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Bahan kajian MK Kajian Lingkungan dan Pembangunan KONSEP PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN Disarikan oleh: Prof Dr Ir Soemarno MS Malang-Agustus 2011. Sustainable development is
Bahan kajian MK Kajian Lingkungan dan Pembangunan KONSEP PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN Disarikan oleh: Prof Dr Ir Soemarno MS Malang-Agustus 2011
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
ASPEK EKONOMI Economic progress is often evaluated in terms of welfare (or utility) – measured as willingness to pay for goods and services consumed. Mmany economic policies typically seek to enhance income, and induce more efficient production and consumption of goods and services. The stability of prices and employment are among other important objectives.
Economic Activities and Global Change Issues - A Systemic View
ASPEK EKONOMI Economic efficiency helps maximize income. It is measured against the ideal of Pareto optimality, which encourages actions that will improve the welfare of at least one individual without worsening the situation of anyone else. The perfectly competitive economy is an important (Pareto optimal) benchmark, where (efficient) market prices play a key role in both allocating productive resources to maximize output, and ensuring optimal consumption choices which maximize consumer utility. If significant economic distortions are present, appropriate shadow prices may be used.
ASPEK EKONOMI The well-known cost-benefit criterion accepts all projects whose net benefits are positive (i.e., aggregate benefits exceed costs). It is based on the weaker ‘quasi’ Pareto condition, which assumes that such net benefits could be redistributed from potential gainers to losers—leaving no one worse off than before. More generally, interpersonal comparisons of welfare are fraught with difficulty – both within and across nations, and over time (e.g., the value of human life).
ECONOMIC ASPECT Economic sustainability seeks to maximize the flow of income that could be generated while at least maintaining the stock of assets (or capital) which yield these beneficial outputs. Economic efficiency continues to optimize both production and consumption. Problems arise in identifying the kinds of capital to be maintained (e.g., manufactured, natural, human and social capital), and their substitutability. Often, it is difficult to value these assets (especially ecological and social resources) and the services they provide.
ECONOMIC ASPECT The issues of uncertainty, irreversibility and catastrophic collapse pose additional difficulties, in determining dynamically efficient development paths. Many common microeconomic approaches rely on marginal analysis (e.g., comparing incremental costs and benefits of economic activities), which assumes smoothly changing variables. They are inappropriate for analyzing large changes, discontinuous phenomena, and sudden transitions among multiple equilibria. Recent work has begun to explore the behavior of large, non-linear, dynamic and chaotic systems, and concepts like system vulnerability and resilience.
ASPEK LINGKUNGAN Development in the environmental sense is a recent concern relating to the need to manage scarce natural resources in a prudent manner – because human welfare ultimately depends on ecological services. Ignoring safe ecological limits could undermine long-run prospects for development. Recent literature covers links among environment, growth and sustainable development. Environmental sustainability focuses on overall viability and normal functioning of natural systems. For ecological systems, sustainability is defined by a comprehensive, multiscale, dynamic, hierarchical measure of resilience, vigor and organization.
ASPEK LINGKUNGAN Resilience is the ability of ecosystems to persist despite external shocks, i.e., the amount of disruption that will cause an ecosystem to switch from one system state to another. An ecosystem state is defined by its internal structure and set of mutually re-inforcing processes. Vigor is associated with the primary productivity or growth of an ecosystem. Organization depends on both complexity and structure of the system.
ASPEK LINGKUNGAN Natural resource degradation, pollution and loss of biodiversity are detrimental because they reduce resilience, increase vulnerability, and undermine system health. The notions of a safe threshold and carrying capacity are important, to avoid catastrophic ecosystem collapse. Sustainability may be also linked to the normal functioning and longevity of a nested hierarchy of ecological and socioeconomic systems, ordered according to scale – e.g., a human community would consist of many individuals, who are themselves composed of a large number of discrete cells.
ASPEK LINGKUNGAN Gunderson and Holling use the term ‘panarchy’ to denote such a hierarchy of systems and their adaptive cycles across scales. A system at a given level is able to operate in its stable (sustainable) mode, because it is protected by slower and more conservative changes in the super-system above it, while being simultaneously invigorated and energized by faster changes taking place in sub-systems below it. Sustainable development is not necessarily synonymous with maintaining the ecological status quo. A coupled ecological-socioeconomic system could evolve, while maintaining levels of biodiversity that guarantee resilience of ecosystems on which future human consumption and production depend.
ASPEK SOSIAL Social development usually refers to improvements in both individual well-being and overall social welfare resulting from increases in social capital – typically, the accumulation of capacity enabling individuals and communities to work together. The quantity and quality of social interactions underlying human existence (including levels of mutual trust, and shared social norms and values), determine the stock of social capital. Thus, social capital grows with greater use and erodes through disuse, unlike economic and environmental capital, which are depreciated or depleted by use. We note that some forms of social capital may be harmful (e.g., cooperation within criminal gangs). There is also an important element of equity and poverty alleviation . Thus, the social dimension of development includes protective strategies that reduce vulnerability, improve equity and ensure that basic needs are met.
ASPEK SOSIAL Social sustainability parallels environmental sustainability. Reducing vulnerability and maintaining the ability of socio-cultural systems to withstand shocks, is also important. Enhancing human capital (through education) and strengthening social values, institutions, and governance are key aspects. Many harmful changes occur slowly, and their long-term effects are often overlooked in socio-economic analysis. Preserving cultural capital and diversity worldwide, strengthening social cohesion, and reducing destructive conflicts, are integral elements of this approach. An important aspect involves empowerment and broader participation through subsidiarity – i.e., decentralization of decision-making to the lowest (or most local) level at which it is still effective. In summary, for both ecological and socioeconomic systems, the emphasis is on improving system health and its dynamic ability to adapt to change across a range of spatial and temporal scales, rather than the conservation of some ‘ideal’ static state.
LATAR SEJARAH • UN Conference on Environment and Development, or the 1992 Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro – unanimously adopted Agenda 21, a blueprint for sustainable development. • Millennium Development Goals – UN General Assembly resolution 55/2, outlined 8 targets aimed at reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development. • World Summit on Sustainable Development – reaffirmed the commitment to Agenda 21 and Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals – The Water and Sanitation Sector
INDEKS KEBERLANJUTAN Sustainable development indicators (SDI) have the potential to turn the generic concept of sustainability into action.
The "Daly Rules" The three operational rules defining the condition of ecological (thermodynamic) sustainability: 1. Renewable resources such as fish, soil, and groundwater must be used no faster than the rate at which they regenerate. 2. Nonrenewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels must be used no faster than renewable substitutes for them can be put into place. 3. Pollution and wastes must be emitted no faster than natural systems can absorb them, recycle them, or render them harmless.
Energy, Emergy and Sustainability Index (SI) Emergy = the accounting system of embodied energy. A quantitative sustainability index (SI) as a ratio of the emergy (spelled with an "m", i.e. "embodied energy", not simply "energy") yield ratio (EYR) to the environmental loading ratio (ELR). The "Emergy Sustainability Index" (ESI), "an index that accounts for yield, renewability, and environmental load. It is the incremental emergy yield compared to the environmental load".
Life Cycle Assessment” LCA Life Cycle Assessment is a "composite measure of sustainability." It analyses the environmental performance of products and services through all phases of their life cycle: extracting and processing raw materials; manufacturing, transportation and distribution; use, re-use, maintenance; recycling, and final disposal
Sustainable Livelihoods Approach : SLA Livelihoods approaches are a way of thinking about the objectives, scope and priorities for development. They place people and their priorities at the centre of development. They focus poverty reduction interventions on empowering the poor to build on their own opportunities, supporting their access to assets, and developing an enabling policy and institutional environment.
Sustainable Livelihoods Approach : SLA • Core to livelihoods approaches are a set of principles that underpin best practice in any development intervention: • People-centred • Responsive and participatory • Multi-level • Conducted in partnership • Sustainable • Dynamic
Sustainable Livelihoods Approach : SLA • Livelihoods approaches are based on a conceptual framework to aid analysis of the factors affecting peoples’ livelihoods, including: • the priorities that people define as their desired livelihood outcomes • their access to social, human, physical, financial and natural capital or assets, and their ability to put these to productive use • the different strategies they adopt (and how they use their assets) in pursuit of their priorities • the policies, institutions and processes that shape their access to assets and opportunities • the context in which they live, and factors affecting vulnerability to shocks and stresses.
EMPAT TIPE KEBERLANJUTAN FAO : • Institutional sustainability. • Can a strengthened institutional structure continue to deliver the results of technical cooperation to end users? • The results may not be sustainable if, for example, the planning authority that depends on the technical cooperation loses access to top management, or is not provided with adequate resources after the technical cooperation ends. • Institutional sustainability can also be linked to the concept of social sustainability, which asks how the interventions can be sustained by social structures and institutions;
EMPAT TIPE KEBERLANJUTAN FAO : 2. Keberlanjutan ekonomi dan finansial Can the results of technical cooperation continue to yield an economic benefit after the technical cooperation is withdrawn? For example, the benefits from the introduction of new crops may not be sustained if the constraints to marketing the crops are not resolved. Similarly, economic, as distinct from financial, sustainability may be at risk if the end users continue to depend on heavily subsidized activities and inputs.
EMPAT TIPE KEBERLANJUTAN FAO : 3. Keberlanjutan Ekologi Are the benefits to be generated by the technical cooperation likely to lead to a deterioration in the physical environment, thus indirectly contributing to a fall in production, or well-being of the groups targeted and their society?
EMPAT TIPE KEBERLANJUTAN FAO : 4. Keberlanjutan Energi This type of sustainability is often concerned with the production of energy and mineral resources. Some researchers have pointed to trends which document the limits of production.
sustainomics and sustainable development Sustainable development triangle – key elements and links (corners, sides, center).
Sepuluh kunci keberlanjutan pembangunan • Participation and ownership. • Get the stakeholders (men and women) to genuinely participate in design and implementation. Build on their initiatives and demands. Get them to monitor the project and periodically evaluate it for results. • Capacity building and training. • Training stakeholders to take over should begin from the start of any project and continue throughout. The right approach should both motivate and transfer skills to people. • 3. Government policies. • Development projects should be aligned with local government policies.
Sepuluh kunci keberlanjutan pembangunan: 4. Financial. In some countries and sectors, financial sustainability is difficult in the medium term. Training in local fundraising is a possibility, as is identifying links with the private sector, charging for use, and encouraging policy reforms. 5. Management and organization. Activities that integrate with or add to local structures may have better prospects for sustainability than those which establish new or parallel structures. 6. Social, gender and culture. The introduction of new ideas, technologies and skills requires an understanding of local decision-making systems, gender divisions and cultural preferences.
Sepuluh kunci keberlanjutan pembangunan: 7. Technology. All outside equipment must be selected with careful consideration given to the local finance available for maintenance and replacement. Cultural acceptability and the local capacity to maintain equipment and buy spare parts are vital. 8. Environment. Poor rural communities that depend on natural resources should be involved in identifying and managing environmental risks. Urban communities should identify and manage waste disposal and pollution risks.
Sepuluh kunci keberlanjutan pembangunan: 9. External political and economic factors. In a weak economy, projects should not be too complicated, ambitious or expensive. 10. Realistic duration. A short project may be inadequate for solving entrenched problems in a sustainable way, particularly when behavioural and institutional changes are intended. A long project, may on the other hand, promote dependence.
Pilar-pilar Pembangunan Ramah Lingkungan • Economic Development – poverty eradication • Social Development – active participation of women; education; good governance • Environmental Protection – prevent environmental degradation and patterns of unsustainable development At the local, national, regional, and global levels
PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI • Poverty eradication/ Pengentasan Kemiskinan • Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the world’s people with income less than $1/day • Basic health services for all, reduce health threats • Increase food availability • Combat desertification, mitigate effects of drought and floods • Provision of clean drinking water • Enhance industrial productivity
Changing Unsustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production • Teknologi Produksi Bersih • Developing cleaner, more efficient energy technologies • Maintain urban air quality and health, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions • Sound management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, and of hazardous wastes
Protecting the Natural Resource Base of Economic & Social Development • Prevent water pollution to reduce health hazards and protect ecosystems • Watershed and groundwater management • Support desalination of seawater, water recycling • Ensure the sustainable development of oceans, marine environmental protection
KRISIS AIR Water crisis is a term used to refer to the world’s water resources relative to human demand. The term has been applied to the worldwide water situation by the United Nations and other world organizations. Others, for example the Food and Agriculture Organization, said in 2003 that there is no water crisis but steps must be taken to avoid one in the future. The major aspects of the water crisis are allegedly overall scarcity of usable water and water pollution.
Beberapa prinsip manifestasi krisis air. • Inadequate access to safe drinking water for about 884 million people. • Inadequate access to water for sanitation and waste disposal for 2.5 billion people • Groundwater overdrafting (excessive use) leading to diminished agricultural yields • Overuse and pollution of water resources harming biodiversity • Regional conflicts over scarce water resources sometimes resulting in warfare
SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT(SWRM) Pengelolaan sumberdaya air berkelanjutan • Pengelolaan dan Perencanaan Air • Pengolahan dan daur-ulang air limbah • Kualitas Air • Pengendalian Pencemaran • Pengelolaan dan Ekonomi • Sistem Penunjang Keputusan • Sistem Hydraulic • Risiko banjir • Pemodelan Hydraulic • Problematik Irrigation • Governance dan Monitoring
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is what most people aim to achieve in both, research and practice, to enable a sustainable way of handling water resources. An often quoted definition of IWRM is given by the Global Water Partnership: “IWRM is a process which promotes the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.” (GWP 2000: 22)
Action Agenda – Focus on Five Key Thematic Areas (WEHAB) Priority areas for action, identified by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan: • Water and sanitation • Energy • Health • Agriculture • Biodiversity protection and ecosystem management
AIR dan SANITASI “Water is not only the most basic of needs but is also at the center of sustainable development.” • Around 1.2 billion people still have no access to clean drinking water • Around 2.4 billion people do not have adequate sanitation.
AIR dan SANITASI Beberapa isu-isu kunci: • Prevent water pollution to reduce health hazards • Protect ecosystems • Introduce technologies for affordable sanitation, industrial and domestic wastewater treatment • River basin, watershed and groundwater management • Support desalination of seawater, water recycling • Marine environmental protection - oceans, seas, islands and coastal areas are essential components of the Earth’s ecosystem