styling - see Student planner for further information.
Attendance Attend as often as possible – take a more robust approach to health Inform teachers in advance for planned absences (e.g. Open days) Confirmation of reason for absence from parent Phone School / Sixth Form Office 020 8773 2931 follow answer phone instructions BEFORE 8am if you are going to be absent (or email). Students are not permitted to self certify themselves.
90% attendance rule 90% attendance rate for each component of each subject. 90% attendance rate at Academic Tutoring sessions. 90% attendance at Games / Enrichment sessions (LVI only) 100% attendance at EPQ mentoring slots with your supervisor (LVI only). 95% is minimum expectation
Punctuality Anticipate delays, aim to arrive early to school. Travel disruption is not accepted as a reason / excuse for lateness Get organised to allow smooth transitions between lessons. No return to lockers between Periods 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 Punctuality to school (am and pm sessions) and to all lessons including Games, Tutor sessions, meetings, extra curricular activities all contribute to VI Form contract requirements.
Core Hours LVI 08:25-15:30 (15:05 on Friday) Games / Enrichment on a Wednesday afternoon is compulsory, each session will require registration and will contribute to your sixth form contract.
Games Options 1. SCHOOL FOOTBALL 2. ASTRO FOOTBALL 3. RUGBY 4. TABLE-TENNIS 5. BASKETBALL 6. BADMINTON 7. TENNIS 8. SQUASH 9. DRAMA 10. COOKING 11. JUDO – withdrawn due to insufficient takeup
Electronic Registration • Registration by facial recognition scanner. • 3 units – main reception, entrance to VI Form centre and entrance to foundation building (by lift). • Stand approximately arms length away;type in you unique four digit code and press the tick; check for any messages. Takes less than 2 seconds. • First use, the system will take 10 rapid reference photos. • Be patient while we embed this new technology – partly in place for your benefit.
Sixth Form Centre New build and new facilities – for study. All Sixth Formers are role model for other students throughout the school. Prefects – role models within the Sixth Form and in absence of staff their instructions should be followed.
Sixth Form Study Centre Conduct DURING LESSONS BEFORE, BREAK, LUNCH, AFTER AREAS B1 and B2: • Labelled as ‘Study Area’ • Silence not mandatory, allowing for quiet collaborative work. • No food, drink or use of electronic equipment other than laptops. AREA A • Labelled ‘Independent Silent Study Area’. Independent silent work. • No food, drink or use of electronic equipment other than laptops. AREAS B1 and B2: • Congregation area – i.e. place to sit and talk • No sitting or leaning on the study desks • No food, drink or use of electronic equipment other than laptops. AREA A • Remains as an ‘Independent silent work’ area. • No congregating of people
Private or independent study Sixth form students should be the hardest working members of the school – with a study routine Every hour in class should be supported by an hour of private independent study (homework not included) Important to get into good habits now: as well as C6 and Library, there is the North Study – a quiet room!
Study periods Study Periods are for work, not ‘free periods’. Plan how you will use them Expect to be challenged if you are not working during study periods Sixth Form Study Centre, computer rooms incl. C6, the Library, and North Study are monitored.
Homework Additional to 1 hour of private study per lesson. Completed on time, in full, to the best of your ability. Concerns about inadequate homework will always be recorded and may affect your VI Form Contract.
What the school will do to help Provide excellent quality teaching. Offer additional support and coaching by subject specialists. Minimise disruption caused by teacher absence – lessons will be covered. Monitor compliance with expectations Provide advice and encouragement to keep things on track and take action when things go wrong. Keep students and parents informed when concerns are raised. Very close monitoring and tracking of attianemnt, diligence and other indicators (AD TWC PK)
What the school expects from parents Support school in approach to all aspects of Sixth Form Contract and in particular with respect to study, attendance & punctuality. Communicate any concerns or queries to Mr Doyle or Mr Coop in the first instance(sixthform@wilsonsschool.sutton.sch.uk)
Tutor Groups Group Staff Room 601 BRC 6F4 CJ S8 CLN 4 DAH 21 605 DMC 6F2 ECR A1 EGM S6 NC 6F3 PDJ 17 PW 10 RG 16 612 TDF 11
Tutor groups Vertical tutor groups. Assigned VI Form tutor has responsibility for Lower and Upper sixth students. PSHE with tutor or year assembly with AD / TWC / Guest speaker. PSHE / assembly may be as single year group or combined with Upper VI – see plasma screen. Note unique Tutor rooms for Fri P1.
Bags Record bags are permitted to be carried and taken to lessons. These must be ‘sober’ in colour & design, in keeping with the business dress theme. Sports bags, rucksacks, wheeled bags or carrier bags are not permitted anywhere other than in lockers / storage areas / locked boot room. Particular care must taken in science labs and DT workshops where due to additional health & safety implications, no bags are allowed in labs (irrespective of whether you are undertaking a practical) – use the storage areas allocated.
Security Only one point of access in and out of the school. Access to and from Hannibal Way now closed – alternative route along the passage way at south side of site. Bike sheds will be locked from 8.30am, any time after this, only access will be through the front of the school. Access in lab S1 now from main science corridors and not from front of the building.
What is the EPQ? A free-standing post-16 qualification for which students complete a research project on a topic of their choice. Introduced in 2007 to help students to develop research skills for university and project management skills for the workplace. Very popular with schools and students around the country. Very popular with universities too.
Benefits of the EPQ “The potential benefits are enormous. Opportunities to get deeply involved in a subject that interests you, to develop research skills, to pull together different areas of the other subjects you are studying and to develop extended writing skills will all be enormously valuable preparation for going to university. I would strongly encourage students to do an extended project whichever university they want to go to.” Geoff Parks, Director of Admissions, University of Cambridge
Details of the EPQ Students are required to design, plan and complete an individual project on a topic of their choice. They must also give a formal presentation on the results. All students must complete a Production Log, recording their key decisions at each stage of the project and the advice that they get from their supervisor. This log is worth 60% of the overall award. The most traditional product is a 5000 word essay/ report, but it is also possible to submit an artefact with an accompanying write-up. The product is worth 40% of the overall award. It is marked at A2 standard, so it is graded A* to U and worth up to 70 UCAS points.
Structure of the year Autumn Term: Complete ‘dummy EPQ’ to learn the skills needed for the real thing. Spring and Summer Terms: Complete the EPQ itself, submitting it after exams at the end of the Summer Term.
Expectations Punctuality and full focus in all lectures, meetings with supervisor and independent study sessions. Five hours of independent study each fortnight. All possible steps taken to avoid missing any meeting with their supervisor (Sixth Form Contract requires 100% attendance). At least a B grade achieved in both the dummy EPQ and the real thing.
Other information There are a limited number of means tested financial support bursaries available to 16 -19 students - please see AD Please note that parking on the school premises is not permitted for any L6 student other than prefects (usually appointed at end of Spring term). Careers interview – see Mr Englefield
Young Enterprise A unique opportunity for lower 6th students to get involved in a real enterprise Be a part of a team that sets up and runs a real business Create a real product or service for sale to the public Become responsible for a particular role - such Managing Director or Finance Director Face the challenge of making real profits in a competitive marketplace Compete with other teams to be the best! In June2013 dissolve the company
Required: • Commitment: 1 meeting a week in a Croydon based company • Team work: Each student is allocated a team with a local business person who acts as a mentor • Role: Each student has a role within the business and is expected to carry it out!
Things to note! Trial period (3 weeks) Cost £30.00 ( help is available) – but non–refundable Payment in cheque form Runs October 2012 – June 2013 Students to see Mr Ormonde to obtain information pack Closing date for entry 20th September