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Chapter 5 Jeopardy

Chapter 5 Jeopardy. Visual Perception. Motor Development. Infant Learning. Infant Cognition. Chapter 5 Hodgepodge. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Final Jeopardy.

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Chapter 5 Jeopardy

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  1. Chapter 5 Jeopardy Visual Perception Motor Development Infant Learning Infant Cognition Chapter 5 Hodgepodge 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

  2. Help (1) Save a duplicate of this template. (2) Enter all answers and questions in the normal view. (view/normal) (3) Change the category headings in the normal view (view/normal) (4) View as a slideshow. (5) Use the home red button after each question. ©Norman Herr, 2003

  3. ANSWER:The percentage of the mature cerebral cortex involved in visual processing QUESTION: What is 40% to 50%? Visual Perception100

  4. ANSWER: Because young infants have poor this, they detect a pattern only when it is composed of highly contrasting elements. QUESTION: What is “contrast sensitivity?” Visual Perception200

  5. ANSWER: When another person approaches or moves away from us, or slowly turns in a circle, our retinal image of the person changes in size and shape, but we do not have the impression that the person gets larger or smaller or changes shape. QUESTION: What is “perceptual constancy?” Visual Perception300

  6. ANSWER: The perception of separate objects in a visual array. QUESTION: What is “object segregation?” Visual Perception400

  7. ANSWER: The number of months it takes an American infant to learn that pictures are to look at and talk about, but not pick up or eat. QUESTION: What is 19 months? Visual Perception500

  8. ANSWER: These behaviors are innate, fixed patterns of action that occur in response to particular stimulation. QUESTION: What are “reflexes?” Motor Development100

  9. ANSWER: At around 8 months of age, infants become capable for the first time in their lives of moving around in the environment on their own. QUESTION: What is “self-locomotion?” Motor Development200

  10. ANSWER: Is a term used to describe the use of another person’s emotional reaction to interpret an ambiguous situation. QUESTION: What is “social referencing?” Motor Development300

  11. ANSWER: In this kind of error, very young children try to do something with a miniature replica object that is far too small for the action to be at all possible. QUESTION: What is a “scale error?” Motor Development400

  12. ANSWER: In the late 1990s, pediatricians noticed a surprising increase in the number of inquiries made about infants who either began crawling late or never crawled at all. Many babies had simply gone from sitting to walking. QUESTION: What happened when parents began to put their babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of SIDS? Motor Development500

  13. ANSWER: A decrease in response to repeated stimulation. QUESTION: What is “habituation?” Infant Learning100

  14. ANSWER: A key process in perceptual learning, it is the ability to extract from the constantly changing stimulation in the environment those elements that are invariant and remain stable. QUESTION: What is “differentiation?” Infant Learning200

  15. ANSWER: The objects surrounding a baby offer a variety of ______. Some can be picked up, but others are too heavy. Some make noise, while others can be enjoyably cuddled. QUESTION: What are “affordances?” Infant Learning300

  16. ANSWER: In classical conditioning, the originally reflexive response that comes to be elicited by the conditioned stimulus. QUESTION: What is the “conditioned response” (CR)? Infant Learning400

  17. ANSWER: Parents, who are often amused or sometimes embarrassed by their toddler’s reproduction of their own behavior, are well aware of this phenomenon. QUESTION: What is “observational learning?” Infant Learning500

  18. ANSWER: A procedure used to study infant cognition in which infants are shown an event that should evoke surprise or interest if it violates something the infant knows or assumes to be true. QUESTION: What is “violation-of-expectancy?” Infant Cognition100

  19. ANSWER: Infants may attribute this and goals to inanimate entities as long as the entities “behave” like humans. QUESTION: What is “intentionality?” Infant Cognition200

  20. ANSWER: Even in their first year of life, infants seem to appreciate this physical law, often testing and retesting it while seated in their highchairs. QUESTION: What is “gravity?” Infant Cognition300

  21. ANSWER: Piaget observed that infants younger than 8 months of age do not search for objects they cannot see, leading him to formulate this concept. QUESTION: What is “object permanence?” Infant Cognition400

  22. ANSWER: Is the error phenomenon that has forced developmental psychologists to think critically about how babies think. QUESTION: What is the “A-Not-B error”? Infant Cognition500

  23. ANSWER: A type of learning that involves picking up information from the environment and forming associations among stimuli that occur in a statistically predictable pattern. QUESTION: What is “statistical learning?” Hodgepodge100

  24. ANSWER: Another name for operant conditioning, it is learning about the consequences of one’s own behavior. QUESTION: What is “instrumental conditioning?” Hodgepodge200

  25. ANSWER: Belly crawling or other idiosyncratic patterns of self-propulsion sometimes known as the “inchworm belly-flop” style of getting around. QUESTION: What is “self-locomotion?” Hodgepodge300

  26. ANSWER: Is a “disappearing reflex” that can be elicited by holding a newborn under the arms so that his or her feet touch the surface. QUESTION: What is the “stepping reflex?” Hodgepodge400

  27. ANSWER: A clumsy swiping toward the general vicinity of objects a young infant sees. QUESTION: What are “prereaching movements?” Hodgepodge500

  28. ANSWER: Is the combining of information from two or more sensory systems so that they are received as a unitary, coherent event. QUESTION: What is intermodal perception? FINAL JEOPARDY

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