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Status of RDMS CMS Computing. V.Gavrilov 1 , I.Golutvin 2 , V.Ilyin 3 , O.Kodolova 3 , V.Korenkov 2 , E.Tikhonenko 2 , S.Shmatov 2 ,V.Zhiltsov 2 1- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia 2- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Status of RDMS CMS Computing V.Gavrilov1, I.Golutvin2, V.Ilyin3, O.Kodolova3, V.Korenkov2, E.Tikhonenko2, S.Shmatov2 ,V.Zhiltsov 2 1- Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia 2- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 3 – Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia 15thRDMS CMS Annual Conference, Alushta, Ukraine, May 22-28, 2011
RDMS CMS in Physics analysis Forward Physics Observation of diffraction in minbias events at LHC SINP MSU Study of 2 jet production in hard single diffraction IHEP, SINP MSU, Erevan Study of 2 jet production in central diffraction IHEP, ITEP, SINP, Erevan Search for BFKL effects at di-jet production PNPI, ITEP,INR Higgs Search for Higgs bosons in decays into 2 photons, 4 leptons, 2 leptons JINR, ITEP, MSU, Kharkov and 2 jets, 2 leptons and 2 neutrinos QCD Measurement of the gamma+jet cross-sections JINR, ITEP, SINP Study of Bose-Einstein correlations JINR Study of jet shapes JINR, ITEP, SINP Study of jet fragmentation SINP MSU, ITEP EWK Measurement of DY muon pair production JINR, Minsk, Gomel Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry in muon pair production JINR Measurement of triple boson couplings Minsk Top physics Observing the t-channel single top process IHEP, SINP SUSY Search for sleptons and lepton flavor number violation INR Exotics Search for heavy neutrino and WR INR Search for new resonances (extra dimensions, Z’ and other exotic states) in DY JINR Search for non-resonance di-muon signals from ADD and compositeness JINR Heavy Ion QGP hard probes (heavy quarkonia and jets) and soft probes (elliptic flow) SINP MSU, LPI
Physics groups association RU_JINR - Muons and Exotica RU_SINP - Heavy Ions RU_ITEP - JetMET/HCAL UA_KIPT - Higgs
RDMS CMS T2 association Now Future interest Analysis Groups Exotica: T2_RU_JINR Exotica: T2_RU_INR HI: T2_RU_SINP QCD: T2_RU_PNPI Electroweak: T2_UA_KIPT Top: T2_RU_SINP FWD: T2_RU_IHEP Object/Performance Groups Muon: T2_RU_JINR e-gamma-ECAL: T2_RU_INR JetMET-HCAL: T2_RU_ITEP
CMS T2 requirements Basic requirements to CMS VO T2 sites for Physics group hosting: a) info on contact persons responsible for site operation b) site visibility (BDII) in grid c) availability of CMSSW actual version d) regular file transfer test “OK” e) Certified links with CMS T1: 2 up and 4 down f) CMS job robot test “OK” g) disk space ~ 150-200 TB for: - central space (~30 TB) - analysis space (~60-100 TB) - MC space (~20 TB) - local space (~30-60 TB) - local CMS users space (~2 TB per user) h) CPU resources ~ 3KSI2K per 1 TB disk space, 2GB memory per job 5
T2 readiness requirements • Site visibility and CMS VO support • Availability of disk and CPU resources • Daily SAM availability > 80% • Daily JR efficiency > 90% • Commissioned (active) links TO Tier-1 sites ≥ 2 • Commissioned (active) links FROM Tier-1 sites≥ 4
Status of RDMS sites readiness on 18 May, 2011( R –Ready; NR – Not Ready)
All CMS sites status of readiness (January-May, 2011)
Total Number of CMS Jobs at RDMS CMS sites January, 2010 – April, 2010 and January, 2011 – April, 2011 2010 year 768,240 jobs 998,540 jobs 2011 year 10
Normalized CPU time (in 1K.SI2K.Hours) consumed by the CMS VO May, 2010 – April, 2011)
Pledged Disk Resources (TB) at RDMS CMS Sitesas in the CMS SiteDB 2 Quarter, 20113 Quarter, 2011 RRC_KI 298 298 JINR 256 376 KIPT 200 200 SINP 121 361 ITEP 120 190 INR 118 182 IHEP 96 96 LPI 20 20 PNPI 14 14
Pledged CPU Resources (KSI2K/slots) at RDMS CMS Sitesas in the CMS SiteDB 2 Quarter, 20113 Quarter, 2011 JINR 938/275 1240/495 RRC_KI 650/260 650/260 KIPT 500/300 500/300 SINP 439/200 878/400 ITEP 257/99 257/99 INR 192/96 349/144 IHEP 178/80 178/80 PNPI 131/76 131/76
Disk usage & Free disk space at RDMS CMS sites 853 TB used 263 TB free
Regular European/Asian CMS-Tier2 Support Meetings conducted at CERN provide RDMS T2 sites a real support Many thanks to Giuseppe Bagliesi, Jose Flix Molina and Peter Kreuzer European/Asian CMS-Tier2 Support Meetings
JINR-KIPT Common Activities in CMS Computing Support • Cooperation between JINR and KIPT (Kharkov, Ukraine) has been supported by 2 grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and Ukrainian Academy of Science: • 08-07-90410-Ukr_a (2008-2009 гг.) “Preparation of LIT JINR (Dubna) and NSC KIPT (Kharkov) computing centers for CMS (CERN) distributed data analysis on the base of grid technologies” – completed (see: Bunetsky O. O. et al. , Preparation of NSC KIPT and JINR Grid-Infrastructures for Data Analysis at the CMS Experiment (CERN), P11-2010-11, Dubna, 2010,http://www1.jinr.ru/Preprints/2010/011%28P11-2010-11%29.pdf) • 10-07-90400-Ukr_а (2010-2011 гг.)“Support and development of LIT JINR and NSC KIPT grid-infrastructures for CMS distributed data processing during the first two years of LHC operation”– in a progress
Summary IHEP, INR, ITEP, JINR, PNPI, SINP and UA_KIPT are in a stable state RRC_KI – is not in a stable state (but last several months the situation has been significantly improved) Current tasks: to complete T1<-T2 link certification with all CMS T1s to improve stability of operation (“availability” & “readiness”) to increase disk space at each of T2 up to 150 TB to increase number of CMS job slots at each of T2 up to 200