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Subject: ELA Grade: 7 th 2/25/19-3/01/19

Subject: ELA Grade: 7 th 2/25/19-3/01/19. The Glory Field Walter Dean Meyers 800 Lexile Unit Title: Argument with Logic, Kindness, and Respect. Focus Standards. Learning Targets. ELAGSERI1 : I can cite several pieces of explicit and inferred evidence from text.

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Subject: ELA Grade: 7 th 2/25/19-3/01/19

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  1. Subject: ELAGrade: 7th2/25/19-3/01/19 The Glory Field Walter Dean Meyers 800 Lexile Unit Title: Argument with Logic, Kindness, and Respect.

  2. Focus Standards

  3. Learning Targets • ELAGSERI1: I can cite several pieces of explicit and inferred evidence from text. • ELAGSERI2: I can summarize two or more central ideas of a text. • ELAGSERI5 I can analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text.

  4. Instructional Activities Monday, 2/25/19 I-Ready Day Students are required to complete and pass 3 I-Ready Lessons per week. If it is not completed in class, students will be required to complete at home. I will give students until Sunday evening that week to complete this task. If a lesson is not passed, the student must take it again and pass two more to receive full credit for that week. This is also a formative assessment classwork grade. (60%)

  5. Instructional Activities Tuesday, 2/26/19 Georgia Milestone Prep Day *Students will take a Milestone Pre-Test with a partner to determine the answers. Will go over answers on Milestone Prep Day next week if time does not permit this day. (Students will use CLOSE Reading strategy to help answer questions.

  6. Instructional Activities Wednesday, 2/27/19 Lesson 2 (from Part I: July 1753) Objective Part I: July 1753 Destiny is a huge symbol and theme in this book. This is especially important as Muhammad's promise to himself to fulfill his destiny is explained and described in these chapters. The objective of this lesson will be to discuss this important theme, and explore how it has manifested itself in the plot and how this affects the main characters in the book. • Class Discussion - Read aloud with the class the part where Muhammad says that Destiny and God's will, not the white man's domination over him, led to his capture. Discuss this with the class. What does this mean? Do you think this is true? Why? What clues have there been to prove this idea true? What would this mean for Muhammad's life? Do you think this kind of thing is evident in real life as well? Why? • Opinion Essay - Read aloud with the class the part where Muhammad talks about his feelings on destiny and fate as they pertain to his capture, and his promise to himself to survive no matter what happens to him. Have the students write an essay about whether they agree with this idea about fate and destiny. Make sure they support their views with evidence from the book. Ask some students to read their work. • Small Group Activities - Split the class into groups and assign each group one of the different characters from this book. Have the groups study their assigned characters and write an essay about how their assigned character feels about the idea of destiny. Do they believe in it? What do they think their destiny holds? Allow time for the groups to present their prepared information. Discuss some of these different ideas with the class. • Predictions and Clue Discovery - Have the students skim through the book to find all the different clues about the destiny of the world. Have the students create a list of these clues, and how each of these clues will change the course of the plot.

  7. Instructional Activities Thursday, 2/28/19 Lesson 3 (from Part I: July 1753) Objective Part I: July 1753 Muhammad feels fear a number of different times in this chapter, and each time it manifests itself in a different way. The objective of this lesson will be to discuss each of these different manifestations and to determine the role that fear plays in these characters' daily lives. • Topic Introduction Activity - Write on the board in large letters the word "Fear". Have the students write down all the different kinds of fear they can think of. Allow some volunteers to read their work. Discuss this with the class. How many kinds of fear are there? How does fear affect us? How do our responses to fear shape our lives? Do you think it is important? Why? How do you think this exercise and discussion relates to the assigned reading? • Class Discussion - Read aloud with the class the part where Muhammad sees people dying around him while on the ship. Discuss this with the class. What is he afraid of? Why does he not feel this until after he is on the ship for a few days? What does he do when he feels this fear? Why does he keep thinking hopeful thoughts even though he feels this fear of losing his family permanently? What does this say about his character? Does this surprise you? Why?

  8. Instructional Activities Friday, 3/1/19 Lesson 3 (from Part I: July 1753) Objective Part I: July 1753 • Personal Narrative Exercise - Read aloud with the class the part where Muhammad realizes that he will never again see his family again in this life. Have the students write a personal narrative about what Muhammad is feeling at the moment of this realization. Make sure they cite examples from the text to substantiate their ideas. Allow some volunteers to read their work. • Small Group Activity - Have the students skim through the chapter to find all of the different things that frighten Muhammad in this section, e.g., getting captured, being alone, seeing people die, the boom-sticks, being mocked by the public, not having his family near him, losing his identity, etc. Write each of these items on the board as they are named. Split the class into groups, and assign each group one of the instances of fear mentioned on the board. Have the groups discuss and write about how Muhammad responded to this fear in their assigned situations. Allow the groups to present their information.

  9. Student Work I-Ready Lessons/Quizzes Georgia Milestone Pre-Test Opinion Essay Prediction/Clue Discovery Personal Narrative

  10. Weekly Vocabulary Focusing on Standards and Texts ContrabandPlaintive Croon Promenade Divert Quarters Elegant Regiment Hurtle Salve Inlet Shift Ominous Silhouette OverseerSmokehouse ParasolTussle PatrollersYankees

  11. Weekly Homework I-Ready Lessons Choice Board Vocabulary Packet

  12. Assessment How will I know if students reach their target? Author Analysis Milestone Pre-Test Opinion Essay Personal Narrative Vocabulary Packet

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