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Stevan Joki c, sjokic @ v in .bg.ac.yu Project:” Ruka u testu ” in Serbia;

Teaching science in Primary School: Serbian experience with the project Ruka u testu  (La main à la pâte)-RESSOURCES FOR TEACHERS. Stevan Joki c, sjokic @ v in .bg.ac.yu Project:” Ruka u testu ” in Serbia; Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia; A.K.M. EDUKACIJA

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Stevan Joki c, sjokic @ v in .bg.ac.yu Project:” Ruka u testu ” in Serbia;

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  1. Teaching science in Primary School: Serbian experience with the project Ruka u testu (La main à la pâte)-RESSOURCES FOR TEACHERS Stevan Jokic, sjokic@vin.bg.ac.yu Project:”Ruka utestu” in Serbia; Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia; A.K.M. EDUKACIJA SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN WORKSHOP FOR HANDS-ON PRIMARY SCIENCE EDUCATION, BELGRADE,NOVEMBER 17-19, 2006,

  2. Why teaching science ? • To develop a scientific literacy for all citizens • Technologically competent workforce • Decrease dangers due to ignorance • Overcome social barriers • To help the future of our societies: • Many issues in the future will need science • Europe needs scientists as a society of knowledge But, current state of science education is inadequate in most countriesof the world !

  3. Whya focus on pre and primary school ? (ages 3 to 12) Children: • spontaneously question natural phenomena • have a great ability to learn • can learn language and science together • in contact with the real world are less influenced by media. primary school is an ideal place to implement an in-depth renovation of science education

  4. General philosophy of Hands-on, La main à la pâte, Ruka u testu, • Science as an investigation. • Something pupils do, not something that is done for them • Teacher helps pupils to build their own knowledge • Action, experimentation, interrogation, collective reconstruction • Deeper understanding with an oral or written presentation:science notebook European innovations develop rapidly & are becoming a reference for many countries

  5. Since the 1990s, a worldwide effort,led by scientists and Science Academies,in cooperation with education authorities • International conferences : Tokyo 2000, Beijing 2000, Rio 2001, Vatican 2001, Kuala Lumpur 2002, Delhi 2002, Monterrey 2002, Alexandrie 2003, Santiago 2003, Kuching 2003, Amsterdam 2004, Bucharest 2006,Serbia 2005…. • Active renovation projects : USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Haïti, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Belgium, Serbia, Morocco, Egypt, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia… A common approach is emerging, respecting diversity

  6. Sweden : Natural sciences and Technology for All ! Royal Academies leadership, since 1996 Global systemic approach, cities involvment, teachers training, evaluation 34 cities, 2200 teachers www.kva.se • France : La main à la pâte, since 1996 Académie des sciences & Ministère de l’éducation 14 pilot centers - New curriculum - National renovation plan Web site - Teachers training - Material & resources 50 000 classes www.inrp.fr/lamap A European Science & society project selected by EU Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Sweden

  7. PRESENTATIONS OF OUR PROJECT IN 2006 • Stevan Jokić:Rolle of the science society in the project (Ruka u testu) La main à la pâte in Serbia, “Vision en Astronomie infrarouge” organisé en hommage de Pierre Léna, Observatoire de Paris, 20-22.03.06 • Stevan Jokić:Teaching science in Primary School: Serbian experience with the project Ruka u testu  (La main à la pâte), 6th International Conference of the BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION, August 22-26, Istanbul, TURKEY • Stevan Jokić:Teaching science in Primary School: Serbian experience with the project Ruka u testu  (La main à la pâte), EUROSCIENCE DAY AT ESOF2006, MUNCHEN, GERMANY • Stevan Jokić:Teaching Science in Primary School: Serbian Experience with the Project “Ruka u testu” (Hands on, La main à la pâte), WORKSHOP: Science Literacy and Lifelong Learning, 18-20 May,2006, BUCHAREST, Romania • SEMINARIES FOR TEACHERS IN SERBIA (ABOUT 1000 TEACHERS)

  8. La main à la pâte - SOUTH - EASTEUROPE • Presentation La main à la pâte project by Stevan Jokić on the 3rd Informal Conference of Ministers of Education of South-East Europe “Strengthening the teaching profession as a driving force for development” - 24 to 25 April 2004 – Istanbul • FIRST SOUTH - EAST EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL FOR HANDS ON PRIMARY SCIENCE EDUCATION JUNE 11-16, 2005, ZLATIBOR, SERBIA • SECOND SOUTH - EAST EUROPEAN SCHOOL FOR HANDS ON PRIMARY SCIENCE EDUCATION, NEVEMBER, 2006, SERBIA

  9. Proceedings (pdf)http://rukautestu.vin.bg.ac.yu/handson • Contents • SCIENCE EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN IN FRANCE: THE LA MAIN Á LA PÂTE PROGRAMME • Yves Quéré......................................5 • MATHEMATICS AND HANDS ON METHODS • Milosav Marjanovic................................11 • A POSSIBLE THEORETICAL MOTIVATION FOR INQUIRY BASED SCIENCE LEARNING AND PRIMARY SCIENCE • Sven-OlofHolmgren................................17 • TEACHING SCIENCE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL: SERBIAN EXPERIENCE WITH THE PROJECT “RUKA U TESTU” (LA MAIN À LA PÂTE) • Stevan Jokic....................................21 • NATURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR ALL NTA STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN • Erik Saner......................................27 • DEFINE COMMON RECOMANDATIONS FOR TEACHER’S TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES IN PRIMARY SCHOOL • Cecile de Hosson..................................35 • TRAINING SESSION FOR AN INQUIRY BASED SCIENCE TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS • CatherineLecoq..................................41 • Ton Ellermeijer...................................53 • Conclusions............................................65 • Appendix............................................70 • Contributors.................................67

  10. SECOND SOUTH - EAST EUROPEAN SCHOOL FOR HANDS ON PRIMARY SCIENCE EDUCATION, NEVEMBER, 2006, SERBIA • Objectif: • Teacher’s training on Inquiry-based method, • Discussion and exchange a ideas about development of resources for teachers in the region, • Workshop for teachers which already applied this method in Serbian primary schools in the frame of the project Ruka u testu (Hands-on; : La main à la pâte). Workshop conductors will be the Participants of the school. • PARTICIPANTS • Countries of South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova • Support (expected) • Vinča institute of nuclear sciences, Euroscience-section for Serbia, SerbianMinistry of education and sport, InterAcademy Panel-IAP, Central European Initiative-CEI… • http://rukautestu.vin.bg.ac.yu/handson

  11. Ruka u testu in Serbia2001- 2006 • 2001- 2002 Preparatory actions • Creation of resources for teachers ; • Involvement of scientists and collaboration with French Académie des sciences & Euroscience ; • Teachers information. • 2003 : the Serbian Ministry of Education decides to propose an option La main à la pâte - Discovering the World (30 hours per year), for primary classes. • 2004-5 : new resources ; teachers training in Serbia & France ; international network of South-East European scientists; Summer school for South-East Europe (http://rukautestu.vin.bg.ac.yu/handson ) • 2006: new resources ; teachers training in Serbia; Second Summer school for South-East Europe; Semi mirror of French website (http://inrp.fr/lamap ) on Serbian language (http://rukautestu.vin.bg.ac.yu ) It is an opportunity for any country!

  12. Resources for teachers • Classroom protocols • Insights, French activities, • Cd Roms, • Videos, • Pedagogical kits, • Websites.


  14. A « Book of examples » for teachers 350 000 copies, 2002Joint publication : FranceMinistry of education & Académie des sciencesIn Serbia: 2 000 copies,2004; Similar «  Book of examples » for teachers in elementary school, 2006; Publication: Serbian project « Ruka u testu » Seven topics : always begin with a question • How to know where the wind is coming from ? • What time is it at Paris, Beijing or Sydney ? • A seed, a plant ? • « Give me a lever and I shall lift the world. » • What happens to the eaten food ? • Is air matter ? • Water flows (kindergarten)

  15. Children’s science notebook The child writes with hits own words

  16. How to know where does the wind come from ?(from the « Book of examples » • I say « The wind blows today : how can I prove it ? » • The wind creates forces and put things into motion. • Which kind of object may I use to determine the wind direction ? • I build an object to suit the goal (technology).

  17. Teachers training in Belgrade

  18. In primary school



  21. Postcards send by Inetrnet

  22. GNOMON

  23. WEB La main à la pâte ON SERBIAN LANGUAGE

  24. Pilot projects may easilybe implemented in South-East Europe • Training & class protocols available • Inexpensive school equipment • Support of prestigious scientists & Academies • Role of Internet and teachers-oriented ICT • High quality expertise in several EU countries


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