Tips For Arranging Living Room Furniture Living room has thousands of stories and memories to tell as it is the room where we spend most of our time. So things literally need to be perfect in here. Follow these simple tips for effectively arranging living room furniture. Focal Point Is Important Clear The Entrance Symmetry Is The Key The furniture in your living room should be comfortable as well as spacious. Make sure to place the sofa and other seating’s at a distance from the door to avoid any bumps. A television, fire pit or window can be focal point of the living room. Aesthetically place the furniture around it to make it look elegant and meaningful. Symmetrical arrangements make your living room look more organized. Add similar scale decoration pieces on the wall & equal number of sofa chairs facing each other. Bring It Together The Lamp Light Co?ee Table Lighting can add magnificence to a location. Adjust the brightness mindfully such that it soothes the atmosphere of the room. Living room must facilitate conversations with comfortable seating. Mind the gap and bring furniture closer to encourage conversations. Place a coffee table in the center of furniture to add elegance and ensure proper movement without any blockages. www.killeenfurniture.com 1101 South W S Young Drive, Killeen, TX 76543 Phone: (254) 634 - 5900