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2011 Pioneer Officials’ Clinic. USA Volleyball Referee & Scorekeeper Certifications. Levels of certification: Provisional, Regional, Junior National, National, International . Yearly Requirements for Maintaining your USAV certification. Register and pay the PRV/USAV fee
USA Volleyball Referee & Scorekeeper Certifications • Levels of certification: • Provisional, • Regional, • Junior National, • National, • International
Yearly Requirements for Maintaining your USAV certification • Register and pay the PRV/USAV fee • Make sure your background check is current • A signed “Officials Independent Contractor Agreement’ on file • Attendance at a clinic is required each season • Take online Officials and Scorekeepers test 4) Work at least 1 tournament in Pioneer. 5) As a Regional referee (or above), officiate at the Bid Tournament, Regional Championships
2009-2011 DOMESTIC COMPETITION REGULATIONSSIGNIFICANT VOLLEYBALL (INDOOR) RULE CHANGES AND CLARIFICATIONS • Narrative Explanation of Change in Regulation • This change clarifies that under no circumstances will a player be allowed to play while wearing a cast.
SIGNIFICANT VOLLEYBALL (INDOOR) RULE CHANGES Defines when and by whom the scoresheet is signed. • “For junior competition, both coaches sign the scoresheet after the match to verify the results.”
SIGNIFICANT VOLLEYBALL (INDOOR) RULE CHANGES “Rally and completed rally. A rally is the sequence of playing actions from the moment of the service hit by the server until the ball is out of play. A completed rally is the sequence of playing actions which results in the award of a point.”
SIGNIFICANT VOLLEYBALL (INDOOR) RULE CHANGES • “For junior competition, when one team has exclusive use of the court, the other team must either be at its team bench or out of the playing area. Warming up with balls at the team bench or the spectator walkways is not permitted.”
SIGNIFICANT VOLLEYBALL (INDOOR) RULE CHANGES • Substitutions are only recognized when the sub enters the zone. There is no longer a request from the coach or captain. “The actual request for substitution is the entrance of the substitute player(s) into the substitution zone, ready to play, during a regular interruption.”
PRV Pre-Tournament Procedures • Proper Uniform & Equipment • Arrival: at least 30 minutes early • Check in with Site Director or Head referee “ Keep your court on time”
Referee Equipment & Uniform White “Certified Volleyball Official” shirt, Long sleeve shirts are available. Dark navy blue slacks (no jeans, running pants, etc.) Black belt SOLID white tennis shoes Whistle & Lanyard Yellow/Red Cards Flipping Coin , Net measuring device Ball pump & gauge Rule Book, pen & pencil Timing device Flags (recommended)
PRV Pre-Tournament Checklist • Check net height, antennas, ball pressure, stands and padding • Ground Rules: • Court markings • Playable areas • Overhead obstructions • Scorekeepers’ table and supplies • - Scoresheets,Libero tracking sheet • - Pen & Pencils • Locate support team/work crew • - Inform them of their duties
PRV Pre-Match Protocol • Captains’ meeting – ASAP: • Jewelry • Ground Rules • Warm up protocol (see below) • Match format • Coin Toss: serve/side/receive • Serving team 1st 4 min period • Monitor warm-ups • (2)-4-4 for Juniors; serving team on court for first four minutes • May vary with other tournaments • Instruct work crew during warm-ups • “Keep matches on time”
Meet with scorekeeper and assistant scorekeeper: Review scorekeeper duties • Verify server before each serve; • Triangle libero’s serving position. • “Only in Pioneer Region events” • Ensure lineups are recorded correctly; • End of set/match procedures. • Coaches must sign score sheet • Referees must sign scoresheet after checking for accuracy.
Libero Serving Modification X B 14 14 A COUGARS OWLS 15 X 6 3c 5 13 7 9 11 4 6c 8 10 12 1 14 2 Pioneer Region ONLY 9 10 8 14 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü X 10 1 5 3 15 9 15 5 8 Owl’s #9 is replaced by the Libero to serve When the Libero serves a Triangle is placed around the Svc Order roman numeral This triangle designates this is the only place in the service order that the libero will be allowed to serve for this set This is not a substitution REMEMBER – the Pioneer Region allows the libero to serve but not all regions allow this X X 15
Libero Scoring • When the libero contacts the ball for service, draw a triangle around the corresponding number in the “Svc Order” column to indicate that this is the only position where the libero can serve in the set. • A triangle is used in the running score column to record points won while the libero is serving. X B A 14 14 BEARCATS RAMS ü X 14 / / 4c 8 10 12 6 2 3c 5 7 9 11 1 / / / / / ü ü ü X ü ü 2 12 3 15 P
Tracking the LIBERO serving A 6 1 3c 5 7 9 11 • The Libero Tracker must also track the libero serving.Libero serves for Owl’s #9 • A Triangle is placed around the Roman Numeral to show this is the only place the libero may serve in this set 13 L 17
Starting the match • Signal teams to end lines or onto court • Check lineups • During service: • Eight second violation • Re-serves not allowed • Five seconds for 14 & Under (Competition) • – a re-serve is allowed for each serve; five seconds permitted per attempt
Points of emphasis • Exceptional Substitution • The injured player is not allowed to re-enter the match unless legally substituted out. • Re-designation of a new Libero • The injured Libero may not re-enter to play for the remainder of the match
Points of emphasis A player is not permitted to pass hand(s) beyond the net inside the antennas and contact the ball over the opponent’s court unless in the act of blocking.
Reminder Games are called “Sets” ALL sanctions last for entire MATCH
Reminder Pursuit Rule External Space Side line Net Plane Fully or partially external First contact
Reminder Clearance Required for Pursuit 2 meters 2 meters R1 R1 2 meters
BlocksDefinition: player reaching higher than the top of the net • Near the net • Intercept ball from other side • Part of body must be above height of net Block 1st contact
Who’s a Blocker • Illegal blockers: • Backrow cannot complete a block • Libero cannot attempt a block • Collective block: • player must meet definition of a block to be considered part of a collective block below Not a blocker Blockers
Backrow Blocker • Near the net • Intercept ball from other side • Part of body above height of net Illegal 1st contact
More Rule Review Backrow Attack Attack hit: any ball (except block/serve) heading across the net Completion of attack: completely crosses net OR legally blocked Back row attacks (legal if not handset by libero in attack zone) last floor contact behind attack-line, or part of ball is lower than the top of net Illegal backrow attacks: last floor contact on/in front attack-line, and entire ball is higher than the top of net
Backrow Attack Not OK Top of net OK On/in front Attack line New signal
Backrow Setter above Towards opp Top of net Attack line in front
Potential play-over situations • Potential play-over situations: • Ball comes to rest on an overhead object above team's playing area and is still playable • Simultaneous faults • “Joust” play is legal • Object coming onto the court and interfering with play • Play is stopped due to injury anywhere on court or free zone
Net More Rule Review Joust will still be “play on” Ball Out after Joust: Side line Team on the side the ball goes out on wins rally impetus
Libero Review Restrictions Cannot complete an attack hit Can serve (Only in our region) Cannot block or attempt to block Cannot handset in attack zone Cannot be Captain
Libero Review • Check uniform legality BEFORE match, during warm-ups • Check submitted lineups to see if a Libero is listed • Make sure your libero tracker knows how to handle illegal replacements
Sanctions The verbal Warning – no cards! Can give multiple warnings R2 can give verbal warnings Punctuate! End of discussion Mean it! Follow through
Sanctions Misconduct (individual) penalty expulsion DQ sideout leave set leave match no point/side out
Sanctions . . . Spotlight on the kids/game Cards help to refocus on the court BUT Cards also focus attention on Ref • Keep it snappy – MOVE ON. • Don’t make it personal 3. Re-examine: could I have prevented?
Sanctions Team Sanctions IR TDW TDP Improper request Team delay warning Team delay penalty delay of game delay of interruptions 2nd IR Illegal sub at improper time by improper player for improper sub
Injuries • Stop play immediately, not just on playing area, but injury occurring anywhere • Allow up to 30 seconds for assessment of injury • If player is not ready to resume play after 30 seconds, a substitution or timeout must result • Allow sufficient time for injured player to be safely removed from playing area • No other substitution request may be made until injury is resolved
Injuries • Special injury timeout • Only used when there are no legal substitutions available • Lasts a maximum of three minutes • Only one special injury timeout allowed per player per match • Regular timeouts may be used in conjunction with the injury timeout
Injuries • Priority of who may be an exceptional sub for an injured player • Person who has played in the same position as the injured player during that set or any player that has not already been in the set • Any player on the bench regardless of previous position played • Libero • An injured player replaced by exceptional substitution may not return to the match
Blood Situations Stop play for blood on: Player Uniform Equipment (e.g. ball, knee pads, floor) Clean-up equipment: Event Administration, NOT YOU Change bloodied uniform: Quickly (uniform is courtside) or Substitute New number (no duplicates), similar color/style
End of Set/Match Procedures • Players do not go to end line if there is another set to be played; a whistle and the signal to change courts is given immediately after signaling “end of game” • Players go to their team bench during the coin toss for a deciding set • Players change courts without delay at eight points in a deciding set • Players to end line at end of match • Grab coaches to sign score sheet
Technique Review Hand Signals: • Clear, visible and executed away from the body • Held long enough to convey the call • Complete each signal before displaying the next signal (indicate End of Set/Match Procedures loss of rally/next team to serve before signaling fault, for example) • Establish a consistent tempo; don’t rush
Working With Junior Support Crews • Scorekeeper • Libero Tracker/Assistant Scorekeeper • Line Judges • Second Referee Protect Your Crew!
Ready for your Test? • Your URL or website for test is: http://www.volleyballreftraining.net/usavtest/ • Your password for the exam • PRS304 (please take test ‘A’) • Scorekeeping • PRS304S
refresh Reminders • Honor Commitments • Be Approachable • Verify Scoresheets: • Right team winning? • Right Score? • Sign score sheet to verify you have checked for accuracy Enjoy Your Season!