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Data Centres Information, advice & volunteering Science Demonstration Phase Decide our plans

Data Centres Information, advice & volunteering Science Demonstration Phase Decide our plans Simulations Decide common scenarios Complementary Data Information gathering Issues & priorities Management Information Decide Logo. Thought for the day. Herschel Data I’m not worried

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Data Centres Information, advice & volunteering Science Demonstration Phase Decide our plans

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  1. Data Centres Information, advice & volunteering • Science Demonstration Phase Decide our plans • Simulations Decide common scenarios • Complementary Data Information gathering Issues & priorities • Management Information Decide Logo

  2. Thought for the day • Herschel Data I’m not worried • Modelling & Analysis I’m mostly not worried • Complementary Data I am worried! Call for data homogenisation proposals

  3. HerMES & PEP Survey Fields

  4. Deliverable Data Products Value Added Products

  5. HerMES 350mu Scuba 450 SHADES Kristin Coppin HerMES sims Fernandez-Conde et al. 2008 & Rupert Ward

  6. Schedule • Launch ~ Jan ‘09 --> April ‘09 • L+4 Aug ‘09 Science Demonstration • L+5 Sep ‘09 Routine Obs. Start • L+6 Oct ‘09 (Prior to AO2) EDR • L+17 Sep ‘10 (ROS+12) DR1 • L+42 Oct ‘12 (End of Mission) DR2

  7. Proposed new schedule • ER 1 at L+8 • including bright sources from science verification data one month before the due date for OT1 proposals. • ER2 at L+19 • including bright sources from all data delivered to us at L+16 (one month after the OT2 call and 8 months before they are due). • DR1 at L+26 • including bandmerged catalogues from all our Herschel data • DR2 at L+42 • including maps, bandmerged catalogues and some appropriate ancillary data.

  8. SAG-1 Coordinators (Bock, Oliver) - facilitate communication and interactions within the SAG - coordinate efforts by team members - guide selection of new members - devise SAG policies with SAG input - represent the SAG in collaborations - resolve disputes - aim is openness and consensus decisions SAG-1 Data Products Managers (Aussel, Clements, Roseboom, Schulz, ancillary) - coordinate the effort of teams that process post-pipeline SAG-1 data through regular telecons and meetings - monitor progress so the data can be made available to the entire SAG in a timely fashion for scientific exploitation - manage data verification to ensure the release of homogenous data sets to both SAG-1 and to the community Science Project Coordinators (not selected yet) - define the scientific objectives and scope of the program - define work flow and distribute work packages specific to the science objectives - insure that the data processing tasks are integrated with the science objectives - coordinate the acquisition of ancillary data - oversee the development of any program-specific tools - maintain project information on the Hermes web page - monitor progress and insure timeliness of the publications SAG-1 Management Roles

  9. Protect the rights of SPIRE members and their long-term contributions. • Encourage younger scientists to participate in SAG-1 data products and science. • We are past the stage where participation in the science definition phase is useful. • Senior scientists have to offer the SAG something besides the ability to publish papers. SAG-1 Policy for New Members Consortium Working Members (CWMs) - contribute to the ICC - can apply to become a SPIRE associate after 1 year Science Working Members (SWMs) - contribute to SAG-1 data centers and can apply to be SAG-1 core after 1 year full-time effort to SAG data products, and based on significance of contributions to the SAG - or contribute to topical science and remain a SWM Consultants - participate in their area of expertise - most likely entry route is provision of ancillary data

  10. - Papers must pass through an internal review process • - All SAG members have a right to be on papers if they have contributed • - All SAG members have the right to propose papers • All presentations must be approved: talks, posters, PhD theses, etc. • Talks must be made available to entire SAG in advance and approved by the • coordinators. Talks must not release new results unless as part of an approved • publication • - Unlicensed release of data or results will not be allowed • Proposals must have a MOU if they rely or exploit SAG-1 GT data • - Lead author must be a SAG-1 member, except for collaboration papers SAG-1 Publication Policy (1)

  11. Key Science papers describe first anticipated core scientific results Primary Science papers describe important scientific results from further analysis. Topical Science papers describe a specialized topic. Collaboration papers follow the rules of the collaboration. E.g. PACS/SPIRE papers follow the rules of the Hermes/PEP collaboration. SAG-1 Publication Policy (2)

  12. - Proposals for scientific projects: one proposal per paper topic • - Proposal sets scope and organization. • Authorship finalized at time of publication, decided by members contributing to the paper • and endorsed by the SAG-1 coordinators • - Project proposal selection based on • Scientific merit • Workforce • Experience, time availability, commitments, and past performance of coordinator • - SAG-1 coordinators may merge, alter, or (if necessary) reject proposals • - Only one Key or Primary paper per member at a time • SAG-1 coordinators may intervene on badly lagging projects, e.g. add authors, switch • coordinator, go back into general pool • - Changes in a project coordinator after selection must be approved by SAG coordinators SAG-1 Project Proposals *Open submission for time-critical papers **Call for PACS/SPIRE projects not yet determined ***Arrangements for collaborative papers depend on the specific agreement

  13. Science Demonstration • Deep mapping of 30'X30' field. 30 Scans CDFS or HDFN • Large mapping 2-3 cross-scanned CDFS or Lockman • Parallel mode observations. Any field • Cluster observation same target as PACS

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