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2020 New GPYC GIAC Python Coder Exam Questions Killtest V8.02

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2020 New GPYC GIAC Python Coder Exam Questions Killtest V8.02

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  1. 2020 GPYC Exam Questions KillTest GIAC Python Coder V8.02 GIAC Python Coder (GPYC)

  2. Question 1 What does the attacker do in a SQL Injection attack? A. Obtains an administrative login for a SQL database server B. Finds and exploits CVSS-SIG vulnerabilities in a particular version of SQL database C. Inject information into an SQL server via an undocumented administrative interface D. Submits a string that is interpreted as a SQL database command Answer: C

  3. Question 2 What does the following command do? pip search syslog A. Searches for python modules related to syslog B. Searches for functions in the syslog module C. Results in a syntax error for the pip function D. Determines whether the syslog module is loaded Answer: A

  4. Question 3 Which of the following import statements will add the ability to parse data with regular expressions to your script? A. from regex import re B. import re C. from re import regex D. import regex Answer: B

  5. Question 4 Which of the following modules allows a programmer to specify and spawn new processes, connect to their input and output pipes, and retrieve returned data? A. pip B. urllib2 C. subprocess D. prochandle Answer: C

  6. Question 5 After calling a subprocess in a Python program, the program returns an error code of "0". What does this indicate? A. The subprocess did not run B. The subprocess terminated with no errors C. The subprocess entered an infinite loop condition D. The subprocess encountered a race condition Answer: B

  7. Question 6 What happens if a programmer fails to build exception handling into a program, and the program encounters an unexpected error condition? A. The interpreter will ignore the error and move to the next line B. The application will print a warning to the console and continue to the end C. The computer will "fuzz" input until it finds one that generates no error D. The application will terminate immediately or after resources are exhausted Answer: B

  8. Question 7 What is the output of the Is(TCP) function? A. It lists all of the TCP port numbers in a TCP stream B. It lists all of the packets that have a TCP layer C. It lists the contents of the TCP layer D. It lists all of the fields associated with the TCP layer Answer: A

  9. Question 8 A user enters unexpected data into a program. Which functionality can the programmer use to present an understandable error message to the user? A. Casting B. Exception handling C. Dictionaries D. Regular expressions Answer: B

  10. Question 9 What does the following line of code do? A. Sends the data stored in the variable "socket" to the IP address stored in AF_INET B. Gets data from all network sockets on the system C. Creates an instance of a UDP socket for transmitting or receiving data D. Transfers data from the local system to a remote system across the network Answer: C

  11. Question 10 What is the output of the following line of code typed into a Python interactive session? >>>print (8 <<1) A. False B. 16 C. SyntaxError: invalid syntax D. True Answer: B

  12. Thank You sales@killtest.com

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