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Herbal Medicines Ayurvedic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is inclusive of herbal medicines, fresh fruits & vegetables, spices and essential oils. So yes, herbal medicines for Nephrotic syndrome are a part of Ayurvedic treatment.

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Herbal Medicines Ayurvedic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome

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  1. Are herbal medicines a part of Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic syndrome? Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment is inclusive of herbal medicines, fresh fruits & vegetables, spices and essential oils. So yes, herbal medicines for Nephrotic syndrome are a part of Ayurvedic treatment. A Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that collectively becomes a disorder. These symptoms often occur as the excess of protein in the urine, swelling in hands & legs, and an abnormal increase in the size of the abdominal area. Infants, kids at the early stages of life and children have more chances to get afflicted by this disorder whereas adults have lower chances. The path physiology: Commonly known as disease, Nephrotic syndrome is a disorder damaging the blood vessels of kidneys and further, the damaged kidneys start to show the symptoms. Disease prevalence: Nephrotic Syndrome is common in children with or between the ages of 1 to 6 years. It is common both in boys and girls. But it doesn’t mean that it cannot affect the other age groups and people. Causes: FSGS: It is a genetic defect attacking the nephrons and Glomeruli of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis: Inflammation in Glomeruli supported by other diseases like hepatitis B, malaria, and cancer. Blocked blood vessels: The presence of blood clots in arteries and veins can block the pathway of blood flow. Lupus: Inflammation in kidneys and different organs’ blood vessels. Protein build-up: A plasma protein naming amyloidal in excess amounts present in the blood can cause Nephrotic syndrome.

  2. Overconsumption of drugs. Overconsumption of alcohol. Consumption of illegal drugs and narcotics. Symptoms: Proteinuria: When there is too much presence of protein in urine and blood. Various heart diseases like the problem of high cholesterol. Albuminuria: When there is a loss of protein in the blood. Edema: This is the most prominent symptom in Nephrotic Syndrome, there would be swelling in feet and legs and other parts of the body. Foamy urine Sudden weight gain. Lost appetite. If the infants are suffering from Nephrotic syndrome then the following symptoms will occur: Pale fingernails. Dull hair. Intolerance of food. Food allergies. Restlessness Discomfort. Diagnoses: Urine test: Just like any other test, this test helps in understanding the amount of protein the body is losing in a day. Blood test: This test is done to check the levels of albumin, cholesterol and other chemicals in the blood. Imaging test: When none of the above tests show the accurate results, this test helps in understanding the picture of kidneys by visualizing different types of equipment. Kidney Biopsy: This is the type of test that includes a few surgical instruments. A part of the tissue is taken from kidneys to understand the condition of the kidneys. Complications: Accumulation of minerals, salts and other types of wastes leading to the clotting of blood. High cholesterol levels High blood pressure, because of obstructed exchange of blood. Sudden weight loss: Even if don’t compromise on your diet, loss of protein can make you lose a lot of weight and will make you look malnutrition. Reduced count of RBCs: When the kidneys are damaged, not only the waste and protein leaks from the body, other important nutrients and components. When the count of red blood cells decreases, there are increased chances of getting caught by Anemia. Common herbal medicines during the treatment of Kidney diseases:

  3. Punnarnava Gokshura (Crataeva nurvala) Kaashni/Kaasni Dudhali (Dandelion) Palash Dalchini (Cinnamon) Rakt Chandan Chicory Chamomile Shirish Guduchi Gokharu Nettle leaf Triphala Varuna Turmeric Asparagus Celery Marshmallow root (Althaea Officinalis) Berberis asitata Jupiter berries Balsamodendron Mukul Azadirachta indica (Neem) Out of all turmeric is considered as the common herbal medicine for Nephrotic syndrome found in every kitchen of India. If you are curious to know about the healing power of Ayurveda then consult the best nephrologist and he will recommend the best Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome. Important information: The information above is for your reference. Kindly consult the best kidney specialists in Delhi for further application and consumption.

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