Halloween Safety By Caroline
Traveling Tips When you go trick or treating you should always bring a flash light. You should also walk not run. Never stop at dark houses just keep walking on the path that you planned. Its imperative that you never go into people’s houses if you don’t know them. Watch out for open flames in jack o lanterns.
Candy Tips You should never eat candy that you get from trick or treating unless it is wrapped. Never eat candy unless a parent checks it. You should never take candy from strangers.
Stranger Safety When ever you are trick or treating you should never go with strangers. If you want to stay safe it’s imperative that you plan your rout for the whole night. Be aware of your surroundings.
Costume Safety Its imperative that you don’t wear a costume that is to long. Don’t wear masks it makes it harder to see in stead wear makeup. If you chose to wear makeup use non toxic. Double tie your shoe.