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DEGRADASI TANAH. DEGRADASI TANAH. Salinisasi Salinization is the result of irrigating soils i.e. watering them. Water used for irrigation usually contains dissolved salts, which are left behind in the soil after the water evaporates.
DEGRADASI TANAH Salinisasi • Salinization is the result of irrigating soils i.e. watering them. Water used for irrigation usually contains dissolved salts, which are left behind in the soil after the water evaporates. • In poorly drained soils, the salts left behind are not washed away and begin to accumulate in the topsoil. Plants cannot grow in soil that is too salty. • Another problem caused by irrigation is that over irrigation/water run off can remove vital nutrients such as Ca2+, K+ , NH4+ and Mg2+ from the topsoil.
Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property Michael W. I. Schmidt, Margaret S. Torn, Samuel Abiven, Thorsten Dittmar, Georg Guggenberger, Ivan A. Janssens, Markus Kleber, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Johannes Lehmann, David A. C. Manning, Paolo Nannipieri, Daniel P. Rasse, Steve Weiner & Susan E. Trumbore. Nature Volume: 478, Pages: 49–56 (06 October 2011) Sumber: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v478/n7367/full/nature10386.html
An innovative approach to salinity management at Kamarooka in North Central Victoria Developed and managed by the Northern United Forestry Group Hydraulic relationship with the catchment The hydraulic conditions that drive the groundwater system and the salinity issue are a little more complex than described above. Erosion over time has stripped the ancient deeply weathered land surface from the upper catchment, and the fractured rock aquifer is now either exposed at the land surface or has only a minimal soil cover separating the fractured rock from land surface. In this region it is much easier for rainfall to enter the aquifer, particularly where the land is lacking deep rooted vegetation. Sumber: http://nufg.org.au/Kamarooka%20Project.htm
DEGRADASI TANAH Deplesi Hara • Tumbuhanmenyerapsejumlahunsurhara mineral dartitanah. • If soil is not allowed to recover i.e. allowed time for the removed nutrients to be replaced through natural processes, the soil becomes depleted in these nutrients and this will effect future plant growth. • Monoculture i.e. growing the same crop time after time increases nutrient depletion. • Allowing soils to remain fallow (no crops are grown and nutrients can be replaced) for a while or use crop rotation i.e. grow different crops which absorb different nutrients are some solutions.
PENCEMARAN TANAH Pencemaran Tanah • Penggunaanbahanagrokimia, sepertipestisidadanpupuk. • Bahanagrokimiainidapatmengakibatkan : • disrupt the soil food web, • reduce the soil’s biodiversity • ultimately ruin the soil. • These chemicals also run off the soil into surface waters and move through the soil, polluting groundwater.
Soil pollution comprises the pollution of soils with materials, mostly chemicals, that are out of place or are present at concentrations higher than normal which may have adverse effects on humans or other organisms. It is difficult to define soil pollution exactly because different opinions exist on how to characterize a pollutant; while some consider the use of pesticides acceptable if their effect does not exceed the intended result, others do not consider any use of pesticides or even chemical fertilizers acceptable. However, soil pollution is also caused by means other than the direct addition of xenobiotic (man-made) chemicals such as agricultural runoff waters, industrial waste materials, acidic precipitates, and radioactive fallout.
Soil pollution comprises the pollution of soils with materials, mostly chemicals, that are out of place or are present at concentrations higher than normal which may have adverse effects on humans or other organisms. It is difficult to define soil pollution exactly because different opinions exist on how to characterize a pollutant; while some consider the use of pesticides acceptable if their effect does not exceed the intended result, others do not consider any use of pesticides or even chemical fertilizers acceptable. However, soil pollution is also caused by means other than the direct addition of xenobiotic (man-made) chemicals such as agricultural runoff waters, industrial waste materials, acidic precipitates, and radioactive fallout. Sumber: http://www.pollutionissues.com/Re-Sy/Soil-Pollution.html Read more: Soil Pollution - water, effects, environmental, pollutants, United States, EPA, pesticide, chemicals, industrial, toxic, sources, use, life, Phytoremediationhttp://www.pollutionissues.com/Re-Sy/Soil-Pollution.html#ixzz3mhlrFvUj
BAHAN ORGANIK TANAH • BOT meliputi: • main-constituent: decayed plant and animal matter which can be: • high-molecular-mass organic materials such as polysaccharides and proteins and • simpler substances such as sugars, amino acids and other small molecules • humus: the residue left of organic material after it has been fully broken down by bacteria in the soil.
BAHAN ORGANIK TANAH When plant residues are returned to the soil, various organic compounds undergo decomposition. Decomposition is a biological process that includes the physical breakdown and biochemical transformation of complex organic molecules of dead material into simpler organic and inorganic molecules. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/a0100e/a0100e05.htm The continual addition of decaying plant residues to the soil surface contributes to the biological activity and the carbon cycling process in the soil. Breakdown of soil organic matter and root growth and decay also contribute to these processes. Carbon cycling is the continuous transformation of organic and inorganic carbon compounds by plants and micro- and macro-organisms between the soil, plants and the atmosphere.
BAHAN ORGANIK TANAH • The functions of SOM can be broadly classified into two groups: • biological: provides nutrients for the plants, in particular nitrogen, as it provides amines and amino acids; • physical: • improves structural stability, • influences water-retention properties: the OH- and NH2 groups on the SOM molecules allow hydrogen bonding between these molecules and water molecules in the soil • alters the soil thermal properties.
Effect of soil organic matter on soil properties Organic matter affects both the chemical and physical properties of the soil and its overall health. Properties influenced by organic matter include: soil structure; moisture holding capacity; diversity and activity of soil organisms, both those that are beneficial and harmful to crop production; and nutrient availability. It also influences the effects of chemical amendments, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This chapter focuses on those properties related to soil moisture and water quality, while Chapter 6 focuses on those related to sustainable food production. Soil Mineral–Organic Matter--Microorganism Interactions: Fundamentals and Impacts P.M. Huang Advances in Agronomy Volume 82, 2004, Pages 391–472 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065211303820060
BAHAN PENCEMAR ORGANIK • Many organic compounds end up in soil through direct spills, leaks (e.g. from landfills, underground storage tanks), dumping or washed from the air through rain. • Most organic pollutants are petroleum hydrocarbons which are compounds which originally come from crude oil, coal gas, tar, natural gas; either directly through distillation (e.g. octane) or manufactured.
Heavy Metals And Their Effect On Our Health and Environment (Amy L. Uttinger) Primary sources for heavy metal soil contamination include: Fertilizers containing cadmium, lead and arsenic Pesticides containing lead arsenic and mercury Sewage sludge containing cadmium, arseninc and lead (Odum, 2000) Irrigation water may transport dissolved heavy metals to agricultural fields where metals such as cadmium may be incorporated into plant tissue.(NCSU Water Quality Group, 1976) Sumber: http://academic.emporia.edu/abersusa/go336/uttinger/ The image to the right was taken from: www.lehman.cuny.edu/deannss/geography/heavy_metals_cover.htm and it is actually part of a student project studying the identification of heavy metals in the Bronx River Watershed in New York.
BAHAN PENCEMAR ORGANIK • These petroleum hydrocarbons are: • volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as shorter alkanes, petrol, benzene, toluene, xylenes, …or • semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) which are organic compounds with boiling temperatures higher than water but which evaporate at temperatures above room temperature; examples are phenol, naphthalene, plasticizers, many PAHs and PCBs.
Soil degradation is when soil deteriorates because of human activity and loses its quality and productivity. It happens when soil loses its nutrients, or its organic matter. It also happens when the soil structure breaks down, or if the soil becomes toxic from pollution. The primary cause of soil degradation is erosion, but compaction, salinization, and depletion by nutrient demanding crops may also cause degradation. Soil degradation is which the movement of soil particles from one place to another by wind or water, is considered to be a major environmental problem. Erosion has been going on through most of earth's history and has produced river valleys and shaped hills and mountains. Such erosion is generally slow, but the action of man has caused a rapid increase in the rate at which soil is eroded (ie. a rate faster than natural weathering of bedrock can produce new soil). This has resulted in a loss of productive soil from crop and grazing land, as well as layers of infertile soils being deposited on formerly fertile crop lands; the formation of gullies; siltation of lakes and streams; and land slips. Man has the capacity for major destruction of our landscape and soil resources. Hopefully he also has the ability to prevent and overcome these problems. Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_soil_degradation#ixzz3mi0LLkQs
Soil degradation is any type of problem that removes soil in an area or makes high-quality soil become poor. Careless agricultural practices, pollution and deforestation cause lots of soil degradation in the world. Several types of soil degradation exist and are a threat to natural forests and planted crops. Read more: Types of Soil Degradation | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6523052_types-soil-degradation.html#ixzz3mhqhKLFa TIPE DEGRADASI TANAH
Erosion occurs when the topsoil that many plants need to grow gets blown or washed away. While some erosion is natural, humans often remove plants that cover soil and, therefore, speed up erosion. Since topsoil takes so long to build back up through natural processes, erosion damage is almost irreversible. Read more: Types of Soil Degradation | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6523052_types-soil-degradation.html#ixzz3mhqSJQ6Z EROSI TANAH
Acid rain causes soil degradation, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The contaminated water gets into forest soils and retards tree and other plant growth. Acid rain comes from natural causes, like volcanoes, but a lot of it also comes from man-made industry emissions. Read more: Types of Soil Degradation | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6523052_types-soil-degradation.html#ixzz3mhqMRWqJ HUJAN ASAM
Too many salts accumulate in overly irrigated soils, causing soil degradation in the form of salinization. The RESEARCH RESULTS explain that over-irrigation occurs when farmers grow crops in very dry land and have to irrigate it frequently. Salts then build up each time the soil dries out again, making it difficult for plants to grow in the soil. Read more: Types of Soil Degradation | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6523052_types-soil-degradation.html#ixzz3mhqJv7SC SALINISASI
Nutrient loss often occurs in conjunction with salinization. The research results explain that nutrient loss occurs through a variety of mechanisms, including leaching, erosion, runoff, crop uptake and denitrification. Any crops uptake too many soil nutrients that farmers do not always replace. Deforestation and careless agricultural processes lead to soil degradation in the form of nutrient loss. After soil becomes nutrient-poor, crops and naturally occurring plants have a hard time growing in the area. Read more: Types of Soil Degradation | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6523052_types-soil-degradation.html#ixzz3mhqFzko7 KEHILANGAN HARA
Degradasi Lahan Soil erosion and desertification are the physical expressions of land degradation, while the social and economic impacts are degraded lifestyles and pernicious poverty. An understanding of how to maintain healthy soil is essential to reverse and prevent land degradation. Healthy soil carries a good plant cover and enables rain water to infiltrate and recharge both soil water and underlying aquifers.
Nature Geoscience 3, 311 - 314 (2010) THE IMPACT OF AGRICULTURAL SOIL EROSION ON BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLING John N. Quinton1, Gerard Govers2, Kristof Van Oost3 & Richard D. Bardgett By Sue Edwards Institute for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia Also representing IFOAM Soils are the main terrestrial reservoir of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and of organic carbon. Synthesizing earlier studies, we find that the mobilization and deposition of agricultural soils can significantly alter nutrient and carbon cycling. Specifically, erosion can result in lateral fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus that are similar in magnitude to those induced by fertilizer application and crop removal. Furthermore, the translocation and burial of soil reduces decomposition of soil organic carbon, and could lead to long-term carbon storage. The cycling of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are strongly interrelated. For example, erosion-induced burial of soils stabilizes soil nutrient and carbon pools, thereby increasing primary productivity and carbon uptake, and potentially reducing erosion. Our analysis shows soils as dynamic systems in time and space.
Apa Pertanian Organik? Organic agriculture is a whole system approach based upon a set of processes resulting in sustainable ecosystems, safe food, good nutrition, animal welfare and social justice. It is more than just a system of production that includes or excludes certain inputs, particularly agro-chemicals, because it builds on and enhances the ecological management skills of the farmer, the fisher folk and the pastoralist. Practicing organic or agro-ecological agriculture requires ecological knowledge, planning and commitment to work with natural systems, rather than trying to change them.
SOIL EROSION AND AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY David R. Montgomery PNAS August 14, 2007 vol. 104 no. 33 13268-13272 Data drawn from a global compilation of studies quantitatively confirm the long-articulated contention that erosion rates from conventionally plowed agricultural fields average 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than rates of soil production, erosion under native vegetation, and long-term geological erosion. The general equivalence of the latter indicates that, considered globally, hillslope soil production and erosion evolve to balance geologic and climate forcing, whereas conventional plow-based agriculture increases erosion rates enough to prove unsustainable. In contrast to how net soil erosion rates in conventionally plowed fields (≈1 mm/yr) can erode through a typical hillslope soil profile over time scales comparable to the longevity of major civilizations, no-till agriculture produces erosion rates much closer to soil production rates and therefore could provide a foundation for sustainable agriculture. By Sue Edwards Institute for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia Also representing IFOAM
PRINSIP-PRINSIP PERTANIAN ORGANIK • To encourage and enhance biological cycles within the farming system • To maintain and increase long-term fertility in soils • To use, as far as possible, renewable resources in locally organized production systems • Meminimumkan semua bentuk pencemaran
Pengurangan Emisi • Carbon dioxide through: • Avoidance of shifting cultivation • Reduction of fossil fuel consumption • Methane • Soil management to increased oxidation of methane, also grasslands and forests • Compost and biogas • Animal husbandry, particularly locally produced and appropriate feeds, and controlling grazing • Paddy cultivation with aeration periods
Pengurangan Emisi • Nitrous oxide – produced by all forms of nitrogen • No synthetic N fertilizer is used • Nitrogen comes from within the system thus avoiding overdoses and high losses • Animal stocking rates are limited • Diets for dairy cows lower in protein and higher in fibre, and use of crops (sunflower seeds) that reduce NO2 emissions
Pengurangan Emisi • Biomass as a substitute for fossil fuel • Directly as a crop • Processing slurry in biogas • Agroforestry • Shade trees in plantation crops • Hutan tanaman kayu bakar • Pohon di antara tanaman semusim • Pagar hidup • etc
Impact of plant roots on the resistance of soils to erosion by water: a review G. Gyssels, J. Poesen, E. Bochet, Y. Li Progress in Physical Geography June 2005 vol. 29 no. 2 189-217 Vegetation controls soil erosion rates significantly. The decrease of water erosion rates with increasing vegetation cover is exponential. This review reveals that the decrease in water erosion rates with increasing root mass is also exponential, according to the equation SEP e b RP where SEP is a soil erosion parameter (e.g., interrill or rill erosion rates relative to erosion rates of bare topsoils without roots), RP is a root parameter (e.g., root density or root length density) and b is a constant that indicates the effectiveness of the plant roots in reducing soil erosion rates. Whatever rooting parameter is used, for splash erosion b equals zero. For interrill erosion the average b-value is 0.1195 when root density (kg m 3) is used as root parameter, and 0.0022 when root length density (km m 3) is used. For rill erosion these average b-values are 0.5930 and 0.0460, respectively. The similarity of this equation for root effects with the equation for vegetation cover effects is striking, but it is yet impossible to determine which plant element has the highest impact in reducing soil losses, due to incomparable units. Moreover, all the studies on vegetation cover effects attribute soil loss reduction to the above-ground biomass only, whereas in reality this reduction results from the combined effects of roots and canopy cover. Based on an analysis of available data it can be concluded that for splash and interrill erosion vegetation cover is the most important vegetation parameter, whereas for rill and ephemeral gully erosion plant roots are at least as important as vegetation cover. By Sue Edwards Institute for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia Also representing IFOAM
Pertanian Organik – Mengentas Kemiskinan • An example from northern Ethiopia • Despite the fact that Ethiopia is also known as the ‘water tower’ of the Horn of Africa, it is better known for the images of emaciated children and the high rate of soil erosion • Can this be reversed?
Science 31 May 2002: Vol. 296 no. 5573 pp. 1694-1697 SOIL FERTILITY AND BIODIVERSITY IN ORGANIC FARMING Paul Maeder , Andreas Fliessbach, David Dubois, Lucie Gunst, Padruot Fried and Urs Niggli. By Sue Edwards Institute for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia Also representing IFOAM An understanding of agroecosystems is key to determining effective farming systems. Here we report results from a 21-year study of agronomic and ecological performance of biodynamic, bioorganic, and conventional farming systems in Central Europe. We found crop yields to be 20% lower in the organic systems, although input of fertilizer and energy was reduced by 34 to 53% and pesticide input by 97%. Enhanced soil fertility and higher biodiversity found in organic plots may render these systems less dependent on external inputs.
Mengapa Degradasi? • Efforts at State building destroyed local organization in most of the country starting from in 2nd half of the 19th century • Development efforts started only in the 1960s and largely ignored smallholder (peasant) farmers despite the fact that 90% or more of the food comes from them • The 1974 ‘revolution’ and its impact on land resource use • The land was mined, and there were no inputs in technologies or ideas to help the farmers improve their productivity • The Sasakawa-Global 2000 approach uses high external inputs, out of reach for most smallholder farmers both economically and ecologically
Kekuatan nya • Farmers control their own seeds and there is still a wealth of agro-biodiversity and farmers’ traditional knowledge • Traditional methods for managing and using land resources, e.g. grazing land, farms are still in place in many communities • Local community members work together, and this is being strengthened through the present policy of decentralization
Pilihan Tindakan Teknologi • Pembuatan dan aplikasi Kompos • Teras-teras untuk menangkap tanah dan air limpasan • Planting small multipurpose trees – particularly Sesbania – and local grasses • Halting gullies (at farmers demand) • Kolam penampung air hujan (inisiatif petani) • Making and using bylaws to control access and use of local biological resources and control grazing
The effectiveness of integrated farm management, organic farming and agri-environment schemes for conserving biodiversity in temperate Europe - A Systematic Map. Nicola P Randall and Katy L James Environmental Evidence 2012, 1:4 doi:10.1186/2047-2382-1-4 Published: 1 May 2012 By Sue Edwards Institute for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia Also representing IFOAM Agriculture is the dominant land use throughout much of Europe. Changes to farming practices have led to concerns about negative impacts on biodiversity, and current agricultural policy has an emphasis towards conservation. The objective of this study was to investigate and describe the nature and coverage of research pertaining to the effectiveness of integrated farm management, organic farming and agri-environment schemes as interventions for conserving biodiversity in temperate Europe. Systematic mapping methodology was adapted from social sciences and used to create a searchable database of relevant research. The systematic map describes the scope of research on the topic. It can be used to inform future primary research, or research synthesis and evaluation methods such as systematic review. Areas for which there appear to be evidence gaps, and so may have potential for further primary research are highlighted. They include the effectiveness of agri-environment options under different farming systems and in providing for amphibians and reptiles. Implications for the development of future systematic maps are discussed, including the question of how to incorporate study quality appraisal. The development of a Collaboration for Environmental Evidence systematic mapping methods group will address some of these issues.
Dampak Kompos thd Hasil Tanaman • Sampling technique (FAO method for monitoring food security) • Samples were taken with the farmers. • Fields were selected and 3 one-metre square plots were cut and threshed, and the straw and grain weighed with the farmers. 10 Birr is equivalent to 1 Euro, or 8.5 Birr equals 1 USD.
Yields (kg/ha) for faba bean, field pea and finger millet in 3 sites – 1998
Indikator Kelestarian • Maintaining or increasing agricultural biodiversity: for example, Ziban Sas was growing only wheat and barley mixed together and a little teff, but now other crops e.g. maize and faba bean, are also grown. • Reduced weeds: weed seeds, pathogens and insect pests are killed by the high temperature in the compost pits, but earthworms and other useful soil organisms establish well. • Increased moisture retention capacity of the soil: if rain stops early, crops grown on composted soil resist wilting for about two weeks longer than those grown on soil treated with chemical fertilizer.