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Licence VAE exp é rimentale à l ’ Universit é de Provence 2006/2007 A Pilot Bachelors ’ Degree at Provence University. An Example of a Bachelor’s Degree Training Course Based on Common standards
Licence VAE expérimentale à l’Université de Provence 2006/2007 A Pilot Bachelors’ Degree at Provence University UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
An Example of a Bachelor’s Degree Training Course Based on Common standards This training course with 10 modules of 400 hours of classroom learning is completed by a minimum of 420 hours of work place experience and about 700 hours of personal studies (reading, networking, group discussions,writing of documents …) .It allows participants to obtain 60 ECTS credits. Its entry and validation levels are in accordance with the French university system and correspond to level 5 and 6 in EQF. The University of Provence has put up its own quality assurance system in 2005, which needs to be finetuned with european standards in the future. We keep in touch with university authorities concerning this particular issue. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 1 : Keeping up to date Objectives: Learn to analyse the APEL environment so as to be able to interact with it Contents: Techniques of documentary research, handling of modern information and communication technology. Competencies: Know how to keep up with new contents and methodology; Work within a network of professionals UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 2 : Learning situations and training effects in APEL Objectives: acquire theoretical background knowledge for the practice Contents: Models of adult training, theories of learning, epistemological reflection, learning supports and models of organized learning, formal and informal learning, experience, knowledge and competencies. Theoretical background on the notions of commitment and change. Competencies: Orient oneself within the theories of learning and the models of adult training. Put these theories and models to use in the professional practice. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 3: Legal framework of APEL Objectives: Identify and analyse stakeholder interests Contents: Acquire a global view of APEL practices throughout Europe. Laws and decrees on VAE in France. Institutions and target populations. Competencies: Know the context and the legal framework of APEL in Europe and in France in particular. Analyse the political and economical background. Work with professional partners. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 4 : Regulation of the professional project • Objectives: • Take distance from practice. • Contents: • -Accompaniment of/towards a professional project: taking into consideration the interests and particularities of individuals in real situations. • -Analyse of transfer. • Interpretation of incidents encountered on the workplace. • Working out alternatives in handling the situation. • Competencies: • Learn to work on one’s professional postures. Explore and learn different ways of listening. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 5 : Models and structured approaches for evaluation • Objectives: • Acquire concepts for the construction of a system of references • Contents: • - Identification of postures, roles in evaluation. • Functions of evaluation, procedures and processes, summative, formative and self-evaluation. • Historical approach of evaluation • Control and accompaniment • Philosophical and scientific basis of evaluation • Criteria, indicators, standards • Competencies: • Use the different models of evaluation • Co-evaluate with candidates APEL process. Evaluate and regulate one’s own practices. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 6 : Reflection on ethics and epistemology for APEL Objectives: Acquire theoretical background knowledge for the relation with the candidate Contents: anthropological approaches, psychology, mediation, ethics, values, different approaches to the foundation of ethics, moral principles and professional values. Theory of accompaniment. To be distinguished from orientation advice, direction; different ways of relating to others, different types of intelligence. Competencies: Work out one’s professional project, become a responsable and skilled reflective practicioner in the art of accompaniment UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 7 : Making non formal and informal learning visible • Objectives: • Acquire techniques for effective action • Contents: • Interview techniques • Different sorts of interviews: explicitation, clinical, counselling, accompaniment • Models of regulation and supportive action • Competencies: • Support the candidate to help him make his non formal and informal learning visible/audible, guide him in the formalisation of his experience. • Conduct interviews, know the resources of accompaniment. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 8 : Analyse work based experience Objectives: Become a reflective practitioner Contents: Accompany the student during his work place experiences. Help him work out attitudes in tune with his professional project, project regulation, help to (re-)define his strategies. Evaluation of the student’s or other professionals’ practices, case studies. Competencies: Ethic questioning concerning APEL practices. Know the dangers of behaviour of extreme control or over-zealous accompaniment. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 9 : Professionalisation and APEL • Objectives: • Background knowledge for APEL specific practices • Contents: • - Theories of action, acting and work • Professionalisation and what is at stake in this process • Competences, skills, experience • Change and the relation with knowledge, different types of knowledge • Proof, testimony and traces: background, tools, and practices • Competencies: • Work on the notion of competency, know the stakes of working on one’s experiences, work on the notion of proof. UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)
Module 10 : Introduction to the methods of Science • Objectives: • Take one’s distance with common opinions (doxa) • Contents: • Available scientific methods (experimental, differential, clinical, ethnological, historical) • Comparison of research protocols, postures and criteria in Science • Competencies: • Work on one’s self with the help of distanciation • Work on one’s relation to knowledge UMR-ADEF Michel Vial (assisted by IFE M.Krichewsky)