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细胞分裂素作用机制. Mechanism of Cytokinin Action. Science ,2007; 318: 68-69 :. Cytokinins are perceived by histidine kinases and transduced by a t wo- c omponent s ystem (TCS). H is p hospho t ransmitter proteins. The two-component and the multistep phosphorelay signaling systems.
细胞分裂素作用机制 Mechanism of Cytokinin Action
Cytokinins are perceived by histidine kinases and transduced by a two- component system (TCS) His phosphotransmitter proteins
The two-component and the multistep phosphorelay signaling systems
The Cytokinin Receptor Family: AHKs • CKI1 (cytokinin independent 1) • CRE1/AHK4/WOL (cytokinin response 1) • The WOODEN LEG Puzzle • AHK (Arabidopsis histidine kinase) AHK2 and AHK3 AHK1 and AHK5
拟南芥CKI1基因编码的产物具有调控蛋白区域以及组氨酸激酶相似的序列; 组氨酸激酶中有5个保守位点(如His405)以及调控蛋白中包括磷酸化位点Asp1050高度保守氨基酸残基。
Cytokinin Premary Response Genes • Type-AARRs(Arabidopsis response regulator) 转录抑制剂 • Type-BARRs 转录激活子 • Type-CARRs (ARR22, ARR23)
Overexpression of a Type-A ARR Alters Rice Morphology and Cytokinin Metabolism (Naoya Hirose et al.,2007)
The Type-C RRs Represent the Most Ancient RR Group 藻类 水稻 杨树 The number of receptors remained fairly constant, while the other protein families expanded. Plant Physiology, 2009, 151, 782–791
AHP (Histidine-phosphotransfer Proteins)磷酸转运蛋白 Cyclases/histidine associated Sensory extracellar domain Hutchison et al, 2003
Newly identified components of cytokinin response • The CRF1–6 proteins have uniform localization throughout the cell; however, when treated with cytokinin they move rapidly into the nucleus. • This process is dependent on both the ck receptors and the AHPs but independent of the type-A or type-B ARRs. • GLABOROUS1 ENHANCER BINDING PROTEIN (GeBP) was identified through a yeast one hybrid screen as it bound to the promoter of the cytokinin-induced myb gene GLABOROUS1/
The triple mutant is less sensitive to exogenous cytokinins and has higher levels of type-A ARR transcripts. • Transcript levels of type-A ARRs are partially insensitive to exogenous cytokinins in the triple mutant. • 35S:VP16:GPL2 plants have reduced ARR transcript levels and display increased cytokinin sensitivity.
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, 2009, 276,
Functional analysis of AHK1/ATHK1 and cytokinin receptor histidine kinases in response to abscisic acid, drought, and salt stress in Arabidopsis ( PNAS 2007,104 :20623–20628)
Cytokinin signaling regulates cambial development in poplar (PNAS,2008,50:20032-20037)
张小霞发言 • Anna Skylar et al., STIMPY mediates cytokinin signaling during shoot meristem establishment in Arabidopsis seedlings. Development. 2010, 137(4): 541–549
脱落酸作用机制 Mechanism of Abscisic acid Action
ABA responses in Arabidopsis seed dormancy post-germinationgrowth stomatal closure inhibition of root growth ABA regulated gene expression
The sequence of measurable early ABA-signaling events in guard cell J Plant Growth Regul (2005) 24:1–12
The RNA-binding protein FCA is anabscisic acid receptor Nature, 2006,439:19
The ABA receptors – we report you decide A number of potential abscisic-acid receptors have recently been described but some of these studies have been controversial. Peter McCourt and Robert Creelman (Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2008, 11:474–478)
The first ABA binding protein isolated (ABAP1) was identified in barley aleurone . ABAP1 and FCA differ in several fundamental aspects. • Magnesium protoporphyrin-IX chelatase H subunit (CHLH) ,also called GUN5in Arabidopsis (Shen et al.,2006). • A G-protein coupled receptor called GCR2 (Liu et al.,2007). • GTG1 and GTG2 act redundantly to mediate abscisic-acid responses (Risk et al.,2009). • a family of START proteins PYR/ PYL function as abscisic-acid receptors (Park etal.,2009;Ma et al.,2009).
Magnesium protoporphyrin-IX chelatase H subunit ABA binding by the H-subunit of the chloroplast CHLH.
Controversion • Barley chlorophyll-deficient mutants with mutations in the XanF gene (as the CHLH in Arabidopsis) showed no ABA-related phenotypes in seed germination, post-germination growth, and stomatal movement, and the ABA-binding activity of XanF was not detected using the system of the authors. (Muller and Hansson, 2009,Plant Physiol).
New Evidence in Arabidopsis Using a newly-developed ABA-affinity chromatographytechnique, we showed that the Mg-chelatase H subunit ABAR/CHLH specifically binds ABA through the C-terminal half. (Fu-Qing Wu et al.,Plant Physiol, 2009 )
Controversion • This is not clear that GCR2 has a trans -membrane domain. In addition, genetic analysis of the GCR2 family failed to detect an ABA related phenotype. At this point, GCR2 appears unlikely to function as an ABA receptor.
( Science,2007,318:914c) 羊毛硫氨酸
Although we cannot rule out GCR2 as a lanthionine synthetase homolog, our data indicate that it may define a new type of nonclassical G protein–coupled receptor. (Science,2007,318:914d)
Peter McCourt and Robert Creelman (Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2008, 11:474–478)
GPCR ( protein-coupled receptors)-type G protein :GTG1 and GTG2 • Arabidopsis mutants lacking both GTG1 and GTG2 exhibit ABA hyposensitivity. (Cell, 2009, 136:136–148)
GTG1 and GTG2 Interact with GPA1, and GTP-GPA1 Inhibits GTPase Activity of the GTGs
a classic ABA receptor involved in G protein signaling • receptor-like topology and membrane localization; • interaction with GPA1; • highly specific ABA binding; existence in two different conformations, GTP-bound and GDP-bound; • dependence of the efficiency of ABA binding on their conformation; • ABA hyposensitive phenotypes of mutants lacking GTGs; • no effect of ABA on expression of GTG transcripts, indicating that the role of GTG proteins in ABA signaling is posttranslational.
ABA signal transduction pathways are complex and involve a variety of small molecules and proteins 1.Two protein phosphatase 2C proteins (PP2Cs) called ABI1 and ABI2 have a central role in ABA response. 2.A variety of kinases, RNA-modifying enzymes and transcription factors have been proposed to function in ABA signaling (Aaron Santner et al., 2009)
The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Two RING E3 ligases, ABI3-interacting protein (AIP2) and Keep on Going (KEG), promote normal ABA signaling by regulating the abundance of ABA responsive transcription factors, namely ABA-insensitive 3 (ABI3) and ABI5.
Sumoylation of ABI5 by the Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 negatively regulates abscisicacid signaling • Loss-of-function T-DNA insertion siz1–2 and siz1–3 mutations caused ABA hyper-sensitivity. • abi5–4 suppressed ABA hypersensitivity caused by siz1 (siz1–2 abi5–4), demonstrating an epistatic genetic interaction between SIZ1 and ABI5. (PNAS,2009,106:5418-5423)
SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 represses ABI5 signaling function independent of AFP1.
Genetic evidence indicates that at least six Arabidopsis PP2Cs, namely ABI1,ABI2, PP2CA/AHG3, AHG1, HAB1 and HAB2, act as negative regulatorsof ABA • hab1-1abi1-2abi2-2 and hab1-1abi1-2pp2ca-1 mutants showed an extreme response to exogenous ABA, impaired growth and partial constitutive response to endogenous ABA. (Silvia Rubio et al.,Plant Physiol 2009)