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Save Paper, Make RPI Greener

Save Paper, Make RPI Greener. The Three Musketeers Jessica, Asia, Jamie. Environmental Problems. One printed page wasted costs $0.06= $300 if every RPI students wastes just one sheet One Tree... 8,333 sheets of paper 1.5 sheets for every RPI students Can remove 48 pounds of CO2

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Save Paper, Make RPI Greener

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  1. Save Paper, Make RPI Greener The Three Musketeers Jessica, Asia, Jamie

  2. Environmental Problems • One printed page wasted costs $0.06= $300 if every RPI students wastes just one sheet • One Tree... • 8,333 sheets of paper • 1.5 sheets for every RPI students • Can remove 48 pounds of CO2 • Creates enough oxygen for two people

  3. What are we going to do about it?

  4. Proposal • Three printers – in Union, VCC, and Library • Guidelines for Greener Printing • Professor require double-sided printing/online submission • Changing of the printed receipts

  5. Details: Double-Sided Printers • Three Printers: VCC, Library, Student Union • Most heavily printed areas • The Average price for each printer we are looking to purchase is: $500-$1000 for large, $100-$400 for small(1). • Brand:Xerox, HP, Lexmark • Where to purchase:Online (bizrate, Adorama)

  6. Details: Guidelines for Printing • Post on VCC website (current list on wiki for reference) • Post at printing sites – visible to students • Makes students aware of simple changes they can make

  7. Details: Talking to Professors • Strongly encourage students to submit double-side work or online submission • Double-sided: less bulk of papers • Online Submission: all in one place • Making the professors aware of the new printers on campus

  8. Details: Receipts from Printing • Save one sheet of paper for every print job • Change the way students receive their receipts/ separate work • Email receipt • Print blank page (can be reloaded) • RCS id printed on footers

  9. Short-Term Goals: • Double-sided printers in three areas • Talking to professors • Talking to students • Informing them of changes • Informing them of ways to print more efficiently • Guidelines for greener printing posted

  10. Thinking Ahead: • Changing of the receipts • If needed: drivers installed on all laptops • Policy change • Purchase double-sided printers from now on • Use recycled paper instead of virgin paper • Work to be submitted double-sided or online

  11. What’s in it for RPI? • Save money on paper and ink • Greener image • Less re-prints • Less waste needed to be cleaned up • Satisfaction of helping the environment • Adding to RPI’s mission to be more sustainable

  12. In Conclusion: • Single-sided printing, human error, and full paper printing receipts wastes a lot of paper, we want to change that (at least on a small scale) • Double-sided printers and a better system of separating student work will save paper and make RPI greener • We have short-term goals that are fairly easy to implement and some long-term goals for the school as a whole that this project can be expanded upon if it works at this initial stage

  13. References: • Bizrate. Bizrate.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Nov. 2013. <http://www.bizrate.com/printers/products__keyword--double+sided+printers__start--40.html>. • "How Many Trees Are Needed to Make a given Amount of Paper?" Metaclimate.com. Blogger, 10 Feb. 2011. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. <http://climatechangepw.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-many-trees-are-needed-to-make-given.html>. • "One Tree = How Much Paper?" Editorial. Green@work Sept.-Oct. 2003: n. pag. Greenatworkmag.com. Premier Corporate Sustainability. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. • "Printing Facts." Urban.csuohio.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. <http://urban.csuohio.edu/~sanda/syl/envpol/materials/GREEN%20FACTS.pdf>. • "15 Facts About Paper Waste." Askgreenirene.tenderapp.com. Tender, 3 Sept. 2012. Web. 7 Nov. 2013.

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