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Nuclear effects in neutrino-nucleus DIS. Shunzo Kumano High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Graduate University for Advanced Studies (GUAS) on behalf of Masanori Hirai Tokyo University of Science. in collaboration with Koichi Saito.
Nuclear effects in neutrino-nucleus DIS Shunzo Kumano High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Graduate University for Advanced Studies (GUAS) on behalf of Masanori Hirai Tokyo University of Science in collaboration with Koichi Saito Our nuclear PDF page: http://research.kek.jp/people/kumanos/nuclp.html Sixth International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region May 18 - 22, 2009, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain http://nuint09.ifae.es/ May 21, 2009
Contents Introduction • Motivations for nuclear structure functions in reactions • Kinematics, Structure functions in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) Nuclear modifications of PDFs • Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) in the nucleon • Introduction to physics mechanisms for nuclear modifications • Recent global analyses of nuclear PDFs Kulagin, Petti; Eskola, Paukkunen, Salgado; Schienbein, Yu, Keppel, Morfin, Olness, Owens; Hirai, Kumano, Nagai; de Florian, Sassot • Recent JLab measurements 3. Summary
Motivations for nuclear structure functions in reactions Basic interest to understand hadron structure, Determination of fundamental constants Perturbative & non-perturbative QCD Understanding of nuclei in terms of quark and gluon degrees of freedom. ResonanceDIS: Transition from hadron degrees of freedom to quark-gluon d.o.f. Fundamental constants: s , sin2W (2)Practical purposes for nuclear PDFs Current DIS (Fe, Pb targets) Nuclear corrections are important for extracting nucleonic PDFs. Neutrino oscillation Nuclear effects in n + 16O Other high-energy nuclear reactions Quark-hadron matters, Cosmic-rays air shower, …
valence-quark distributions Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering: charged current (CC) In parton model (leading order)
Recent neutrino DIS experiments M. Tzanov et al. (NuTeV), PRD74 (2006) 012008. Future: MINERnA (He, C, Fe, Pb), …
Nuclear Modifications of Parton Distribution Functions
Recent activities uncertainties NNLO QED s – s charm for LHC Recent papers on unpolarized PDFs It is likely that I miss some papers! CTEQ(uncertainties) D. Stump (J. Pumplin) et al., Phys. Rev. D65 (2001) 14012 & 14013. (CTEQ6) D. Pumplin et al., JHEP, 0207 (2002) 012; 0506 (2005) 080; 0602 (2006) 032; 0702 (2007) 053; PRD78 (2008) 013004. (charm) PR D75 (2007) 054029; (strange)PRL 93 (2004) 041802; Eur. Phys. J. C40 (2005) 145; JHEP 0704 (2007) 089. GRV(GRV98) M. Glück, E. Reya, and A. Vogt, Eur. Phys. J. C5 (1998) 461. (GJR08) M. Glück, P. Jimenez-Delgado, and E. Reya, Eur. Phys. J. C53 (2008) 355. MRST A. D. Martin, R. G. Roberts, W. J. Stirling, and R. S. Thorne, (MRST2001, 2002, 20033) Eur. Phys. J. C23 (2002) 73; Eur. Phys. J. C28 (2003) 455; (theoretical errors) Eur. Phys. J. C35 (2004) 325; (2004) PL B604 (2004) 61; (QED) Eur. Phys. J. C39 (2005) 155; PL B636 (2006) 259; (2006) PRD73 (2006) 054019; PL B652 (2007) 292. (2009)arXiv:0901.0002. Alekhin S. I. Alekhin, PRD68 (2003) 014002; D74 (2006) 054033. BB J. Blümlein and H. Böttcher, Nucl. Phys. B774 (2007) 182-207. NNPDF S. Forte et al., JHEP 0205 (2002) 062; 0503 (2005) 080; 0703 (2007) 039. H1 C. Adloff et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 21 (2001) 33; C30 (2003) 1. ZEUS S. Chekanov et al., PRD67 (2003) 012007; Eur. Phys. J. C42 (2005) 1. Recent upgrades
Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) in the nucleon http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/hepdata/pdf.html A. D. Martin, W. J. Stirling, R. S. Thorne, G. Watt, arXiv: 0901.0002.
1.2 EMC NMC 1.1 E139 E665 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Shadowing (qq fluctuation of photon) Nuclear modifications of structure function F2 Anti-shadowing Fermi motion of the nucleon For a review, see D. F. Geesaman, K. Saito, A. W. Thomas, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 45 (1995)337. x Nuclear binding (+ Nucleon modification)
0.98 0.20 Because the peak shifts slightly (1 0.98), nuclear modification of F2 is created. Fermi motion binding
Shadowing SK, Phys. Rept. 303 (1998) 183
A typical multi-scattering model W. Melnitchouk and A. W. Thomas, PRD 47 (1993) 3783. Double scattering part Vector meson dominance Pomeron exchange Meson (Reggeon) exchange • Interference between Pomeron and Reggeon • Anti-shadowing ? (Brodsky and Lu, 1990)
Recent global analyses on nuclear PDFs • EPS09 • K. J. Eskola, H. Paukkunen, and C. A. Salgado, JHEP 04 (2009) 065. • Charged-lepton DIS, DY, p0 production in dAu. • SYKMOO08 • I. Schienbein, J. Y. Yu, C. Keppel, J. G. Morfin, F. I. Olness, and J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) 044013. • Neutrino DIS (only NuTeV data). • HKN07 • M. Hirai, S. Kumano, and T. -H. Nagai, Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 065207. • Charged-lepton DIS, DY. • DS04 • D. de Florian and R. Sassot, Phys. Rev. D 69 (2004) 074028. • Charged-lepton DIS, DY. See also S. A. Kulagin and R. Petti, Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 094023; L. Frankfurt, V. Guzey, and M. Strikman, Phys. Rev. D 71 (2005) 054001.
Kulagin and Petti’s analysis S. A. Kulagin and R. Petti, Phys. Rev. D76 (2007) 094023. • Although most global analyses assume rather a model-independent functional form with a number of parameters, their approach is different in the sense that only the “off-shell” effects in the nucleon are parametrized. • They tried to obtain structure functions rather than the PDFs. Nuclear structure functions = Conventional nuclear physics + Nucleon modifications in nuclear medium = Binding, Fermi motion + Pion excess + Shadowing (Multiple scattering) + Off-shell effects (with parameters to be determined from data) FMB: Fermi Motion + Binding OS: +Off-Sell PI: +Pion NS: +Nuclear Shadowing
Data set for nuclear PDF analyses HKN07, PRC 76 (2007) 065207. • Charged-lepton DIS, DY 0.005 < x < 0.8, 1 < Q2 < 113 GeV2 • p0 production from d-Au collision • Neutrino DIS (NuTeV/CCFR): 0.015 < x < 0.75 Analysis results: total c2 / d.o.f. (# of parameter) • EPS09: 0.80 (17) • HKN07: 1.21 (12) • DS06: 0.80 (18) • SYKMOO08-A: 1.37 [n data]
JLab • Factory MINARA HKN07 results and future experiments Fermilab J-PARC RHIC LHC eLIC eRHIC HKN07, PRC 76 (2007) 065207. Fermilab J-PARC GSI RHIC LHC eLIC eRHIC
EPS09 HKN07 Valence Sea Gluon DS04 Comparison of nuclear PDFs Different analysis results are consistent with each other because they are roughly within uncertainty bands. Valence quark: Well determined except at small x. Antiquark: Determined at small x, Large uncertainties at medium and large x. Gluon: Large uncertainties in the whole-x region. EPS09 (K. J. Eskola et al.), JHEP 04 (2009) 065
SYKMOO-08 (I. Schienbein et al.), PRD 77 (2008) 054013 Analysis of SYKMOO-08 (Schienbein et al.) Charged-lepton scattering Differences from typical NPDFs. Base-1 • remove CCFR data • incorporate deuteron corrections Base-2 corresponds to CTEQ6.1M with s≠sbar • include CCFR data Charged-lepton correction factors are applied. • s≠sbar Neutrino scattering Base-2: Using current nucleonic PDFs, they (and MRST) obtained very different corrections from charged-lepton data. Base-1: However, it depends on the analysis method for determining “nucleonic” PDFs.
HKN07 MRSTW-08 analysis D. Martin, W. J. Stirling, R. S. Thorne, G. Watt, arXiv: 0901.0002. MRST98 nuclear correction DS04 DS04*NUCMOD(x) Deviations at large x: Same tendency as the Schienbein et al.’s.
Recent measurements at JLab J. Seely et al., arXiv: 0904.4448 Results indicate that nuclear modifications may not be described by usual A (and density) dependence for light nuclei.
Summary Global analyses: Different results are roughly consistent with each other. Valence quark: Well determined except at small x. Antiquark: Determined at small x, Large uncertainties at medium and large x. Gluon: Large uncertainties in the whole-x region. Schienbein et al.’s analysis of neutrino-Fe data in 2008 Differences from SLAC measurements and parametrizations!? Neutrino oscillation 1. Studies of resonance DIS Transition from hadron degrees of freedom to quark-gluon. 2. Nuclear corrections in n + 16O Future n experiments 1. MINERnA Nuclear corrections in F3 2. Neutrino factory: Proton and deuteron targets instead of Fe and Pb. “Correct” valence-quark distributions in “the nucleon”.
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