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台南市政府公務人力發展中心 多益測驗基礎加強課程

台南市政府公務人力發展中心 多益測驗基礎加強課程. 講師:李政源 南台科技大學語言中心. 什麼是多益測驗.

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台南市政府公務人力發展中心 多益測驗基礎加強課程

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  1. 台南市政府公務人力發展中心多益測驗基礎加強課程台南市政府公務人力發展中心多益測驗基礎加強課程 講師:李政源 南台科技大學語言中心

  2. 什麼是多益測驗 TOEIC代表Test of English for International Communication(國際溝通英語測驗)。多益測驗乃針對英語非母語人士所設計之英語能力測驗,測驗分數反映受測者在國際職場環境中與他人以英語溝通的熟稔程度。參加本測驗毋需具備專業的知識或字彙,因為測驗內容以日常使用之英語為主。多益測驗是以職場為基準點的英語能力測驗中,世界最頂級的考試。2010年在全球有超過六百萬人報考多益測驗,並在120個國家中有超過10,000家的企業、學校或政府機構使用多益測驗,同時在全球超過165個國家是最被廣泛接受且最方便報考的英語測驗之一。

  3. 跟其他考試相比

  4. 多益測驗涵蓋到的主題

  5. 多益測驗涵蓋到的主題(2)

  6. 2010台灣區各學歷統計

  7. 2009各成績級距統計

  8. 測驗的架構 • 聽力測驗與文法閱讀各100題,分數範圍從5-495不等,每題大約5分,滿分990。 • 聽力測驗有四個大題,文法閱讀有三個大題。 • 全部都是選擇題,沒有倒扣。第二大題是三選一,其餘都是四選一。 • 聽力測驗約45分鐘,文法閱讀約75分鐘,中間不休息。 • 只能使用2B鉛筆作答,否則讀卡機無法辨識自行負責。 • 只接受國民身份證或護照,不接受健保卡與學生證。 • 聽力結束後中間可以出來上廁所,不補時間。 • 不能提早交卷,否則以棄權論。 • 不能帶手機或其他電子用品,考場內有時鐘。

  9. 有哪些大題 第一大類:聽力 總共有一百題,共有四大題。考生會聽到各種各類英語的直述句、問句、短對話以及短獨白,然後根據所聽到的內容回答問題。聽力的考試時間大約為四十五分鐘。 • Part 1:照片描述10題 (四選一) • Part 2:應答問題30題 (三選一) • Part 3:簡短對話30題 (四選一) • Part 4:簡短獨白30題 (四選一) 第二大類:閱讀 總共有一百題,題目及選項都印在題本上。考生須閱讀多種題材的文章,然後回答相關問題。考試時間為七十五分鐘,考生可在時限內依自己能力調配閱讀及答題速度。 • Part 5:單句填空40題 (四選一) • Part 6:短文填空12題 (四選一) • Part 7:單篇文章理解28題 (四選一) 雙篇文章理解20題 (四選一)

  10. Part 1 -- Photographs Description • 10張照片,每張照片會聽到四個描述,選符合圖片描述的選項 • 通常被當成最容易的大題 • 開始測驗前有一分半鐘的語音說明,所以有非常充分的時間可以預覽圖片 • 題目跟題目之間間隔五秒,選項跟選項之間幾乎沒有間隔 • 最常使用現在進行式、現在完成式跟現在式 • 考試重點 • 身份與職業、性別與人數、外貌 • 物品名稱、材質花樣、數量 • 地方介系詞 • 人的動作與感覺 • 物品的描述或位置 • 相似音

  11. Part 1 Example You will hear: • The woman is wearing glasses. • There is a note on the keyboard. • The woman is facing the monitor. • There is a lamp above the computer.

  12. Part 1 Example 2 You will hear: • The people are wearing coats. • The boat is in the water. • The life-jackets are on the boat. • The drum is in front of the chair.

  13. Part 2 – Question & response Description • 純聽力,沒有文字可參考 • 共30題三選一的選擇題 • 題目與題目之間相隔5秒,選項與選項之間沒有間隔 • 主要題型 • Information Q • Yes/No Q • Other types of • Choice Q • Negative Q • Tag Q • Statement • 四大陷阱 • 近似音 • 選項與題目重疊的字,幾乎都不是答案 • 錯誤的時代與人稱 • 無關的回答

  14. Part 2 Example 1. How many people are coming to the conference? • There were 70 people there. • I don't think she is coming. • At least 150 people. 2. Do you think the boss will take us out for lunch today? • I had a hamburger and fries. • He's probably too busy today. • I didn't take the bus.

  15. Part 3 -- Conversations Description • 測驗開始前的說明約30秒 • 一男一女的對話,最長45秒,題目跟題目之間間隔8秒,一個選項唸出完約4-6秒,Questionxx-xxrefertothefollowingconversation約6秒,翻頁時的go on to the next page約間隔10秒 • 舊制多益都是X-Y-X的架構,新制多益多了X-Y-X-Y的架構,且一個人可能連說好幾句話 • 題目並沒有按照對話的順序排列 • 通常三個題目中只有一題比較困難,柿子挑軟的吃

  16. Part 3 常考題型

  17. Part 3 Example Man: Do you want to share a taxi to the airport? We can save on expenses that way, and as you know the company is trying to cut costs. Woman: Actually I'm not flying. I'm going to the conference by bus. I have to leave tomorrow because it's going to take two days to get there. Man: That's right. I forgot that you are afraid of flying. Are you taking a vacation day tomorrow? Woman: Well, I worked some overtime last week, so I just banked it instead of wasting a holiday day. • What are the man and woman mainly discussing?A) A vacationB) A budgetC) A company policyD) A conference • How is the woman traveling?A) By planeB) By busC) By taxiD) By car • Why aren't the man and woman going together?A) The woman needs to arrive earlier.B) The man has to work overtime.C) The woman dislikes air travel.D) The man has to go to the bank first.

  18. Part 3 Example 2 Man: I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Are you going to be in the office, or do you have a meeting? Woman: I'll be here. And, don't worry. I don't have much on for today, so I'll handle all of your calls. Man: Thanks. I'm expecting a call from my lawyer. He's supposed to be sending me some changes to the contracts. Woman: I'll make sure to take a detailed message if he calls. Is there anything you want to tell him? Man: Well, you could remind him that I'm going to need to come downtown and sign a few papers in front of him. I'll have to set something up for next week. 4. What does the man have to do today?A) Visit his lawyerB) Get a massageC) Go to the doctorD) Make an appointment 5. What can be inferred from the conversation?A) The woman is the man's receptionist.B) The lawyer works in the same building.C) The woman has no deadlines today.D)The man and woman have a meeting this afternoon. 6. What does the woman offer to do for the man?A) Answer his phoneB) Call his lawyerC) Pick up the newspaperD) Take notes at the meeting

  19. Part 4 – Short talk Descrition • 45秒到一分鐘的獨白,每段3題 • 在獨白開始之前通常會有這樣的introductory statement • Qs xx through xx are based on the following announcement • Qs xx through xx refer to the following lecture • 五大類內容 • News report • news report • weather forecast • road condition • disaster report • Public announcement • advertisements • radio commercials • Commercial message • at the airport • on the plane • at a train station • on the train • on a ship • at stores • at sporting events • Business talk • meeting schedules • introduction • reporting • presentation • Recorded message • telephone messages • reminder • extension number

  20. Part 4 常考題型

  21. Part 4 Example Good morning ladies and gentleman. This is your tour guide speaking. I hope you have enjoyed the cruise of the inner harbour today. We certainly had a nice day for it, especially compared to yesterday. The ship will be docking in approximately five minutes. Once we are docked, please collect all of your belongings and exit the ship. As a reminder, our group will be exiting to the right. Follow the north ramp all the way to the far end of the platform. Before heading to the farmer's market we will gather under the ferry terminal Welcome Sign for a group photo. 1. What should the passengers do before exiting the ship?A) Welcome the visitorsB) Check the timeC) Collect their personal itemsD) Take a picture 2. What does the speaker imply?A) The water was rough.B) The weather was poor yesterday.C) The tour went faster than usual.D) There is only one way to exit. 3. What will happen in five minutes?A) The ship will arrive at the dock.B) The passengers will go shopping.C) The passengers will take photos of the ship.D) The market will open.

  22. Intro to TOEIC Reading

  23. Part 5&6 常考題型 • Word family • 近似字 • 名詞 • 動詞 • 形容詞/副詞 • 時態 • 介系詞 • 地方 • 時間 • 方式 • 連接詞 • 假設語氣 • 頻率副詞 • 代名詞 • 不定詞與動名詞 • 使役動詞

  24. Part 5 Examples 1. Despite having four years of experience in software programming, Mr. Jones hadn't used a word processing program __________. A) priorB) advancedC) previousD) before 2. The person who is taking the minutes will be seated __________ the chairman. A) fromB) toC) nextD) by 3. The employees __________ about the closure before the announcement was made public. A) knowB) knownC) knewD) have known 4. __________ it was a holiday, the doctor performed the emergency surgery on the heart patient. A) DuringB) EvenC) AlthoughD) So

  25. Part 6 Example Dear Ms. Michaels: Holiday Sale Seasons Greetings. As a _______ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. All craft paper, specialty printer paper, and decorative envelopes will be reduced by 50% for the month of December. 1.(A) value(B) valued(C) valid(D) validatedAs per tradition at Sid's Stationery, we will be having a Christmas raffle. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the Meridian Inn _______ Toronto Island. The winner will receive a free double occupancy stay in the penthouse suite as well as a free dinner on the moonlit patio. 2.(A) through(B) on(C) over(D) atMoney from ticket sales will be _______ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those who need it most this Christmas. 3.(A) purchased(B) donated(C) funded(D) collectedWe look forward to seeing you this Christmas season. Yours truly,

  26. 許多考生,都會遇到這樣的問題 • 測驗節奏很快,聽力測驗題目間隔短且不能重複播放,閱讀部分需要在75分鐘內答完大量題目與文章。 • 聽力部分含有五國口音,適應困難。 • 題型不熟悉,尤其雙篇閱讀為較新的測驗方式,在有時間壓力的情況下容易措手不及。 • 單字問題,不只是多益的常見字彙,是連基本的單字能力都沒有 • 沒有翻字典的習慣,或者太依賴電子字典,但不會去看例句,對詞性沒概念,更不用講句型

  27. 常見問題(續) • 背景知識的缺乏,很多閱讀測驗就算翻譯成中文一樣狀況外 • 不習慣保持兩個小時的專注,而且速度是很大的瓶頸 • 閱讀策略的缺乏,太習慣從頭看到尾逐字找答案 • 太習慣英翻中的模式,不習慣用英文解釋英文,因此腦海裡「同義字」跟「換句話說」的存量低到可憐 • 本來就沒有定期閱讀的習慣,習慣考前衝刺,碰到範圍較大的考試無招架之力

  28. 所以我們的訓練方向 • 詳細介紹多益聽力測驗之格式、時間間隔、節奏控制,並反覆練習。 • 快速辨識題目類型,在聽力開始前適度預測問題內容,以縮短反應時間。 • 安排單字練習計畫,並適度複習。 • 分析多益測驗的命題邏輯,並提示常見陷阱選項,避免常見的錯誤。 • 熟悉各式文章格式,以最短的時間掌握內容重點,擺脫逐字閱讀的答題習慣。

  29. Part I -- Photograph 1 (A) The two men are reading in the aisle seats. (B) Two businessmen are on a plane. (C) The plane’s two pilots are reading in their seats. (D) The two businessmen are executing a flight path. (A) 兩名男子在靠走道的位子上閱讀。 (B) 兩位商務人士正在飛機上。 (C) 班機的兩位機長在他們的位子上閱讀。 (D) 兩位商務人士正在執行航線。 2 (A) The intersection is full of people. (B) The man and woman have been delayed on the sidewalk. (C) The pedestrians are holding hands. (D) The crosswalk is in front of the skyscraper. (A) 十字路口擠滿了人。 (B) 男子與女子被耽擱在人行道上。 (C) 行人手牽著手。 (D) 斑馬線位在摩天大樓前方。

  30. Part I – Photograph(2) 3 (A) The car is being towed away. (B) There is a mailbox between the car and the bushes. (C) The garbage is being taken to the garbage bin. (D) A vehicle is parked in front of the garage. (A) 車子被拖吊了。 (B) 車子與灌木叢之間有一個信箱。 (C) 垃圾正被拿到垃圾桶裡。 (D) 有輛車子停在車庫前面。 4 (A) The man and woman are bathing in the sea. (B) The couple are lounging at home. (C) The couple are cruising on the highway. (D) The couple are on a cruise. (A) 男子與女子在海裡泡澡。 (B) 這對男女在家裡懶洋洋地打發時間。 (C) 這對男女馳騁在公路上。 (D) 這對男女正乘坐郵輪航行。

  31. Part I – Photograph(3) 5 (A) All of the pages of the notebook have been torn out. (B) There’s a telephone between the computer and notebook. (C) The eyeglasses are to the right of the pencil cup. (D) There’s a computer in front of the calculator. (A) 筆記本上的每一頁都被撕掉了。 (B) 電腦與筆記本之間有一個電話。 (C) 眼鏡在筆筒的右邊。 (D) 計算機前面有一台電腦。 6 (A) A construction worker is reading the blueprint. (B) There is a model building on the desk. (C) A team is constructing a retail outlet. (D) A construction crew is breaking ground. (A) 一位建築工人在看藍圖。 (B) 桌上有一個建築模型。 (C) 一個團隊正在建設一個零售商場。 (D) 一組建築工人正在破土。

  32. Part I – Photograph(4) 7 (A) The two travelers are on board an airplane. (B) The man and woman are at the check-in counter. (C) Two people are looking for their gate. (D) Two tourists are boarding at their gate. (A) 兩個旅人正在搭飛機。 (B) 那名男子與女子正在報到櫃台。 (C) 兩人在找登機門。 (D) 兩位觀光客在登機門正要上飛機。 8 (A) Some files have been arranged in piles. (B) The whiteboard has been written all over. (C) An executive is making a presentation. (D) They are taking off their coats. (A) 有些檔案已被整理好疊起來。 (B) 白板上已被寫滿了字。 (C) 一位管理者正在做簡報。 (D) 他們正在脫外套。 正

  33. Part I – Photograph(5) 9 (A) The busboy is getting a tip. (B) The man is tipping the bellboy. (C) The restaurant waiter is getting tipped. (D) The couple are sitting on the bed. (A) 餐廳助手正在拿取小費。 (B) 男子正在給行李員小費。 (C) 餐廳侍者正拿到小費。 (D) 這對男女正坐在床上。 10 (A) There is a woman between the man and the waiter. (B) The table is covered with dirty dishes. (C) The man is paying his bill by credit card. (D) The utensils have been placed on the dining table. (A) 有一名女子在男子與服務生之間。 (B) 桌上充滿了髒盤子。 (C) 那名男子正用信用卡付帳單。 (D) 餐具已被放置在餐桌上。 正

  34. Part II – Questions and Response 11. Will you be taking a vacation this summer? (A) I’m not sure I’ll have time. (B) Yes, I’ll be working all summer. (C) No, I have lots of time this year. 你今年夏天會去度假嗎? (A) 我不確定是否有時間。 (B) 會,我整個夏天都要工作。 (C) 不,我今年有很多時間。 12. How much money did you pay for dinner last night? (A) Yes, twice in fact. (B) It came to about 50 dollars. (C) You paid more than 70 dollars. 你昨天晚上的晚餐付了多少錢? (A) 沒錯,事實上是兩倍。 (B) 總共約五十美元。 (C) 你付超過七十美元。

  35. Part II – Questions and Response(2) 13. Do you want to have fast food or a sit-down lunch? (A) Yes, I sometimes like fast food. (B) Let’s sit down and enjoy lunch. (C) Right, let’s have a rest first. 你想吃速食還是坐下來吃份套餐呢? (A) 是,我有時也喜歡速食。 (B) 我們坐下來好好享用午餐吧! (C) 好,我們先休息一下吧。 14 Where do we keep the extra printer paper? (A) In the box next to the printer. (B) We’ll get some next week. (C) OK, but it will cost you more. 我們把額外的列印紙放在哪? (A) 在印表機旁邊的盒子裡。 (B) 我們下星期會拿到一些。 (C) 好的,但這比較花錢。

  36. Part II – Questions and Response(3) 15 Have you ordered the new stationery? (A) Sure, I put it all in order. (B) Yes, I ordered it this morning. (C) Yes, I will soon. 你訂購新的文具用品了嗎? (A) 當然,我全部整理好了。 (B) 是的,我今天早上訂了。 (C) 是的,我很快就會做。 16 How long have you been waiting here? (A) About an hour. (B) Sure, go ahead. (C) Just a moment, please. 你在這裡等多久了? (A) 大約一個小時。 (B) 當然,儘管去吧。 (C) 請等一下。

  37. Part II – Questions and Response(4) 17 What day of the week is best to have a regular meeting on? (A) June 3 works for me. (B) Let’s try Mondays. (C) I get in at eight every morning. 一星期的哪一天能夠開例行會議呢? (A) 六月三號我可以。 (B) 那就禮拜一吧。 (C) 我每天早上八點到。 18 It sure is hot this summer! (A) I know! Can you believe it? (B) I’m not so sure you are. (C) The sun may come out soon. 今年夏天一定很熱! (A) 我知道,真不敢相信! (B) 我不確定你是。 (C) 太陽可能很快就出來了。

  38. Part II – Questions and Response(5) 19 When did you hear the news? (A) It isn’t new. (B) I’m scheduled for three o’clock. (C) I heard yesterday. 你什麼時候聽到這個消息的? (A) 這不是新的。 (B) 我三點有事。 (C) 我昨天聽到的。 20 Mark has worked here for a long time, hasn’t he? (A) He had before then. (B) Right, he did. (C) Yes, he has. 馬克在這裡工作很久了,不是嗎? (A) 在那之前他就有了。 (B) 對,他做了。 (C) 是呀。

  39. Q41-43 Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. W: Hey, next Monday is our manager’s one-year anniversary at the company. We should throw her a surprise party at lunchtime. M: Great idea! Do you want to have the party here in the office or at a restaurant? W: Let’s have it right here. We can surprise her by bringing in Japanese food. M: That would be a bad surprise. She doesn’t like Japanese food. Maybe we should get a mix of foods.

  40. Q44-46 Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation. M: Hey, I need some advice. I really don’t like my job anymore. Should I quit? W: No, you shouldn’t. Now is not a good time to be looking for a job. M: That’s right. A lot of people are unemployed now. What should I do? W: Well, try looking for a new job in your free time, but don’t quit until you find one.

  41. Q47-49 Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation. W: Hi, I need to make an appointment to see the dentist this week—in the afternoon if possible. M: Let me see what times we have available . . . I can get you in tomorrow or Friday at 3 p.m. W: Do you have anything later than three? I don’t get off from work until four. M: Hmm . . . How about seeing the dentist on Friday afternoon at 4:30 p.m.?

  42. Questions 71-73 Good morning. Today is the first official day of summer, and it’s going to feel like summer. We are expecting sunny skies and highs of about 80 degrees along the coast, with temperatures of over 100 degrees in the inland cities. So if you’re along the coast, it’s a great day to go to the beach, but if you are inland, stay indoors and drink lots of water. Things will get cooler tomorrow, with high temperatures of about 60 along the coast, but the following day it is going to get hot again.

  43. Questions 74-76 Good evening. I am going to talk about technology and job hunting. Technology seems to make job hunting easier, but that is far from true. For instance, it is easy to send résumés out over the Internet, but many more people are now doing so. Some companies are now receiving as many as 300 résumés for every job opening. So you need to get out and meet people. You need to talk to the managers who are hiring. Next is the résumé itself. Computers make it easy for us to type a résumé, but we now can—and have to—change our résumés to fit each job we apply for. So that becomes a lot more work.

  44. Questions 77-79 Welcome to our new city library. As you are going to see, a library today is much more than it used to be. You see, the Internet makes it easy for people to get any information they need quickly and easily. So the library has had to grow. To begin with, over here is our computer room. Here we have computers for people to use for free. Just as the library provides free books for people to read, it now provides free Internet access. And over here, we have our study room, with desks and sofas where people can find a comfortable and air-conditioned space to read or study. Now, let’s go into the events room.

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