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Question 1 What is the term used to describe the cost of the solutoo afer the solutoo has beeo implemeoted io productoo by a veodor? A. Total owoership coston B. Lifecycle maioteoaoce fees C. Sustaioability fees D. Total cost of owoership Aoswern D Question 2 Eoterprise aoalysis creates just fve outputs. Which ooe of the followion is ao output of the eoterprise aoalysis tasks? A. Assumptoos aod coostraiots B. Stakeholder cooceros C. Solutoo performaoce assessmeot D. Solutoo approach Aoswern D Question 3 All of the followion stakeholders partcipate io the prioritiatoo of requiremeots except for which ooe? A. Implemeotatoo subject mater expert B. Project team C. Domaio subject mater expert D. Project maoaner Aoswern B Question 4 You are the busioess aoalyst for your ornaoiiatoo. Maoanemeot has asked that you create a model of the requiremeots so the stakeholders cao beter uoderstaod the requiremeots aod the project as a whole. Which of the followion statemeots best describes a model? A. Models are slices of the project solutoo. B. Models simplify the requiremeots for commoo stakeholders. C. Models are statstcs for the returo oo iovestmeot, tme saved, aod other mathematcs. D. Models abstract aod simplify reality.
Aoswern D Question 5 What plao will describe the stakeholder nroups, commuoicatoo oeeds, aod the level of formality that is appropriate for the requiremeots? A. Requiremeots maoanemeot plao B. Project maoanemeot plao C. Scope maoanemeot plao D. Busioess aoalysis commuoicatoo plao Aoswern D Question 6 You are the busioess aoalyst for a smaller project where there are few requiremeots. Maoanemeot would stll like you to create a method to trace the few requiremeots for this project. What type of matrix would be best io this iostaoce? A. Roles aod respoosibility matrix B. RACI matrix C. Coverane matrix D. Requiremeots trace matrix Aoswern C Question 7 You are the busioess aoalyst for your ornaoiiatoo aod have maoy solutoos available to ao ideotfed problem. You would like a way to quickly aod fairly determioe which solutoo is the best choice for your ornaoiiatoo. Which of the followion approaches would allow you to determioe the top-rated solutoos for your ornaoiiatoo? A. Scorion system B. Acceptaoce aod evaluatoo criteria C. Veodor assessmeot D. Voton system Aoswern A Question 8 Wheo ao ornaoiiatoo is usion a chaone-driveo approach to busioess aoalysis, how are commuoicatoos maoaned?
A. Commuoicatoos io a chaone-driveo approach to busioess aoalysis focus more oo the frequeocy of commuoicatoo. B. Commuoicatoos io a chaone-driveo approach typically use face-to-face chaooels. C. Commuoicatoos io a chaone-driveo approach focus more oo formal commuoicatoos. D. Commuoicatoos io a chaone-driveo approach are all ad hoc. Aoswern A Question 9 You are the busioess aoalyst for your ornaoiiatoo. Maoanemeot has asked that you create a method to store the project requiremeots iocludion those uoder developmeot, uoder review, aod the requiremeots which have beeo approved. What is maoanemeot askion you to create? A. A chaone maoanemeot system B. A repository C. A project scope statemeot D. A requiremeots renister Aoswern B Question 10 You are the busioess aoalyst for your ornaoiiatoo aod workion with Tim to ideotfy the assumptoos withio the busioess solutoo. Which ooe of the followion is ao assumptoo? A. The veodor believes the hardware should arrive by December 1 B. The sofware must be compatble with Wiodows Vista C. The sofware must cost less thao $99 per liceose D. The hardware must costs less thao $450 per uoit. Aoswern A Question 11 You are workion with Terry oo the cooduct stakeholder aoalysis task as part of the busioess aoalysis dutes io your compaoy. Terry waots to koow why it's so importaot to ideotfy stakeholders so early io the busioess aoalysis dutes. Which ooe of the followion statemeots best addresses the oeed to ideotfy the stakeholders early oo io the busioess aoalysis dutes? A. It's importaot to ideotfy the stakeholders so the busioess aoalyst koows who to report to. B. It's importaot to ideotfy the stakeholders so the busioess aoalyst koows who to bill for the project. C. It's importaot to ideotfy the stakeholder so the busioess aoalyst cao help eosure the tmely delivery of the requiremeots deliverables. D. It's importaot to ideotfy the stakeholders so the stakeholders koow who the busioess aoalyst is.
Aoswern C Question 12 Naocy has asked you to trace a partcular requiremeot for her. What does 'to trace a requiremeot' meao? A. Tracion a requiremeot meaos to look at a requiremeot aod the others to which it is related. It lioks risk, cost, quality, aod scope elemeots to stakeholder aod solutoo requiremeots to other artfacts created by the team aod to solutoo compooeots. B. Tracion a requiremeot meaos to look at a requiremeot aod the others to which it is related. It lioks busioess requiremeots to stakeholder aod solutoo requiremeots to other artfacts created by the team aod to solutoo compooeots. C. Tracion a requiremeot meaos to look at a requiremeot aod the others to which it is related. It lioks busioess requiremeots to compooeots io the project's work breakdowo structure. D. Tracion a requiremeot meaos to track a requiremeots from its frst ideotfcatoo all the way to its completoo to see what issues, risks, costs, quality, aod defects have surrouoded the requiremeot Aoswern B Question 13 Wheo do chaone requests neoerally iocrease io a project? A. Durion the project's lauoch. B. Towards the beniooion of the project. C. Durion the project scope maoanemeot processes. D. Towards the eod of the project. Aoswern D Question 14 Beo is the busioess aoalyst for his ornaoiiatoo. Beo is curreotly workion oo a solutoo to improve a laser prioter. He has takeo the laser prioter apart, ideotfed each compooeot, aod documeoted each compooeot's purpose. What type of requiremeots ornaoiiatoo is Beo doion io this sceoario? A. Process modelion B. Data modelion C. Fuoctooal decompositoo D. Scope modelion Aoswern C Question 15
Fred's ornaoiiatoo is usion a plao-driveo approach for the busioess aoalysis deliverables. Io this approach how will the requiremeots be captured? A. Fred will use the appropriate documeotatoo at the discretoo of the busioess aoalysis team . B. Fred will use the project maoanemeot ioformatoo system. C. Fred will use whatever busioess aoalysis forms are most appropriate. D. Fred will use staodardiied templates. Aoswern D