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The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. 1. In the implementation of the business logic of HBase writing data, which of the following interfaces or classes does not need to be involved? A. Put B. HTable C. HBaseAdmin D. PutList Answer: C 2. In MapReduce application development, which of the following JAVA classes is responsible for managing and running a computing task? A. lob B. Context C. FileSystem D. Configuration Answer: A 3. In FusionInsight HD, Oozie needs to upload the configuration files and jar packages that the job relies on to HDFS before submitting the job A. True B. False Answer: A 4. In the Fusioninsight HD product, what is wrong about the Kafka secure and non-secure port description? (Note: The old API refers to the old Producer API and the old Consumer API. Among them, the old Consumer API: refers to the interface defined in kafka.consumer.ConsumerConnector; the old Producer API: refers to the interface defined in kafka.producer.Producer.) A. Kafka cluster security access port defaults to 21007, non-secure access port defaults to 21005. B. The premise for the old API to access a topic through port 21005 is that the server parameter allow.everyone.if.no.acl.found is set to true, and the topic does not have ACL attributes set C. The old API only supports access to port 21005; the new API is compatible with access to non-secure HCIP-Big Data-Developer H13-723-ENU Study Guide V8.02 Killtest port 21005 and secure port 21007. D. For topics with ACL set, you can use the old API to connect to port 21005 for access. Answer: D 5. Which of the following methods can generate DStream objects? A. KafkaUtils.createStream(...) B. KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(...) C. StreamingContext.socketStream(..) D. StreamingContext.fileStream(...) Answer: ABCD 6. Regarding the file format provided by Hive in the FusionInsight HD system, which is not a columnar file? 2 / 6
The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. A. CRC B. Parquet C. RCFile D. TextFiIe Answer: D 7. In FusionInsight HD, for the creation and read-write permissions of various resources in Solr, which of the following statements is wrong? A. Solr user group users can create a configuration set and specify the configuration set when creating a Collection B. Users of the Solr user group can create Collection C. Collection creator, role with read and write access to the collection, and Solr admin role can update the collection D. Only the collection creator and Solr admin roles can delete a collection Answer: A 8. In Spark, which of the following is the operator that takes the intersection of the DataFrame? A. filter (condifionExpr: String): DataFrame B. join (right: DataFrame, join Exprs: Column): DataFrame C. intersect (other: Data Fra me): Data Fra me D. dropDuplicates():DataFrame Answer: C 9. To create a table through HBase's createTable method, what parameters must be passed in? A. Table name B. Table names and columns C. Table name and column family D. Can be empty Answer: C 10. The system time of the node where the HDFS client is located must be consistent with the system HCIP-Big Data-Developer H13-723-ENU Study Guide V8.02 Killtest time of the FusionInsight HD cluster. If there is a time difference, the time difference should be less than a few minutes? A. 5 B. 10 C. 20 D. 30 Answer: A 11. In the process of Flume cascade transmission, you can use the fail over mode to transmit, so that if the Flume node of the next hop fails or the data is received abnormally, it can automatically switch to another way to continue transmission. A. True B. False 3 / 6
The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. Answer: A 12. In FusionInsight HD, what are the roles that belong to the Streaming service? (multiple choice) A. Nimbus B. Supervisor C. Broker D. quorumpeer Answer: AB 13. Regarding Streaming's topology, what is wrong in the following description? A. A Topology is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) connected by a set of Spout components and Bolt components through Stream Groupings B. Topology will keep running until it is explicitly killed C. Business logic is encapsulated in Topology D. A Topology can only specify to start one Worker process Answer: D 14. When the HDFS client writes files to HDFS with N copies, if one of the copies fails to write, all copies will return the write failure. A. True B. False Answer: B 15. In FusionInsight HD, use the Streaming command line to submit the om.huawei.examole.WordCount task in example.jar. The task name is wcTest. Which of the following commands is correct? A. storm jar example .jar wcTest om.huawei.example.WordCount B. storm jar example .jar wcTest WordCount C. storm jar example .jar om.huawei.example.WordCount wcTest D. storm jar example.jar WordCount wcTest Answer: C HCIP-Big Data-Developer H13-723-ENU Study Guide V8.02 Killtest 16. For an application running on the MapReduce platform, where will the jar package that the application depends on be placed? A. HIVE B. HBASE C. HDFS D. DB Answer: C 17. As the core object of Spark, which of the following characteristics does RDD have? (multiple choice) A. Read only B. Partition C. Fault tolerance D. Efficient 4 / 6
The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. Answer: ABCD 18. In FusionInsight HD, what are the computing frameworks that can be used in real-time processing scenarios? (multiple choice) A. Spark Streaming B. Streaming C. MapReduoe D. HDFS Answer: AB 19. In FusionInsight HD, which method of the OozieClient class will be called by the JAVA API of the Oozie client when running tasks? A. suspend B. getJobInfo C. submit D. run Answer: D 20. Set the data block storage size to 128M. When the HDFS client writes a file, when writing a 100M file, how much storage space is actually occupied? A. 128M B. 100M C. 64M D. 50M Answer: B 21. Which of the following reasons will cause HDFS NameNode to enter safemode (safe read-only mode)? (multiple choice) A. The disk space where the metadata of the active and standby NameNodes reside is insufficient. B. The number of lost blocks exceeds the threshold. C. The missing copy exceeds the threshold. HCIP-Big Data-Developer H13-723-ENU Study Guide V8.02 Killtest D. The damaged copy exceeds the threshold. Answer: AB 22. For the HBase component of the FusionInsight HD platform, what attributes of the secondary index need to be defined when adding a secondary index? (multiple choice) A. Index name B. Index column C. Index column type D. The name of the column family to which the index column belongs Answer: ABCD 23. When a MapReduce application is executed, which of the following actions occurred before the map phase? 5 / 6
The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. A. split B. combine C. partition D. sort Answer: A 24. In FusionInsight HD, regarding the secondary development of Hive UDF, which of the following descriptions is correct? (multiple choice) A. Before the user-defined UDF is used, it needs to be created in the Hive system. B. User-defined UDF is not allowed to add information such as summary and status. C. User-defined UDF can add deterministic and statefull annotations according to the actual situation. D. In a secure cluster, user-defined UDFs are recommended to be created before each use. Answer: AC 25. In the FusionInsight HD product, what is the role name of the Kafka service? A. Producer B. Broker C. Consumer D. ZooKeeper Answer: B HCIP-Big Data-Developer H13-723-ENU Study Guide V8.02 Killtest 6 / 6