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LinkSource – the sophisticated, powerful link resolver from EBSCO Information Services

LinkSource – the sophisticated, powerful link resolver from EBSCO Information Services. Libraries want to provide their patrons with easy access to full text content. Libraries are challenged with consolidating central access to all available resources.

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LinkSource – the sophisticated, powerful link resolver from EBSCO Information Services

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  1. LinkSource – the sophisticated, powerful link resolver from EBSCO Information Services

  2. Libraries want to provide their patrons with easy access to full text content. Libraries are challenged with consolidating central access to all available resources. Configuring links in every individual resource is inefficient and can be a time-consuming maintenance exercise. The Problem The British Library document supply service have estimated that 20% of the document requests they receive are from Institutions that already ‘own’ the material

  3. What pre-determined information is there? How flexible is the service? What control (over links etc) will I have? Is there any ‘capital’ cost (hard & software?) Can I customise the service? Is the service universal? Cost Link Resolver – what criteria?

  4. Many resources from many areas ISI ingenta Publishersites Ehost DBs EhostEJS British Library Gale Google

  5. Some link to selective resources ISI ingenta Publisher sites Ehost DBs EhostEJS British Library Gale Google User

  6. Some link to selective resources ISI ingenta Publisher sites Ehost DBs EhostEJS User British Library Gale Google

  7. Links inconsistent and management complex ISI ingenta Publisher sites Ehost DBs EhostEJS British Library Gale Google

  8. With LinkSource: More comprehensive, easier to manage ISI ingenta Publisher sites Link Source Ehost DBs EhostEJS British Library Gale Google

  9. LinkSource is… • Referred to as an item-level linker. All resources relate back to the article of interest. • Accessed after a search in an OpenURL compliant database, and selects an item of interest from the result list or detail display.

  10. A search engine that simultaneously searches multiple online services. LinkSource does not ‘search’ resources. It is configured to appropriately display links to resources based on the nature of an item, such as a citation. LinkSource is not…

  11. LinkSource is a logical extension of EBSCO’s SmartLinks and CustomLinks (ILS Links) technologies. The Linksource menu of resources is easily, and centrally, configured and customized in EBSCOadmin. LinkSource is OpenURL compliant so linking to EBSCO’s full text content is now possible from non-EBSCO products. Extended Linking

  12. Determines how good a link resolver is: Knowledge on how to make links Knowledge how to control links Information kept up-to-date The Knowledgebase

  13. LinkSource was built on the ability to access validated* full text from three sources: 1. EBSCOhost databases 2. EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service 3. CrossRef Article-level access to over 16 million full text articles from 12,000 journals from these three sources. * LinkSource checks that both the journal and article are available for content from resources identified in items 1-3. Knowledgebase

  14. Logo at top of LinkSource menu Which links can appear Syntax of the links Icons next to links Text of the links Hint text Customisation options

  15. LinkSource can link to hundreds of web-based targets. Partners with products that can link to LinkSource: American Mathematical Society BioMed Central CAS DIALOG EBSCOhost Endeavor Ex Libris (Aleph) Fretwell Downing Gale HW Wilson Ingenta Innovative Interfaces Link Sources and Targets • Institute of Physics • ISI Web of Knowledge • Muse Global • OCLC • OVID • NCBI (PubMed) • RLG • SilverPlatter • SIRSI • ZPORTAL • zetoc

  16. No hardware purchase Managed and maintained by EBSCO Publishing Statistics captured can be merged with other EBSCOhost statistics Uses the same EBSCOadmin account to manage A Hosted Solution means:

  17. EBSCOadmin acts as single point of administration for EBSCOhost and LinkSource EJS “holdings” automatically updated Will be able to perform automatic configuration using A-to-Z information Combined usage statistics Integration with Other EBSCO Services

  18. For each resource, LinkSource is configured to properly hide or show the links, based on the following ‘rules’: Aggregated Full Text Databases OPACs Interlibrary Loan Applications Document Delivery Services Search Engines Book Suppliers Free Articles on the Web Any Web-based Resource that can be searched or accessed via URL. Popular Link Targets

  19. For each resource, LinkSource is configured to properly hide or show the links, based on the following ‘rules’: If the citation already has an available full text article. If the citation is missing a mandatory field of content, like the ISSN. If the journal from the citation is included as part of a pre-defined collection of titles and coverage dates. Configuring LinkSource Targets

  20. Citation already has full text: Links to document delivery and interlibrary loan services should be hidden. Citation is missing mandatory content: Links to products like EBSCO Book Services would be hidden unless the citation included an ISBN. Citation includes a journal which is part of a content-based product, like JSTOR: Links to journal-based products would be hidden if the journal was not part of a collection, or did not fall within the defined coverage dates. Configuration Examples

  21. EBSCO provides pre-defined ‘filter’ collections of content for several hundred of the most popular full text products and packages. Customers identify the products they subscribe to in EBSCOadmin. EBSCO updates the content based on coverage changes on a monthly basis. Customers that have journal-based products with unique content coverage must provide or identify the ISSNs and coverage ranges. Pre-defined Collections

  22. Sources must be OpenURL compliant to link to LinkSource. The customer must contact vendors to configure non-EBSCOhost links to LinkSource. EBSCO contacts each OpenURL compliant product vendor and works to obtain the instructions on the configuration process. Configuring LinkSource Sources

  23. Single point of access to many resources. Exposes resources that the user may never have known existed. Saves the patron PPV money by showing available full text which may have previously purchased. User Advantages

  24. Economical solution for item-level linking. Hosted service, so no hardware purchase is required. Customers do not have to purchase the CrossRef DOI and metadata look-up service for $500. Minimal LinkSource setup for SmartLinks and CustomLinks customers. CustomerAdvantages

  25. Based on FTE for 4 year academic customers. $1,000 discounts for each purchase:BasicBiosis, Biological Abstracts, CINAHL, INSPEC, MLA Bibliography, PsycArticles, PsycINFO $500 discounts for each purchase: ATLA/ATLAS package, each HW Wilson database LinkSource Pricing

  26. 15,000 FTE and above=$15,000 base price ($7,000 minimum price, regardless of total discount) 10,000-14,999 FTE=$13,200 base price ($6,000 minimum price, regardless of total discount) 5,000-9,900 FTE=$11,600 base price ($6,000 minimum price, regardless of total discount) 2,000-4,999 FTE=$10,200 base price ($6,000 minimum price, regardless of total discount) 2,000 FTE and below=$9,700 base price ($6,000 minimum price, regardless of total discount) Academic Customers

  27. LinkSource Configuration

  28. For products that are journal-based in nature, and the same for every customer, EBSCO provides pre-defined filter collections of the products’ ISSNs and coverage. Over 200 collections from vendors like ProQuest and Ovid. With involved customers, LinkSource can be configured in as little as several days or even hours. Pre-Defined Filter Collections

  29. The LinkSource menu can be customized as follows: Desired wording for the LinkSource link. A list of target resources to link to, from the LinkSource menu. The link text, mouse-over text and image representing the resource. For journal based collections of custom content, a comma or tab delimited text file of ISSNs as well as start and stop coverage. For custom collections, or resources that are unique to a customer’s institution, the URL that should be used to link to the service. Customization

  30. Smartlinked Full Text provides validated access to content from EBSCOhost databases, EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service and CrossRef.

  31. Checking on ‘Smartlinking Allowed’ will enable linking non-full text databases to EBSCOhost full text content. For customers that have a subscription to EJS, Smartlinks will link to electronic journals by entering in the proper account information in EBSCOadmin. Scroll to the bottom of the Basic Menu…

  32. When LinkSource is accessed from products other than EBSCOhost, the profile that should be used to display the LinkSource menu must be indicated. Other resource links are configured under the ‘Advanced Settings’ option.

  33. ‘SeqNo’ is order in which the links will display, if content is available, on the LinkSource menu. ‘Link Text’ refers to the words the end-user will see to identify the resource. ‘Link Icon’ is the URL location to the image that will be displayed next to the link text. To modify the order in which the links display, click on the Re-Order button. This is the Link Menu, which displays defined configuration parameters for each link. To see the details of the JSTOR Link, click on the Modify Button.

  34. URL Mask is the URL with embedded parameters, that will be used to pass a search to the product or service. Mandatory Fields are required in the citation in order to present a link to the end-user. In this case, a link to JSTOR would not show unless the citation had a SICI code. ‘LinkText’ The Link Icon is the URL location of the icon located next to the link text. ‘Link Icon’ ‘Mouse-over Text’ The Link Text is the wording that the user will see on the LinkSource menu, Result List or Detail Display to describe the service. Check JSTOR for Article Availability ‘Mouse-Over Text’ is the text a user will see if they hover their mouse over the link. Many of these parameters are used to control the Link display.

  35. Window Name The ‘Window Name’ is the name displayed at the top of the browser window the service is displayed in. A check box in the ‘Display New Window Field will pop up a new window, when the user follows the link. New Window Pop Up Window Properties Window properties can control the size of the window, and whether or not it displays criteria such as scrollbars and the internet menu

  36. Links on the Result List Links can display on the Result List CustomLinks can display on several areas of EBSCOhost

  37. Links On the Detail Display Links can display on the Detail Display

  38. Links can display on the Publication List

  39. Links on the LinkSource menu Or, on the LinkSource link menu Links can appear in any combination of the Result List, Detail Display, Publication List or LinkSource menu.

  40. To hide the link from the LinkSource menu, or from the display on EBSCOhost if the item has full text, check off ‘Hide Link If Full Text’. The display of individual links can be controlled by the presence of EBSCOhost full text, or whether the journal of the citation is part of a local collection. For example, if the article has full text, you would not want to display links to document delivery or interlibrary loan services. And for subscription services, local collections can be used to control the display of the link only for journals which are part of the subscription’s collection, like JSTOR for example.

  41. EBSCO will provide pre-defined filter collections for over 200 products. The Hide Full Text and Show Link features can be used together in any combination for proper link display control. EBSCO will update the collections for coverage modifications on a monthly basis. Customers simply select, from the list, the products that they subscribe to.

  42. To display a link to the LinkSource server is as easy as creating the proper CustomLink in the user profile.

  43. The customer account is now ready to support access to LinkSource from EBSCOhost. LinkSource can also be accessed from other OpenURL compliant products, such as FirstSearch or RLG.

  44. To access LinkSource from other vendor products, contact the vendor individually for instruction. The URL Mask will be the same for every provider.

  45. A controlled trial is available for interested individuals that want to take a look at something immediately. A controlled trial is available

  46. Title Management – The A-Z List Content & Issue Management EBSCOhost EJS Licensing Management EBSCOhost EJS Licensing & Registration Service Linking management - Link Source ContentEBSCOhost Full Text database service Article location – TOC Premier Outsourcing solution for publishers – MetaPress Effective Electronic Resources – the issues

  47. What pre-determined information is there? How flexible is the service? What control (over links etc) will I have? Is there any ‘capital’ cost (hard & software?) Can I customise the service? Is the service universal? Cost Link Resolver – what criteria?

  48. www.linkresolver.com Thank you

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