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AGENDA. Overview of TETRA and its markets TETRA in Asia - Pacific Regulatory environment for TETRA Migration from Analogue Positioning TETRA against other digital standards Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers. Agenda. Overview of TETRA and its markets

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  1. AGENDA • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA in Asia - Pacific • Regulatory environment for TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  2. Agenda • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA Systems in Asia • Regulatory environment for TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  3. Market Success of TETRA • More than 40 contracts awarded so far world-wide • Contracts value exceeding $1 billion US • Dolphin Telecom rolling out Pan-European PAMR TETRA network starting with the UK, France and Germany • So far, UK, Holland, Belgium and Finland have chosen TETRA for their Nationwide Public Safety networks

  4. TETRA-Three Key Markets Civil Public PAMR Public Safety PMR Public Safety PMR Civil Private PMR Civil Private PMR

  5. TETRA Data Services Overview DATA Modes CIRCUIT MODE DATA (Kbit/s) SHORT DATA SERVICE (SDS) PACKET DATA 1-slot 2-slots 3-slots 4-slots USER DEFINED DATA (bits) STATUS Connection Oriented (CONS) Specific Connection -less (S-CLNS) IP type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 2.4 high 4.8 low 7.2 no 4.8 hi* 9.6 low* 14.4 no 7.2 hi 14.4 low 21.6 no 9.6 hi 19.2 low 28.8 no TETRA Variants up to 2047 16 32 64 V+D DMO PDO * hi = high data protection; low = low data protection; no = data protection

  6. New Technology Market Position Increasing Information Importance PMR TETRA Air Traffic Control & Tactical Military Police and Security Customs and Excise Fire and Ambulance Mineral Extraction Transport and Utilities Cellular - GSM Increasing User Base Business and General Commerce Fixed Telephony Consumer

  7. Agenda • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA Systems in Asia • Regulatory environment for TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  8. TETRA Projects in Asia- Pacific • Civil Public - PAMR (Trunked Network Operators) • Telstra - Australia (Nokia-trial) • Spectrum - Australia (Simoco) • Civil Private - Transportation • Upgrade of Existing Singapore MRT* (Motorola) • Singapore North East MRT Line (Marconi) • Emergency Services • New Zealand Police (Simoco+Frequentis & Tait) * MRT = Mass Rapid Transport

  9. TETRA prospects in Asia-Pacific • Civil Public - PAMR • Malaysia • India • Civil Private - Transportation • KCR Western Rail - Hong Kong • The Marina Line (MRL) - Singapore • CLP Utility - Hong Kong • New Bus service - Hong Kong • Emergency Services • Police - Hong Kong • ARIB (Association of Radio and Industries Businesses -Japan) select TETRA for their next generation of trunked mobile radio

  10. Frequency Efficiency Security for Critical Data Consistent Voice Quality Flexible Communication Automated Resource Management 4 channels in 25kHz TDMA Integrity through Forward Error Correction (FEC) Noise & distortion not degrading as in analogue Simultaneous Voice & Data and efficient Command & Control Increased capacity through trunking and bandwidth on demand Some Reasons for Choosing TETRA

  11. Support for Value Added Services High Service Availability Open Standard Transmission of hi resolution graphics for advertising Live streamed data for news bulletins Real-time travel and weather information Remote monitoring and diagnostics Efficient incident management Multi-vendor support More Reasons for Choosing TETRA

  12. Agenda • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA Systems in Asia • Regulatory environment for TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  13. PAMR Spectrum Allocations in Asia-Pac • Australia: 500-520 MHz • Cambodia 420 - 426 and 806 - 812 MHz • China 350 MHz • India: 405 - 470 and 806 - 821 MHz • Indonesia: 409-419; 422-429 ; 815-860 MHz • New Zealand: 406-410 MHz; • Philippines: 482-486; 492-496; 806-821 MHz • Singapore: 371-381; 389-399; 806-821 MHz • Thailand: 484-488; 806-821 MHz Source: IMTA

  14. TETRA in Malaysia • PAMR (Network Operators) 380-400 MHz* • Public Safety: 410-430 MHz ** • Analogue PAMR licences will not be issued beyond 2005 • Jabatam Telecom Malaysia (JTM) encouraging migration to digital • TETRA PAMR licence issued by the JTM to Electrocom • Telecom Malaysia have evaluated TETRA and have also applied for TETRA PAMR licence ** inverse to CEPT ERO Decide 1/96 * inverse to CEPT ERO Decide 4/96

  15. Some of Key Issues of the Operators • Wait-and-see on what happens in Europe • Subscriber loading • Migration & backward compatibility • Terminal size & costs TETRA has yet to gain the widespread endorsement by the PAMR Operators in the Asia-Pacific market.

  16. The Key tasks for the Regulators In order to gain the full benefits of ETSI TETRA standard, National Regulators should consider: • increasing spectrum allocations and, where possible, mirroring CEPT/ ERO recommendations. • extending the period of licence. • removing traditional restrictions, e.g. interconnect to PSTN. • new methods, taking into account broader depth of users & services, e.g. mobile telephony, telemetry, messaging, mobile data, paging.

  17. Australian example • Innovative solutions to two main obstacles to rolling out TETRA, viz. spectrum & Approvals • Spectrum allocation managed through spectrum auctions • No Radio Type Approval needed since there is no restriction on technology and, except broadcasting, no restriction on its use. • Spectrum management left to the owner, with consideration required of interference to other users • 10 year Operator’s Licence.

  18. TETRA PAMR in Australia • An Operator (Simoco-Pacific) purchased 83 MHz of spectrum divided across 17 geographical regions • Potential for a continent-wide TETRA network in 500-520 MHz band • Unlike in Europe, the system is likely to serve both Public Safety and public Access • Anticipated launch of services in 1999

  19. PAMR TETRA Network Spectrum 17 Bandwidth Allocation by Area 1 - 3.6MHz 2 - 2.0MHz 3 - 0.0MHz 4 - 3.4MHz 5 - 6.0MHz 6 - 7.0MHz 7 - 6.6MHz 8 - 5.6MHz 9 - 7.0MHz 10 - 6.2MHz 11 - 7.0MHz 12 - 6.4375MHz 13 - 5.8MHz 14 - 3.5MHz 15 - 4.4MHz 16 - 4.4MHz 17 - 3.4MHz 1 16 2 3 5 4 6 15 7 8 11 9 10 14 12 13

  20. Agenda • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA Systems in Asia • Regulatory restrictions to TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  21. Migration to TETRA from analogue • Mapping of conventional channels into talk-groups • Control Rooms • Data Applications • Support of basic services by Interworking (Gateways) • Possible reuse of sites, if in the same band and links, if digital • Financing packages alternative to “Big Bang” • No single solution - best one determined by the user

  22. Migration - backward compatibility • TETRA MoU proposed TETRA TDMA technology for Phase 2 of Project 25. • Project 25 Phase 2 since asked for backward compatibility with APCO25 Phase 1. • Development of multi-mode terminals left to market forces. • History lessons on success of backward compatibility - from D-AMPS vs. GSM to DCC vs. CD • Backward compatibility for fast moving technology??

  23. Agenda • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA Systems in Asia • Regulatory restrictions to TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  24. Mobile Telephony Mobile Data Mobile Data Mobile Radio Mobile Radio TETRA - Three Services in one

  25. Trunked Voice + Data (V+D) Conventional Direct Mode (DMO) Packet Data Optimised (PDO) TETRA - Three Standards in one

  26. TETRA GSM DCS Level of Customisation DECT Cell Size TETRA Positioning

  27. Features User Data Rate Traffic Channel (kHz) Telephony Services Inherent Ease of Duplex Concurrent Voice + data PMR Services Total Call Control Call set-up Time < 0.3 sec Group/All Call/ Broadcast Call Queued Call Scaleable (Local to National) Terminal Autonomy (DMO) End-to-end Encryption Bandwidth On Demand TETRA 28.8kbs 6.25 GSM 9.6kbs 25 DECT 144.4kbs 166.6 APCO25 9.6kbs 12.5 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü TETRA Positioning


  29. Agenda • Overview of TETRA and its markets • TETRA Systems in Asia • Regulatory restrictions to TETRA • Migration from Analogue • Positioning TETRA against other digital standards • Potential for differentiation amongst TETRA suppliers

  30. Simoco Pure TETRA- System Overview Other TETRA Network PABX, PSTN, ISDN, PDN Voice And Data ISI Direct Mode Gateway TETRA Network Mobile Stations PEI

  31. Single TETRA Base Station TCH #1 TCH #2 TETRA (data) Switch TETRA (data) Switch 32kbps TCH #3 X X CCH 3 voice channels + control + Network Management 3 TETRA BSs TCH #1 TCH #2 TCH #3 TC4 #4 64kbps TCH#5 7 voice channels + control + basic Network Management CCH Pure TETRA-transmission efficiency (1)

  32. TETRA Base Site Telephony Switch TCH #1 X TCH #2 2Mbps TCH #3 TCH #4 32 speech circuits + control + Network Management TCH #32 Pure TETRA-Transmission Efficiency (2) TETRA Base Site TCH #1 TCH #2 Pure TETRA (data) Switch 2Mbps TCH #3 X TCH #4 240 speech circuits + control + Network Management TCH #240

  33. Pure TETRA switch reliability • Triple Ring Inherent Switch Reliability • Triplicated fault-tolerant internal communication ring • Tolerates 2 concurrent omission failures or 1arbitrary failure, using a voting mechanism • Redundancy management • Automatic Recovery with no service interruption • Globally synchronized time base

  34. Pure TETRA switch reliability • Time Triggered Operating System • Designed for peak-load > Predictable reaction & performance under any circumstance

  35. Printer Printer Printer BSC BSC BSC BSC Network 1 Network 2 Network 3 BSC BSC GATEWAYS GATEWAY BSC GATEWAYS Pure TETRA - End-to-end” Call Management System TETRA Base Site TETRA Base Site Engineering Terminal V+D V+D Encryption Key Management V+D DMO ISI ISI TETRA Base Site V+D TETRA Base Site Local Despatchers Local Despatchers DMO V+D Remote Despatchers ISDN/ PSTN/ PDN

  36. Conclusions • GSM experience has shown that standardisation and globalisation are two key ingredients for the success. • Future trend for “fewer-doing-more” will increasingly demand technology which can deliver multi-tasking, anyplace, anytime. • TETRA standard has an unique opportunity to propel the humble PMR and PAMR onto the centre stage of Global Mobile Communications.

  37. Thank You

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