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DESCRIBILICIOUS – LEVEL 1. INSTRUCTIONS. The following presentation is designed to help you improve your understanding of descriptions in French . You’ll need to stay in slide show view for the whole exercise so click shift+f5 when you get to slide 2 onwards.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DESCRIBILICIOUS – LEVEL 1 INSTRUCTIONS The following presentation is designed to help you improve your understanding of descriptions in French. You’ll need to stay in slide show view for the whole exercise so click shift+f5 when you get to slide 2 onwards. On the next slide you will see a cartoon with an incident involving a robbery. Just click on the screen if there’s nothing happening and the cartoon will continue. Your job is to help the police discover the identity of the thief who has run off into the park. One by one you’ll eliminate the innocent people until you’re left with the correct person. Hope you like it..... Click shift + f5 now for cartoon. Click on me to move

  2. Vousavez raison Sergent Ali, maisil a disparu au parc. Si on veutluiattraperilfaut se dépêcher. Allons-y! Ne vousinquiétez pas Madame. Nous auronsattrapé le voleurdansuneheure! AlorsSergentHussain, il me sembleque le voleurportait un déguisement. Il l’alaissétomber par ici. Maintenantj’aivraimentpeur! Au secours, au secours! On a volémon sac! Au secours! Quelendroit. Il me semble un peudangereux. Je croisque je vaisappeler un taxi.

  3. Your task is to help the police identify who the thief is. Read the description next to the policewomen and click on the person being described. This will make them disappear one by one until only the thief is left. If you click on the wrong suspect you’ll be taken back to the start so make sure you’re certain before clicking. When you’re ready, press anywhere on this slide to continue and remember to stay in slide show view....Bonne chance!

  4. L’innocent1:porte un uniforme bleu.

  5. Innocent 1: porte un uniforme bleu

  6. Innocent 2: n’a pas de jambes.

  7. Innocent 3: esteuropéen.

  8. Innocent 4: a une moustache.

  9. Innocent 5: esttrès fort et a les cheveux blonds.

  10. Innocent 6: esttrès mince et a les cheveuxmarron.

  11. Innocent 7 :porte des vêtements oranges.

  12. Innocent 8: estjeune, a les cheveux blonds et porte un short.

  13. Innocent 9: a les cheveux blonds et très courts.

  14. Innocent 10: estune femme.

  15. Innocent 11: estvieux et porteunebarbegrise.

  16. Innocent 12: a un nez sale.

  17. Innocent 13: ne porteni de chapeau ni de casquette.

  18. Innocent 14: aun mentonénorme.

  19. CLIQUEZ SUR LE MONSIEUR ...... VÎTE!! CLIQUEZ ICI SUR LE SAC POUR CONTINUER. Vous êtes en état d'arrestation Monsieur. Prenez le sac Sergent Ali.

  20. Votre sac Madame. Y a-t-il autre chose que nous pouvons faire pour vous? Un crabe? Oui, un crabe a volémon portable!

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