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Miracles: Are They For Real?. John 21:1-6. August Sermon Series: “Revealing the Truth”. Rev. Benji De Jesus. Introduction. Miracles - We hear them all the time. Our of my favorite stories – The Poor Prayerful Woman. Introduction. Miracles have to do with the supernatural
Miracles: Are They For Real? John 21:1-6 August Sermon Series: “Revealing the Truth” Rev. Benji De Jesus
Introduction • Miracles - We hear them all the time. • Our of my favorite stories – The Poor Prayerful Woman
Introduction • Miracles have to do with the • supernatural • defying natural laws • statistically impossible • God’s intervention in the world • manifests the greatness and goodness of God
Introduction • The OT and NT are replete with the miraculous.
Introduction • From the creation of the world to the raising of dead Lazarus, miracles have always been part of man’s history. • Jesus himself preformed numerous miracles during his time. • How many recorded miracles did Jesus perform? • 34
Introduction • Miracles are signs • They point to something significant • Ex. What was Jonah’s miracle a sign of? – the death & resurrection of Jesus • How about the meaning of the following miracles… • Feeding the 5000? • That God is the Great Provider • Healing the blind? • That God is the Great Physician
Introduction • Miracles are signs • They point to something significant • How about the meaning of the following miracles… • The birth of a baby? • That God is the Giver and Sustainer of Life • Resurrection from the dead? • That God is the Restorer of Life
But why do people have a hard time believing in miracles? • Too good to be true • Don’t believe unless they can see, explain or understand it. • Like doubting Thomas: “To see is to believe” • Like the Israelites crossing the Red Sea
But why do people have a hard time believing in miracles? • Like praying for healing and then attributing it later to science, med, natural events and our own efforts (God is out of the picture. No thanks given to God) • It is easier to believe in science…the physical, the natural explanations
But why do people have a hard time believing in miracles? • There are many fakes, hoax out there that people have disbelieved. • Examples: Fake healing & “slaying” • Problem is, people generalize: If there are fakes, all must be fake. True or False? • Fakes exists, why? • Reason for fakes?
Yes, while there are real miracles that are God honoring… • there are also fake miracles • and there are real but deceptive miracles as well. • So do not just go out and believe each and every miracle! • Besides, we should not be too over enamored by miracles. Why?
Remember during Jesus’ day? • Jesus rebuked the people who wanted to see more signs and miracles. • He said no sign will be given except that of Jonah. • People want to see miracles… • “Bridge over troubled waters”
I could see why Jesus discouraged the people from signs and miracles… • The problem or danger with miracles is: • People become dependent on miracles • People believe if only there are signs and miracles. • Miracles become an end in themselves • People focus on miracles and on benefiting themselves.
Rather than depending on miracles to believe Jesus said in John 20:29b, “…blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” • That’s greater faith! • But there are times when God sees fit (according to his love and wisdom) and does something spectacular…a miracle. • Let’s take a look at one such instance:
A Fishy Story John 21:1-6 • 21:1 Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias. It happened this way: 2 Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. 3 "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you." So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.
A Fishy Story John 21:1-6 • 4 Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. • 5 He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?" "No," they answered. • 6 He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
A Fishy Story John 21:1-6 • One night Peter, a fisherman went to fish with the other disciples in the Sea of Tiberias • The Sea of Tiberias • also called locally as “sea” or “lake of Galilee” • was about 554 feet deep • Same lake where the boat that Jesus and the disciples were in during the storm
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • The whole evening they could not catch even one fish • Imagine Peter… • A fisherman fishes. No fish no food. • Physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual low
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Imagine Peter… • That was a problem. Our problems come in many interesting forms: • Relationships (Marital, Kids) • Money • Health • Safety • The world has devised ways to address these issues: • Relationships - court proceedings, separation & divorce
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Imagine Peter… • The world has devised ways to address these issues: • Money – banks, investments, insurance, loans, plastics • Health – insurance, health plans, gym, doctors, hospitals, medicines • Safety – insurance, security guards, airbags & seatbelts • Despite these protective measures, things turn from sour to bitter.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Imagine Peter… • Despite these protective measures, things turn from sour to bitter. • Financial collapse • Accidents and health crisis • Relationships end up broken • But there’s good news…. • Let’s go back to the story in John 21
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • The next day Jesus went out to check on his disciples. • Jesus asked a very strange question: "Friends, haven't you any fish?” • Jesus is God. He is omniscient (all-knowing). • So why does Jesus ask if He already knew? • Not for His sake but for the disciples. • The disciples answered "No, no fish”.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • "No fish” was a statement of their problem. • They have to know the problem… • Jesus wanted them to admit that they had a problem. • He wants us to also realize that we do have our own shortcomings and difficulties. • Is it God who brings these problems and difficulties in our lives? • No. God ALLOWS problems, sin, trouble in our lives for a purpose.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • "No fish” is saying that we do not and cannot make it in this life alone. • “No fish” is admitting that we are eternally dependent on God for • Food • Clothing • Shelter • Safety • Health • Happiness • Life
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Have you ever admitted to God that you are empty handed…that you have “no fish”? • Jesus is asking you this morning, “Friend, do you have any fish?” • Are you doing ok in your life? • Is there anything you need? • What are you going through this week? • Are you in trouble and can I help? • Do you have any fish? • What is your answer? “No fish?”
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • It is a humbling experience for the people of God to acknowledge our problems and needs before God. • But dear friends, humility and dependence upon God is always the starting point our relationship with God.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Continuing on.. • John 21:6 “(Jesus) said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some (fish)." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.” • Here the disciples, fishermen at that, were fishing perhaps all night…they caught nothing. • And now Jesus is commanding them now to throw their nets on the RIGHT side!
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • So why didn’t the disciples fish on the LEFT side in the beginning? • What’s the difference now in their fishing? 1) JESUS IS WITH THEM • We can do what we are good at. • We can work all day and all night. • We can invest all our resources and energies. • But if Jesus is not with us, this will amount to NOTHING.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • With Jesus, our time, efforts, investments will be something. • But Pastor, what does it mean to be “with Jesus”…? • When we are with Jesus, He is with us. • Jesus tells us to abide in Him...to remain in Him. • This means we will do what He says; Go where He tells us; Say what He tells us. • And how do we know what to do, where to go and what to say?
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) 2) JESUS IS COMMANDING THEM • In the disciples’ case, what were they told to do? • "Throw their net on the right side of the boat.” • What did they do? • What does this tell you about their faith?
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) 2) JESUS IS COMMANDING THEM • What if the disciples did not obey? • They would not have eaten that morning • They would not have some provision for their families/others • They would not have experienced God’s miracle • Faith is coupled with Obedience
Faith is believing in the unseen, in trusting though not comprehending. • The disciples did not try to rationalize nor argue with Jesus about the techniques of fishing on the right side of the boat. • They did not complain about being out all night fishing • They did not say “it was illogical to fish on the right side”
They believed and therefore they obeyed. • If we believe, then we obey. • Question…do you and I believe enough to obey God? • Do you know what? All of us, everyone of us…has faith.
While people say they don’t believe in God or in miracles…they still believe in SOMETHING. • Even though we do not understand fully or do we see something…we still have a certain amount of faith in something: • For example: • We do not see nor understand fully about electricity but when you turn on your TV do you expect to watch “Tayong Dalawa” or “CNN”?
We do not fully understand how the MRT works or why our vehicles run…but when we get in it…what do you expect…what do you believe will happen? • You believe you will get from point A to B • So I submit that we do NOT have to UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING nor do we have to SEE EVERYTHING to believe, agree?
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • What happened then? • How much catch did they get? • “…they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.” • Now, was that a miracle?
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Skeptics would say: • It just happened to be at the right time • Jesus knew the moon effect, the tide, the time of day • It just happened to be at the right place • Jesus could see from the shore where the fishes were • This is just a parable and did not actually happen • It was an exaggeration to emphasize a point • Few fishes only
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • What did I say last Sun? “Skeptics will be skeptics.” • The reality is the disciples had a problem: • What was it? • The reality is Jesus had the solution: • What was it? • Jesus is God. He could command the waves, the wind and now the fishes. • Jesus is a miracle worker. God still does miracles today.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. • Friends, what is our need this morning? • It may be a small need. Or it may be an impossible need. • God is not trifled by the smallness of our problems • nor threatened by the largeness of our needs. • If God wills, he can heal, save, protect, bless and do the impossible for us.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • You know what, God is still in the business of doing miracles even today. • It takes faith to believe. • My suggestion: • Don’t believe every supernatural sign • Look at the context, test and see who gets the glory • If all points to a real miracle by God, believe it. Thank God for it.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • There may be some here who have a hard time believing in God and that God can work miracles. • My challenge: • Do not discount or be turned off by God or miracles just because you do not understand.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • Check out the evidences: • The Bible for example is believable because of the historical evidences, the consistency and harmony despite being written through many years. • Moreover many testimonies abound that the Bible, God’s inspired Word has transformed many a lives.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • I think the danger lies when people do not examine the evidences available and just simply turn their backs on God or His miraculous work. • In the same way some have rejected Christ and Christianity because they have not really gotten deep enough in their faith to see that it is real and meaningful.
A Fishy Story (John 21:1-6) • My question is • Are we honest with our situation right now? Can we say before God that we have “no fish”? • Do we have the eyes of faith to recognize God’s miraculous work? • Are we grateful enough to thank Him? • Can we be bold enough to testify to others about Him?
What are some miracles you have experienced? • Why do you think God allowed you to experience those miracles? • It takes faith to see miracles. • But miracles also increase our faith. • The Lord Jesus desires that we put our whole trust in Him and Him alone.
Our recent testimony: • When Gel and Jam were sick… • The timing • The outpouring of blessings • The family love and concern • God’s provision for room, meds, docs, room, bill
Our recent testimony: • Our doctor (Dr. Nerissa Estolano) is a Christian who prayed over Gel and Jam when came to check on them. • Healing in Jesus’ name! • God gets all the glory and praise!
Therefore I would like to encourage each and everyone of us to exercise our faith and do miracles in His name. • “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." (Acts 4:30)
Not only is our faith strengthened through the mighty work of the Lord, but others who see and hear about the miracle also are encouraged and come to have faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. So go ahead, stretch your faith, throw your net, and enjoy the blessing of being with Jesus.