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USB Standards & Measurement Task Force Meeting Ongoing Research Efforts

USB Standards & Measurement Task Force Meeting Ongoing Research Efforts. Gina Clapper AOCS Technical Services. Role of AOCS in International Methods Development. AOCS Mission. a forum for the exchange of ideas, information and experience

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USB Standards & Measurement Task Force Meeting Ongoing Research Efforts

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  1. USB Standards & Measurement Task Force MeetingOngoing Research Efforts Gina Clapper AOCS Technical Services

  2. Role of AOCS in International Methods Development

  3. AOCS Mission • a forum for the exchange of ideas, information and experience • professional interest in the science and technology of fats oils and related substances • promote excellence and provide high standards of quality

  4. AOCS Structure Membership Meetings and Exhibits AOCS Press Technical Services

  5. AOCS Technical Services Expertise • World authority in the development and implementation of methods of analysis for fats, oils and oilseeds • Publisher of Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS • Laboratory Proficiency Program (LPP)

  6. AOCS Technical Services Expertise (continued) • Approved Chemist Program • NOPA/AOCS Certified Laboratory Program • USB AOCS Soybean Quality Traits Analytical Standards Program • Custom certification programs • International collaborative studies

  7. Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS • 5 th Edition, 2nd printing released in May 2004 • 400 methods for the global oils and fats industry • Peer reviewed and internationally tested methods • Regular revision by associate editors • Additions and Revisions coordinated through eight Technical Working Committees (A&Rs from 1999-2004 have been consolidated into the 2nd printing)

  8. Official Methods (1) • New methods are collaboratively tested internationally to conform to ISO 5725 or AOAC/IUPAC Harmonized Protocol • Minimum results from: • 8 laboratories • 5 countries • 5 levels of analyte

  9. Official Methods (2) • Validated by decades of service • Existing methods which conform to previous statistical norms • Adopted by the AOCS through harmonization with International Organizations

  10. Adoption Process (1) Adoption by Majority Vote Uniform Methods Committee International Study Collaborative Studies Industry Needs Technical Working Committee JAOCS Article

  11. Adoption Process (2) • Request for method • Appointment of subcommittee/project leader • Consideration of results of mini-collaborative • Proceed with full collaborative study • Consideration of results (publication) • Vote by UMC • Publication as Official Method/Recommended Practice/Recommended Procedure

  12. Methods Subcommittees SD – Stood down

  13. AOCS Liaison with International organizations ISO/TC34 SC11 Oils and Fats Codex Alimentarius CCFO - Fats/Oils ISO/TC34 SC2 Oilseeds AOCS Technical Services ISO/TC34 WG 7 GMO Codex Alimentarius CCMAS – Measuring/Analysis/ Sampling ISO/TC34 WG 8 HACCP ISO/TC34 WG 9 Traceability IUPAC Chemistry and the Environment [Food Commission] [Fats and Oils] CEN/TC 275/WG 6/ TAG 3 CEN/TC 275/WG 11 CEN/TC 307 ISO Mirror Groups ISO/TC34 WG 10 Nitrogen/Protein

  14. AOCS Liaison with National organizations NOPA AOCS Technical Services AOAC Analytical Chemists NIOP AACC Cereal Chemists ISEO ANSI NCPA Cottonseed Producers USB AG 9000 ISO SQT

  15. AOCS Liaison with Other Organizations FOSFA International IOOC Olive Oil AOCS Technical Services WHO/FAO JECFA Joint expert Committee on Food Additives MEDEO IG Seville JRC EU labs CSL Food Standards Agency (UK) SCC Standards Council Canada

  16. International Methods Taskforce • Scope: • To advise on methods development requirements outside the normal scope of the Methods Subcommittees • Function: • To provide regional input into the AOCS methods development process • Membership: • Open to all international AOCS members or members of relevant organizations

  17. International Methods Taskforce • Relationship: • Advisory body to the Uniform Methods Committee • Meetings: • At the AOCS Annual Meeting and at AOCS cosponsored regional meetings • Extra meetings as determined by demand

  18. Role of AOCS in International Methods Development

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