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Software Engineering (SU) group at IDI, status and future plans IDI planning seminar 10 May 2010, hotell Prinsen, Trondheim SU faculty: Reidar Conradi, Monica Divitini, Letizia Jaccheri, Tor Stålhane, Alf Inge Wang, Parastoo Mohagheghi, Sobah A. Petersen, Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland
Software Engineering (SU) group at IDI, status and future plans IDI planning seminar 10 May 2010, hotell Prinsen, Trondheim SU faculty: Reidar Conradi, Monica Divitini, Letizia Jaccheri, Tor Stålhane, Alf Inge Wang, Parastoo Mohagheghi, Sobah A. Petersen, Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland http://www.idi.ntnu.no/grupper/su/oss/su-idiplanseminar-10may10.ppt conradi@idi.ntnu.no SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
FYI: IDI Department at NTNU • IDI (2009): 135 employees, NTNU’s largest – 31 nationalities! • 45+ teachers (faculty w/ six women), 22 tech./adm., 55 PhD fellows, 20 temporary researchers/postdocs/teachers incl. 8 adjunct teachers (II’ere). • 6000 individual exams per year, 800 full-time students, participating in 7 study programs. • 125 master candidates and 10 PhD candidates per year. • Important value chain: teachers –> postdocs –> PhD candidates –> master candidates -> bachelor candidates – all important for innovation in IT industry. • 11 research groups, incl. SE group below. • Counting ”Frida” publications: 196/274 in 2007, 184/255 in 2008, 223/241 in 2009. • Budgets 2008: 74.8 MNOK from NTNU + 23.3 MNOK by projects. • Budgets 2009: 80.1 MNOK from NTNU + 26.0 MNOK by projects. • Software engineering (SE) group in 2009: • 5+3*0.2 = 5.6 teachers, 5 researchers, 17 PhD fellows – 13 nationalities!! • All papers: 44/61(#counting/#all in 2007), 40/47 (2008), 45/56 (2009); i.e. 25 % of IDI total, ca. 20 each year w/ foreign colleagues; 500 papers in last 10 years. • Ca. 25 master candidates/year; 3 PhDs in 2009, 4 planned in 2010. • 7 MNOK in external projects (40% of IDI total.) SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
OSS/COTS: CBSE, Evolution, SCM Software reuse and architecture Software quality Reliability, safety, maintainability SPI, learning organisations, SE education Distributed Software Engin. Software and Art; Computer games Mobile Tech. for Learning Co-operative work Research fields of the SU group SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Current Research profile of SU faculty • Empirical research methods (all members) • Quality, QA, SPI, knowledge management (Conradi, Stålhane) • Reliability and safety, testing (Stålhane) • Software reuse, component-based development, open source / digital content (Conradi, Jaccheri) • Methodology for Service engineering (Mohagheghi) • Model-driven development (Mohagheghi) • Cooperation technologies, learning. awareness, virtual 3D (Divitini, Prasolova-Førland; Petersen) • Mobile and ambient technology (Divitini, Wang) • Computer games for higher learning (Wang) • Software and art (Jaccheri) SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Research projects in SU group • EVISOFT on Industrial SPI, NFR BiA, 2006-2010 (Conradi, Stålhane) • NordicOSS network, Nordforsk, 2009-2012 (Conradi) • CESAR on Software Safety, EU IP, 2009-2013 (Stålhane) • LIKT (”Læring med IKT”) research activities like MOTUS, NTNU, 2005-2012 (Divitini) • FABULA. NFR VERDIKT, 2008-2012 (Divitini) • ASTRA on awareness during cooperation, EU FET, 2007-2010 (Divitini) • TESEO, future umbrella project in cooperation technologies (Divitini) • MOSS on MObile and Social gameS, NTNU, 2008-2012 (Wang) • Lecture games, NTNU, 2008-2012 (Wang, Trætteberg) • 3D VR, LIKT NTNU, 2010-2011: Virtual Campus, Virtual Forskningstorg, Virtual Eidsvoll; • Two EU projects: TARGET, Travel in Europe, 2009-2011 (all Prasolova-Førland) • SART on Software and ART, IDI, 2006-2014 (Jaccheri) • Art and Technology - ArTe www.artentnu.com, May 2009 - March 2010, NFR Proreal program (Jaccheri) • KKK: Komputer + Kunst = Kreativitet, 2010, Norw. Culture Council (Jaccheri) • REMICS, EU STREP on cloud computing, 2010-2013 (Mohagheghi) • Migration to services, internal SINTEF project (Mohagheghi) • Enterprise modeling and cooperation (Sobah A. Petersen) SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
EVISOFT for industry SPI (Conradi et al.) • EVISOFT, NFR BiA, 2006-2010, 8 MNOK/year. • Experience-based SPI in Norwegian IT industry. 4th similar project in a row. • Telematikk IKT in T.heim (coord.) + 10 companies + SINTEF, UiO, and NTNU as research partners. • Focus: Scrum, testing and defect analysis, use-case based estimation. • Faculty: Reidar Conradi, Tor Stålhane. • Resarcher: Jingyue Li (”Bill”) • PhD students: Geir Kjetil Hanssen (agile methods), Børge Haugset (acceptance testing) - both SINTEF. SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
NordicOSS network • Nordic Council network project, 2009-2012, 1.2 MNOK, only for travel and meetings, 7 partners. • U. Skövde (coord. Björn Lundell), U. Uppsala, ITU in Copenhagen, NTNU in Norway (Conradi), U. Iceland in Reykjavik, TU Tampere, Business School in Helsinki. • Try to initiate common research in OSS: joint papers, new projects especially from EU, workshops and similar events. • 7 meetings planned: Tampere 29.9 2009, Oslo 21.4.2010, next in Uppsala in Oct. 2010. • Affiliated: PhD stud. Øyvind Hauge, postdoc Daniela S. Cruzes. SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Open Source follow-up (Conradi et al.) • Many EU and NFR projects around software reuse and CBSE, versioning, software maintenance, QA and SPI since 1990. Now focus on Open Source Software. • Norsk COSI, 2006-2008, ITEA2 and NFR BiA. Industrial adoption of Open Source Software in European ICT industry. Totally 8.5 MNOK. Contact: Reidar Conradi, prev. PhD students/researchers: Carl F. Sørensen, Sven Ziemer, Øyvind Hauge. • PhD student: Odd Petter Nord Slyngstad (SEVO project on software evolution); revised thesis in June 2010. • Several case studies on OSS in Norwegian industry (2003-2010): Telenor IS, Nokia, BBS (planned), many comprehensive COTS/OSS surveys in Norway, Europe and China. • Researcher: Jingyue Li, Postdoc: Daniela S. Cruzes. • Much coop. with Polytechnic Univ. Catalonia, Politecnico di Torino, and more. • NordicOSS academic network: strategic meeting place. • Applying to NFR-VERDIKT program about research projects in cooperation with Norwegian industry and foreign colleagues … SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Open Source Software, OSS: future research (Conradi et al.) • Prediction of quality attributes (safety, reliability, …) of software systems composed of a mixture of internal and OSS/COTS components. • Situated selection of OSS/COTS components w/ requirements (re)negotiation. • From linear to networked system development. • Open innovation: new innovation models. • Idea: combine OSS research with SU research on cooperation technology + work on software QA/SPI and reliability/safety. SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
TESEO (Divitini et al.) – research effort on TEchnologies for Social interaction, lEarning, and cOoperation A service-centric, user-driven view TESEO A device-centric, technology-driven view 10.10.2010 SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010 SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
TESEO (Divitini et al.): projects MOTUS, mobile technologies in higher education, PhD student Birgit R. Krogstie (21.6) + 2y LIKT postdoc. ASTRA, EU FET, 2007-2010, pervasive awareness systems and EUD, ca. 55 PM. FABULA, NFR-VERDIKT, 2008-2012: mobile services in cities for learning. Four PhD students: Mamdouh Eljueidi, Surya Baradur Kathayat (ITEM), Basit Ahmed Khan, Ilaria Canova Calori + 2y postdoc Chengzhi Liu + [associated 1y ERCIM postdoc Chiara Rossitto]. EUD of ubiquitous collaborative systems, 2010-2014, IME mobility, 1 PhD student: Alfredo Perez Fernandez. Ubicollab, platform for ubiquitous collaborative systems, internal Open Source project. Context-awareness in collaborative mobile systems, 2010-2013, IDI, PhD student: Simone Mora. NordicLEAF, NordForsk network, social and mobile technologies for learning. ??New EU IP under negotiation, 2010-2014, locally 44 PM, attn/ Birgit R. Krogstie. 10.10.2010 SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010 SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Teseo: future research (Divitini et al.) Continue research in core areas, cf. new projects. Extension to EU’s AAL program (focus: well-being, not medical care). Some cooperative projects in the core areas are under consideration with focus on schools and participative cultures to promote sustainable future. Increase dissemination activities. 10.10.2010 SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010 SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Software and Art (Jaccheri) • SART - Software and Art, 2006-2014, internal IDI project: PhD student Salah Uddin Ahmed finishes in Aug. 2010; PhD student Agnieszka Pokrywka starts in Aug. 2010. • ITovation, 2008-2010, annual one-day workshop at NTNU on Innovation, IT and Open Source. • Art and Technology - ArTe www.artentnu.com, May 2009 - March 2010, NFR Proreal program. • KKK: Komputer + Kunst = Kreativitet, 2010, Norw. Culture Council. • www.letiziajaccheri.com: info on dissemination activities, art projects, blogging etc. • Research interests: software and art, open source, empirical methods, didactics of informatics, and more. SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
REMICS, REuse and Migration of legacy applications to Interoperable Cloud Services(Parastoo Mohagheghi, SINTEF) • New EU STREP project, Sept. 2010-2013. • 7 partners from 4 countries; SINTEF coord. and research partner. • Model-driven methodologies and tools for migration of legacy systems to cloud. • SINTEF focus on ServiceCloud and model-driven interoperability. • Also internal project on migration of legacy systems to service engineering. Thus focus on software reuse in both projects. SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
3D-VR for learning (Prasolava-Førland) • LIKT NTNU program for Computer-assisted learning (adminstered by SVT faculty), two EU projects. • Contact person: Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland (LIKT and two EU-projects) • One PhD student: Mikhail Fominykh (2007-2010; shared with SVT faculty). • Future research: Virtual Campus, 3D educational virtual worlds, serious games SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Software safety and reliability, testing (Stålhane) • CESAR, EU IP, 2009-2013, 40+ partners: Software safety in transportation sector. • Contacts: Tor Stålhane, Guttorm Sindre (partly). • Postdoc: Inah Omoronyia. • Two affiliated PhD students: Vikash Katta (2009), Anca Deak (2010). • Old PhD students: Torgrim Lauritsen, Jianyun Zhou. • Also activitiy on defect analysis and effort estimation in EVISOFT project (2006-2010, NFR-BiA) • Future research: models for expressing and analyzing safety requirements, root-cause analysis of software defects, post-mortem analysis. SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010
Computer Games (Alf Inge Wang et al.) • MOSS: MObile and Social GameS, 2008-2012, NTNU: • Two PhD students: Hong Guo and Meng Zhu, • main advisor: Alf Inge Wang. • Lecture Games, 2008-2012, NTNU, main advisor: Hallvard Trætteberg: +?? • One PhD student: Bian Wu (”Oscar”). • Other projects: ++ • Future research: Software architecture for computer games, ++?? SU plans at IDI planning meeting, 10 May 2010