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Distributed databases

Distributed databases. Outline. introduction principles / objectives problems. application. application. server. server. server. application. communication network. application. application. application. application. Introduction. DBMS in its own right. Introduction.

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Distributed databases

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  1. Distributed databases

  2. Outline • introduction • principles / objectives • problems

  3. application application server server server application communication network application application application application Introduction DBMS in its own right

  4. Introduction • distributed database = collection of connected sites • each site is a DB in its own right (1) • has its own DBMS and its own users • operations can be performed locally as if the DB was not distributed • the sites collaborate (transparently from the user’s point of view) • the union of all DBs = the DB of the whole organisation (institution) • (oppose to (1)) • physical or logical distribution • strict homogeneity (assumption)

  5. Motivation • advantages • matches the structure of the organisation • example • efficiency of processing • stored closely to where it is being used • increased accessibility • remote DBs can be accessed • disadvantage • complexity

  6. Implementations (systems) • commercial • INGRES/STAR (Ask Group Inc. Ingres Division) • distributed database option of ORACLE7 (Oracle Corporation) • distributed data facility of DB2 (IBM) • they all provide some sort of features for distributed databases

  7. Fundamental principle • a distributed DB system should look to the user exactly as a non-distributed DB system

  8. Principles / objectives • local autonomy no reliance on central site • continuous operation location independence • fragmentation independence replication independence • distributed query processing distributed transaction management • hardware independence OS independence • network independence DBMS independence

  9. Principles / objectives • not independent from each other • not exhaustive • sometimes contradicting • different degree of importance (for the user)

  10. Local autonomy • all operations at a certain site are fully controlled by that site • not achievable (why?) • therefore, autonomy should be achieved to the maximum extent possible • local data is locally owned and managed • local data belongs to the local server even if it is accessible from other servers • security, integrity, ..., are in the responsibility of the local server

  11. No reliance on a central site • reasons • bottle-neck • vulnerability • conclusion • all sites must be equal

  12. Continuous operation • greater reliability • the probability that the system is running at any moment of time • greater availability • the probability that the system is running for a specified period of time

  13. Location independence / transparency • users should not have to know where data is physically stored • why do you think this is needed? • think of application programs • what does this objective look like?

  14. Data fragmentation • data fragmentation • if a relation can be divided into “fragments” for storing purposes • motivation: performance - data is stored where it is mostly used • types • horizontal or vertical • definition • fragment = any subrelation derivable via restriction or projection • restrictions • disjoint decompositions • non-loss decompositions

  15. Data fragmentation - example FRAGMENT Emp INTO Lo_Emp AT SITE ‘London’ WHERE Dept_id = ‘Sales’ Le_Emp AT SITE ‘Leeds’ WHERE Dept_id = ‘Dev’ ;

  16. Fragmentation independence / transparency • users should perceive data as if it were not fragmented • why? • it is the optimiser’s responsibility to determine which fragments need to be physically accessed • similar to views • retrieving • updating (JOIN and UNION views)

  17. Fragmentation independence - example FRAGMENT Emp INTO Lo_Emp AT SITE ‘London’ WHERE Dept_id = ‘Sales’ Le_Emp AT SITE ‘Leeds’ WHERE Dept_id = ‘Dev’ ; --looks (and works almost) like a view SELECT * FROM Emp WHERE Salary > 40 AND Dept_id = ‘Dev’; --is transformed into SELECT * FROM Lo_emp WHERE Salary > 40 AND Dept_id = ‘Dev’; UNION SELECT * FROM Le_emp WHERE Salary > 40 AND Dept_id = ‘Dev’ ;

  18. Data replication • copies of the same fragment can exist at different sites • reasons • better availability • better performance • disadvantage • update propagation

  19. Replication independence / transparency • users should not have to be aware of data replication • it is the optimiser’s responsibility to choose which replica to use • commercial systems • not full support for replication independence (update problems) - primary copy

  20. Distributed query processing • the system must have set level operators • one record at a time - too many messages (traffic) • relational - indicated • optimisation • particularly relevant! • find best way to move data across the network

  21. Distributed transaction management • problems • recovery • concurrency • transaction = set of agents • agent - runs on a certain machine • recovery • two-phase commit protocol • concurrency • locking

  22. Problems • occur due to network utilisation • network messages are costly • aim • minimise network utilisation • problems: • query processing • catalog management • update propagation • recovery control • concurrency control

  23. Query processing • in a distributed environment • query execution is distributed • query optimisation is distributed • global optimisation • local optimisation • example • query on relation R issued at site X • part of R, say Ry, stored at Y • part of R, say Rz, stored at Z • where is the query going to be executed?

  24. Query processing example - initial conditions Site A: Suppliers ( S_id, City ) 10,000 tuples Contracts ( S_id, P_id ) 1,000,000 tuples Site B: Parts (P_id, Colour ) 100,000 tuples SELECT S.S_id FROM Suppliers S, Contracts C, Parts P WHERE S.S_id = C.S_id AND P.P_id = C.P_id AND City = ‘London’ AND Colour = ‘red’ ;

  25. Query processing example - evaluation • possible evaluation procedures • (1) move relation Parts to site A and evaluate the query at A • (2) move relations Suppliers and Contracts to B and evaluate at B • (3) join Suppliers with Contracts at A, restrict the tuples for suppliers from London, and for each of these tuples check at site B to see whether the corresponding part is red • (4) join Suppliers with Contracts at A, restrict the tuples for suppliers from London, transfer them B and terminate the processing there • (5) restrict Parts to tuples containing red parts, move the result to A and process there • (6) think of other possibilities … • there is an extra dimension added by the site where the query was issued

  26. Query processing example - total time total_time = delay_time + data_transfer_time = no_messages * 0.1 + data_volume(in bits) / 50000 assumptions: 1. disregard computation time on each server (site) 2. estimated cardinality of some intermediate results red parts …... 10 contracts with suppliers from London …... 50,000 3. communication assumptions date rate …... 50k bits / second access delay …... 0.1 second 4. size of each tuple ……. 200 bits

  27. Query processing example - total time

  28. Catalog management • what ‘other’ data does the catalog include? • fragmentation, replication ... • where should the catalogue be stored • centralised • objective: no central site! • fully replicated • loss of autonomy - update propagation! • partitioned • non local operations - very expensive! • combination of first and third

  29. Catalog management • R* - object naming • <creator ID>@<creator site ID>.<local name>@<birth site ID> • e.g. • Scott@PostgresSaunders.Doctors@PostgresGold • each site maintains a catalog entry for • every object born at that site (and the site where it had migrated, if applicable) • every object stored at that site • object identification - at most 2 sites need to be accessed

  30. Update propagation • problems because of replication • data might become less available • due to immediate update request • primary copy scheme • one copy is designated primary copy (unique) • primary copies exist at different sites (distributed) • an update is logically complete if the primary copy has been updated • the site holding the primary copy would have to propagate the updates • this has to be done before COMMIT (preserve - ACID) • commercial systems: update propagation is guaranteed for some future time • violation of local autonomy

  31. Recovery control • two-phase commit protocol • issues • there can be no central site so each site should be able to act as a coordinator • usually the site where the transaction was initiated • other sites are told by the coordinator what to do • loss of autonomy • there is no protocol (theoretically) that guarantees that a transaction is / is not performed by all agents with respect to any kind of failure • increased number of messages • more complex protocols

  32. Concurrency control • locking • overhead - increased number of messages • primary copy strategy • locking only the primary copy • the primary copy’s site will propagate the update • loss of autonomy (severely) • global deadlock • two interlocked (waiting for each other) sites • cannot be detected using the wait-for graph - therefore, communication overhead

  33. Global deadlock site X holds lock on tx Transaction 2x Transaction 1x Transaction 1y Transaction 2y holds lock on ty site Y

  34. Gateways DBMS #1 (Ingres) GATE WAY DBMS #2 (Oracle)

  35. Client / server systems • are a special case of distributed database systems • remember from last term • read for extra information

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