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Dissemination and Exploitation in the Lifelong Learning Programme

Brussels, February 25 and 26, 2008. Dissemination and Exploitation in the Lifelong Learning Programme . Herta Adam, DG EAC. Dissemination and Exploitation Overview. Definitions and benefits Implementation in the Lifelong Learning Programme Actors involved

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Dissemination and Exploitation in the Lifelong Learning Programme

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  1. Brussels, February 25 and 26, 2008 Dissemination and Exploitation in the Lifelong Learning Programme Herta Adam, DG EAC

  2. Dissemination and Exploitation Overview • Definitions and benefits • Implementation in the Lifelong Learning Programme • Actors involved • Exploitation in Erasmus centralised projects • Tips and tools

  3. What is Dissemination and Exploitation of Results/Project Outcomes (“valorisation”)? • Process with a view to optimising their value • enhancing their impact • integrating them into training systems and practices at local/national as well as European level • User needs to be taken into consideration from the beginning

  4. Steps and stages • Dissemination: general information, brochures, website, conference, presentation of results • Exploitation: focus on new target groups, new sectors, adaptation to specific needs of new beneficiaries, testing, transfer, integration into systems

  5. Dissemination and exploitation of results – What and Why? Promotion andawareness-raising Publicising the existence of programmes and the availability of funding Providing information in a planned way to relevant audiences Multiplication: end-users adopting or applying results Mainstreaming: using results for policy development Exploitation provides the link back into policy – it is more than dissemination! Dissemination Exploitation

  6. Dissemination and exploitation of results:why is it important? • Sustainability of project results • Capitalization of investments • Improved quality of programmes and projects • Exchange of good practices and learn from each other’s experiences • Feeding the policy processes - the bridge between policy and practice • Enhanced impact of programmes and projects

  7. What does dissemination and exploitation imply? • Project conception: • ex-ante needs analysis of target group • clear identification of target group and final beneficiaries/stakeholders • anticipation of expected results • « valorisation » plan • During project development: interactivity between partners & stakeholders (marketing approach: Sell what you do)

  8. Typologies of results • Products : reports, studies; modules, handbooks, curricula, qualifications, online education and training, events … • Methods : knowledge, cooperation processes, methodologies, managerial lessons, exchange of ideas … • Experiences : management of transnational partnerships, personal experience; good practice; individual skills and knowledge… • Policy Lessons: overall experience applied more widely at ‘systems’ level • European Co-operation: European partnerships; transnational sharing of practices…

  9. Different levels of action: PROJECT RESULTS MICRO(inside partnersorganizations; local communities;local authorities; other projects…) (tangible – intangible) products & processes MESO(regional and nationalorganizations; regional and nationaleducational bodies; sectoralorganizations …) – support of NAs MACRO(national decisionmakers; European policy makers…) –support of COM

  10. “Dissemination and exploitation”: pro-active strategy, participatory process From the project design stage • close monitoring of its implementation throughout the entire life circle of the project • integration of potential users from the beginning, ongoing and substantial interaction between partners and users with continous feedback

  11. Ex-ante = interactive model of innovation Dissemination Exploitation More impact More sustainability Innovative work Interactivity Stakeholders Partners planning valorisation from the beginning + close monitoring during project life cycle

  12. Dissemination and exploitation now thoroughly implemented in the LLP Programme Decision (legal base) • Art 1.3 (k) Specific objective in all sector programmes ‘ to encourage the best use of results, innovative products and processes and to exchange good practice in the fields covered by the Lifelong Learning Programme, in order to improve the quality of education and training’ • Art 3.2 (d) specific key activity in the transversal programme: dissemination and exploitation of results of actions supported under the programme and previous related programmes, and exchange of good practice’ Decision « respective Responsibilities of the Member States, the Commission and the National Agencies » Guide for National Agencies and NA Work programmes

  13. Dissemination and Exploitaton = a New Challengein the LLP Call for proposals “All multilateral projects shouldinclude a clear plan for disseminationand exploitation of products andresults” (Call for proposals, EAC/61/2006)

  14. Actors involved and their roles in ICV • Projects – compulsory dissemination and exploitation plans for all projects (ex ante) in all sectoral programmes and KAs Languages and ICT • National Authorities – review of policy; mainstreaming • European Commission – Key activity 4: framework, recommendations, conferences at European level, communication activities (manuals, case studies, success stories brochures, awards) • National Agencies – thematic monitoring and valorisation conferences

  15. National Agencies on national level:« valorising valorisation » • Contractual obligations with Executive Agency but option to look for activities of National Agency that could help to further exploit the project results as regards • Information and additional communication activities (newsletters, websites, contacts with media) • Annual valorisation conferences focussing on exploitation • National thematic monitoring meetings focussing on the quality of projects

  16. centralised projectshelping to modernise higher educationin a European context • Curriculum development projects: extent your Curricula to other HEI, transfer your results • Cooperation between higher education and enterprises: enlarge structural cooperation to new partners, improve your training offer, get more SME on board • Supporting the modernisation agenda for universities: « feed » authorities with your results

  17. centralised projectshelping to modernise higher educationin a European context • Virtual campus projects: share your developments for mainstreaming by others • Thematic networks: share your results with other networks, look for additional partners • Accompanying measures: target appropriate stakeholders for making things change, adapt your communication In short: find new users who need your results, relay your message to key persons and authorities to change systems and ecudation structures

  18. The partners to be addressed fordissemination and exploitation • Project Partners • Other universities and higher education institutions • Enterprises • Educational and Training bodies • NGOs, social partners, other relevant stakeholders etc. • National, regional and local Authorities • Media

  19. Tools: EVE: Electronic platform for dissemination and exploitation of results • Multilingual, user friendly electronic platform • Interactive and cross-sector search engine and browsing • Direct access to outcomes and products • Possibility to download results, when available in digital format • Support services: Online guide, IPR, Helpdesk, Translation • Open forum for discussion and exchange of practices http://ec.europa.eu/eve/ (April 2008)

  20. Further information: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/valorisation/index_en.html • how to write a good D&E plan • D&E mechanisms • on-line guide • case studies: how to capitalize on previous results? • links to useful databases • example of best practices from programmes • glossary, bibliography and reference documents • news and events

  21. Good luck with your projectSuccessful dissemination and exploitation and ….…..Thank you for your attention

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