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Three Sisters. By Anton Chekhov 1901. Russian Theatre: 19 Century.
Three Sisters By Anton Chekhov 1901
Russian Theatre: 19 Century • The 19th century was probably the most fruitful period in the history of Russian literature, often referred to as the "Golden Era" of Russian literature. This period saw such geniuses as Aleksandr Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolay Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov.
Russian Theatre: 19 Century • 19th century Russian theatre consisted of farce, musical drama, romances and melodrama. • In Russia, the fashion was for plays to take some sort of political/social stance. • Very little progress was made in Russian theatre until the organisation of the Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) in 1898. The MAT needed content that was original. Chekhov’s plays fulfilled that need.
Before the 19th century, drama received very little attention from Russian writers. But by the end of the century, several timeless plays had been written by Anton Chekhov.
First – some facts about Chekhov • Name: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov • Birth Date: January, 1860 • Death Date: July 2, 1904 • Place of Death:Badenweiler, Germany • Nationality: Russian • Gender: Male • Occupations: dramatist, author
He was a master of the short story. • He was given the title of "Shakespeare of the twentieth century." • Chekhov was of a different social class from that of the major Russian authors before him– he was one generation removed from being a peasant.
He was educated as a physician. • He was a relentless philanthropist. (philanthropy: the practice of performing charitable actions) • He published under pseudonyms, the most famous of which was “AntoshaChekhonte”.By the time of his death, Chekhov had used more than fifty pseudonyms.
When Chekhov Wrote His Published Plays Platonov.....................................................1881 On the Highway...........................................1885 On the Harmfulness of Tobacco ..............1886-1902 The Swan Song (Kalkhas)......................1887-1888 Ivanov................................................1887-1889 The Bear.....................................................1888 The Proposal.......................................1888-1889 Tatyana Repina............................................1889 The Wedding .......................................1889-1890 The Wood Demon ................................1889-1890 The Anniversary...........................................1891 The Night Before the Trial .............................1895 The Seagull.................................................1896 Uncle Vanya................................................1897 Three Sisters .........1900-1901 The Cherry Orchard...............................1903-1904
Chekhov’s reason for writing • All I wanted was to say honestly to people: “Have a look at yourselves and see how bad and dreary your lives are!” The important thing is that people should realize that, for when they do, they will most certainly create another and better life for themselves.
I will not live to see it, but I know that it will be quite different, quite unlike our present life. And so long as this different life does not exist, I shall go on saying to people again and again: “Please, understand that your life is bad and dreary!” What is there to cry about?
Chekhov was a prolific writer. Following are just some of his works:
A Living Chattel [Живойтовар (1882)]· Joy [Радость (1883)]· At The Barber's [В цирульне (1883)]· An Enigmatic Nature [Загадочнаянатура (1883)]· A Classical Student [Случай с классиком (1883)]· The Death Of A Government Clerk [Смертьчиновника (1883)]· The Trousseau [Приданое (1883)]· A Daughter Of Albion [ДочьАльбиона (1883)]· An Inquiry [Справка (1883)]· Fat And Thin [Толстый и тонкий (1883)]· A Tragic Actor [Трагик (1883)]· The Bird Market [В МосквенаТрубнойплощади (1883)]· A Slander [Клевета (1883)]· The Swedish Match [Шведскаяспичка (Уголовныйрассказ) (1883)]· Choristers [Певчие (1884)]· The Album [Альбом (1884)]· Minds In Ferment [Брожениеумов (1884)]· A Chameleon [Хамелеон (1884)]· In The Graveyard [Накладбище (1884)]· Oysters [Устрицы (1884)]· The Marshal's Widow [У предводительши (1885)]· Small Fry [Мелюзга (1885)]· In An Hotel [В номерах (1885)]· Boots [Сапоги (1885)]· Nerves [Нервы (1885)]· A Country Cottage [Дачники (1885)]· Malingerers [Симулянты (1885)]· The Fish [Налим (1885)]· Gone Astray [Заблудшие (1885)]·
The Huntsman [Егерь (1885)]· A Malefactor [Злоумышленник (1885)]· The Head Of The Family [Отецсемейства (1885)]· A Dead Body [Мертвоетело (1885)]· The Cook's Wedding [Кухаркаженится (1885)]· In A Strange Land [Начужбине (1885)]· Overdoing It [Пересолил (1885)]· Old Age [Старость (1885)]· Sorrow [Горе (1885)]· Oh! The Public [Ну, публика! (1885)]· Mari D'elle [Mari D'elle (1885)]· The Looking-glass [Зеркало (1885)]· Art [Художество (1886)]· A Blunder [Неудача (1886)]· Children [Детвора (1886)]· Misery [Тоска (1886)]· An Upheaval [Переполох (1886)]· An Actor's End [Актёрскаягибель (1886)]· The Requiem [Панихида (1886)]· Anyuta [Анюта (1886)]· Ivan Matveyitch [ИванМатвеич (1886)]· The Witch [Ведьма (1886)]· A Story Without An End [Рассказбезконца (1886)]· A Joke [Шуточка (1886)]· Agafya [Агафья (1886)]· A Nightmare [Кошмар (1886)]· Grisha [Гриша (1886)]· Love [Любовь (1886)]· Easter Eve [Святоюночью (1886)]· Ladies [Дамы (1886)]· Strong Impressions [Сильныеощущения (1886)]· A Gentleman Friend [Знакомыймужчина (1886)]· A Happy Man [Счастливчик (1886)]· The Privy Councillor [Тайныйсоветник (1886)]· A Day In The Country [Деньзагородом (1886)]· At A Summer Villa [Надаче (1886)]· Panic Fears [Страхи (1886)]· The Chemist's Wife [Аптекарша (1886)]· Not Wanted [Лишниелюди (1886)]· The Chorus Girl [Хористка (1886)]· The Schoolmaster [Учитель (1886)]·
A Troublesome Visitor [Беспокойныйгость (1886)]· The Husband [Муж (1886)]· A Misfortune [Несчастье (1886)]· A Pink Stocking [Розовыйчулок (1886)]· Martyrs [Страдальцы (1886)]· The First-class Passenger [Пассажир 1-го класса (1886)]· Talent [Талант (1886)]· The Dependents [Нахлебники (1886)]· The Jeune Premier [Первыйлюбовник (1886)]· In The Dark [В потёмках (1886)]· A Trivial Incident [Пустойслучай (1886)]· A Tripping Tongue [Длинныйязык (1886)]· A Trifle From Life [Житейскаямелочь (1886)]· Difficult People [Тяжёлыелюди (1886)]· In The Court [В суде (1886)]· A Peculiar Man [Необыкновенный (1886)]· Mire [Тина (1886)]· Dreams [Мечты (1886)]· Hush! [Тссс! (1886)]· Excellent People [Хорошиелюди (1886)]· An Incident [Событие (1886)]· The Orator [Оратор (1886)]· A Work Of Art [Произведениеискусства (1886)]· Who Was To Blame? [Ктовиноват? (1886)]· Vanka [Ванька (1886)]· On The Road [Напути (1886)]· Champagne [Шампанское (1887)]· Frost [Мороз (1887)]· The Beggar [Нищий (1887)]· Enemies [Враги (1887)]· Darkness [Темнота (1887)]· Polinka [Полинька (1887)]· Drunk [Пьяные (1887)]· An Inadvertence [Неосторожность (1887)]· Verotchka [Верочка (1887)]· Shrove Tuesday [Наканунепоста (1887)]· A Defenceless Creature [Беззащитноесущество (1887)]· A Bad Business [Недоброедело (1887)]· Home [Дома (1887)]· The Lottery Ticket [Выигрышныйбилет (1887)]·
Too Early! [Рано! (1887)]· Typhus [Тиф (1887)]· In Passion Week [Настрастнойнеделе (1887)]· A Mystery [Тайна (1887)]· The Cossack [Казак (1887)]· The Letter [Письмо (1887)]· An Adventure [Происшествие (1887)]· The Examining Magistrate [Следователь (1887)]· Aborigines [Обыватели (1887)]· Volodya [Володя (1887)]· Happiness [Счастье (1887)]· Bad Weather [Ненастье (1887)]· A Play [Драма (1887)]· A Transgression [Беззаконие (1887)]· From The Diary Of A Violent-tempered Man [Иззаписоквспыльчивогочеловека (1887)]· Uprooted [Перекати-поле (1887)]· A Father [Отец (1887)]· A Happy Ending [Хорошийконец (1887)]· In The Coach-house [В сарае (1887)]· Zinotchka [Зиночка (1887)]· The Doctor [Доктор (1887)]· The Pipe [Свирель (1887)]· An Avenger [Мститель (1887)]· The Post [Почта (1887)]· The Runaway [Беглец (1887)]· A Problem [Задача (1887)]· The Old House [Старыйдом (1887)]· The Cattle-dealers [Холоднаякровь (1887)]· Expensive Lessons [Дорогиеуроки (1887)]· The Lion And The Sun [Лев и Солнце (1887)]· In Trouble [Беда (1887)]· The Kiss [Поцелуй (1887)]· Boys [Мальчики (1887)]· Kashtanka [Каштанка (1887)]· A Lady's Story [Рассказгоспожи NN (1887)]· A Story Without A Title [Беззаглавия (1887)]· Sleepy [Спатьхочется (1888)]· The Steppe [Степь (1888)]· Lights [Огни (1888)]· The Beauties [Красавицы (1888)]· The Party [Именины (1888)]· A Nervous Breakdown [Припадок (1888)]· The Shoemaker And The Devil [Сапожник и нечистаясила (1888)]· The Bet [Пари (1888)]· The Princess [Княгиня (1889)]· A Dreary Story [Скучнаяистория (1889)]· The Horse-stealers [Воры (1890)]· Gusev [Гусев (1890)]· Peasant Wives [Бабы (1891)]· The Duel [Дуэль (1891)]· The Wife [Жена (1891)]· The Grasshopper [Попрыгунья (1891)]· After The Theatre [Послетеатра (1892)]· In Exile [В ссылке (1892)]· Neighbours [Соседи (1892)]·
Ward No. 6 [Палата № 6 (1892)]· Terror [Страх (1892)]· An Anonymous Story [Рассказнеизвестногочеловека (1892)]· The Two Volodyas [Володябольшой и Володямаленький (1893)]· The Black Monk [Чёрныймонах (1893)]· A Woman's Kingdom [Бабьецарство (1893)]· Rothschild's Fiddle [СкрипкаРотшильда (1894)]· The Student [Студент (1894)]· The Teacher Of Literature [Учительсловесности (1894)]· At A Country House [В усадьбе (1894)]· The Head-gardener's Story [Рассказстаршегосадовника (1894)]· Three Years [Тригода (1895)]· The Helpmate [Супруга (1895)]· Whitebrow [Белолобый (1895)]· Anna On The Neck [Аннанашее (1895)]· The Murder [Убийство (1895)]· Ariadne [Ариадна (1895)]· An Artist's Story [Дом с мезонином (1896)]· My Life [Мояжизнь (1896)]· Peasants [Мужики (1897)]· The Petchenyeg [Печенег (1897)]· At Home [В родномуглу (1897)]· The Schoolmistress [Наподводе (1897)]· The Man In A Case [Человек в футляре (1898)]· Gooseberries [Крыжовник (1898)]· About Love [О любви (1898)]· Ionitch [Ионыч (1898)]· A Doctor's Visit [Случайизпрактики (1898)]· The Darling [Душечка (1899)]· The New Villa [Новаядача (1899)]· On Official Duty [Поделамслужбы (1899)]· The Lady With The Dog [Дама с собачкой (1899)]· At Christmas Time [Насвятках (1899)]· In The Ravine [В овраге (1899)]· The Bishop [Архиерей (1902)]· Betrothed [Невеста (1903)]·
Chekhov believed in essentially bourgeoisie (the middle classes; a mediocre, unimaginative, or materialistic person) values, stressing the moral necessity of ordinary virtues such as daily kindness, cleanliness, politeness, work, sobriety, paying one's debts, and avoiding self-pity. In his stories, an overt plot subtly hints at other hidden stories.
Three Sisters Three Sisters: 1900-1901 1901: Premiere of Three Sisters
In his plays Chekhov expresses the view that it would take at least two to three hundred years, or perhaps even a thousand years, to bring about a change in human nature, and in Three Sisters he makes the idealist (a person who represents things as they might or should be rather than as they are), Vershinin, his mouthpiece on the future of mankind.
However, the whole structure of the play is designed to undercut Vershinin. He insists that life is always becoming ‘steadily easier and brighter’. But more than three years go by in the course of the play, and nothing changes – not at any rate for the better – nothing even begins to change.
In Three Sisters (1901), Chekhov's belief that life is lived at ordinary moments and that histrionics (deliberately affected or self-consciously emotional; overly dramatic, in behaviour or speech) are a dangerous lie, found expression in the undramatic drama-or the theatre of inaction.
Three Sisters was the first play that Chekhov wrote specifically for the Moscow Art Theatre. Like many of Chekhov's works, it is about the decay of the privileged class in Russia and the search for meaning in the modern world.
Three Sisters, more than any of Chekhov’s plays, has been read as a deeply pessimistic, almost nihilistic (total rejection of established laws and institutions) play. Chekhov has been called ‘the dramatist of disillusionment, of frustrated hopes, and of human failure’.
Through their own inertia and passivity, the characters in Three Sisters make their lives absurd. Chekhov is reminding his audience not to waste their lives in the way that the characters on-stage waste theirs. ‘Chekhov is really writing about the illusion of happiness, the absurdity of our quest for it’.
Chekhov’s world is deeply embedded in chronological time. His audiences are shown characters who are quite literally ‘wasting their time’. Three Sisters does not depict a world in which there is nothing to be done, but one in which ‘no one is doing anything’.
Choose one of the following prompts to write on: • Three Sisters does not depict a world in which there is nothing to be done, but one in which ‘no one is doing anything’. • Chekhov has been called ‘the dramatist of disillusionment, of frustrated hopes, and of human failure’. (Approx. 600 words)
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