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Upgrading CDI Service and Interoperability Options

Learn about the status of upgrading CDI service and harvesting via GeoNetwork, with details on the SeaDataNet D8.7 interoperability options. Discover the enhanced user interface, new search capabilities, and plans for improved data access.

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Upgrading CDI Service and Interoperability Options

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  1. Status of upgrading CDI service (user interface, harvesting via GeoNetwork, CDI interoperability options following SeaDataNet D8.7) By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Barcelona – Spain, 19 – 20 March 2014, Combined EMODNet Chemistry 2 TWG and SeaDataNet TTG

  2. Fully upgraded to ISO 19139 • ISO19115 content standard and XML Schema have been migrated to INSPIRE compliant ISO19139 with info extensions • EDMED refs • CSR refs • Publication refs • Quality Info • Vocabularies NVS 2.0 • From C16 to C19 for Sea regions • Central CDI import and retrieval system • User interface also upgraded to support new elements and extra search options • Upgrading done for all CDI portals

  3. CDI User Interface upgraded Extra P02 Extra Sea Region Extra Multiple Extra Duration

  4. CDI Data Discovery and Access Service – details EDMED Sea regions

  5. CDI Data Discovery and Access Service – details CSR (EDMO) (EDMERP)

  6. CDI Data Discovery and Access Service – details Publications Quality Info

  7. Outstanding actions: User Interface • SeaDataNet formats: SDN ODV ASCII will be combined with SDN NetCDF (CF) for point data • Awaits: • NEMO upgrade for ODV to NetCDF • Download Manager upgrade for NetCDF generation and delivery next to ODV • Implementation at all data centres incl need to convert all ODV files to NetCDF and include both in storage and coupling table • Updating of CDIs to include NetCDF next to ODV format (can be done centrally in communication with data providers) • Add MSFD regions as search criterium (via geotagging of all CDIs during import) and in Summary (to ease EMODnet reporting) • Include dynamic WMS – WFS to existing Store Query (via Bookmark and URL)

  8. Harvesting of CDI XMLs – progress of pilot • IFREMER has implemented CDI and CSR schema’s in GeoNetwork (details by IFREMER presentation) • Via GeoNetwork IFREMER now provides a CSW for CDI and for CSR http://www.ifremer.fr/geonetwork-sdn/srv/eng/csw-cdi?SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&REQUEST=GetCapabilities • The retrieved CDI XML files are good XML documents, but need some editing (delete the first 3 lines and replace these with normal CDI XML header and delete the last tag) to parse it as OK in XML-SPY and for loading into MIKADO and CDI import routines. • Content consistency is 100% good • Plan to use Var06 = Revision Date Data as trigger for regular (once a week) harvesting of new and revised CDI XML files • Var06 is automatically updated by MIKADO when you save a CDI file • Outstanding: check on numbers for the right query

  9. Harvesting of CDI XMLs – planned implementation • Selected data centres will install GeoNetwork with IFREMER add-on’s and CSW and will use that to store output of MIKADO • MARIS will install CSW harvesting configurations to each data centre for regular harvesting of new and revised CDI XML files • Normal procedure is continued: • Validation and check for potential duplicates -> communication MARIS to data provider • Import in CDI import user interface => visual check by data provider • Migration from import to production, if ok by data provider • Data provider also updates coupling table and stored files / database queries • Time scale? Which data centres for start?

  10. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) - progress • OGC – CSW • OGC WMS – WFS • OpenSearch

  11. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OGC - CSW • CSW arranged via MARIS – CNR using GI-CAT on CDI aggregates • CDI aggregation by • P08 term • EDMO-data-centre • Measurement-area-type (point / curve / area) => 1.5 Million CDIs give at present 397 aggregated CDI XMLs • CDI aggregation pages are secured by IP-IP to CNR • CNR operates CSW service via GI-CAT http://seadatanet.essi-lab.eu/gi-cat/services/cswiso? • Regarding the CSW interface: the CSW GetRecords operation has a mandatory HTTP/POST binding (HTTP/GET is optional)

  12. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OGC - CSW • Test Client at CNR (ESSI lab) : http://seadatanet.essi-lab.eu/gi-cat/gi-portal/

  13. Outstanding actions: CSW • Check on numbers in – out • Trigger by MARIS to CNR for harvesting update for CSW • Considering adding HTTP/GET because easier • Use of the upgraded CSW by RIHMI in Ocean Data Portal (ODP) =========================================== SeaDataNet included in GEOSS portal: • Via GEO-DAB broker: Official GEO Portal: http://www.geoportal.orgTest portal URL: http://eurogeoss-broker.eu/

  14. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OGC – WMS - WFS • CDI service has dynamic WMS – WFS for set selections: http://geoservice.maris2.nl/wms/seadatanet/cdi_v2/emodnet/chemistry http://geoservice.maris2.nl/wms/seadatanet/cdi_v2/emodnet/hydrography http://geoservice.maris2.nl/wms/seadatanet/cdi_v2/seadatanet • Getcapabilities http://geoservice.maris2.nl/wms/seadatanet/cdi_v2/emodnet/chemistry?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities • Example WMS request: http://geoservice.maris2.nl/wms/seadatanet/cdi_v2/seadatanet?styles=&format=image/png&transparent=true&request=getmap&version=1.1.1&srs=EPSG:4326&layers=lines&width=580&height=290&bbox=-180,-90,180,90

  15. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OGC – WMS - WFS • Example of WMS Layer of CDI for surveys by WMS in Bathymetry Viewer

  16. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OGC – WMS - WFS • Getcapabilites indicates what is available. In CDI case it is both WMS and WFS. Implementing WFS is depending on the client and needs programming • Example of WFS request: http://geoservice.maris2.nl/wfs/seadatanet/cdi_v2/emodnet/chemistry?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=getfeature&outputformat=gml3&typename=points&maxfeatures=10&bbox=-0.2793103448275872,57.4448275862069,1.5206896551724127,59.244827586206895 Gives:

  17. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OGC – WMS - WFS • Example of WFS CDI layer of physical oceanography data sets from SeaDataNet as WMS – WFS in the SIMORC User Interface (www.simorc.com) . URLs to SeaDataNet

  18. Outstanding actions: WMS - WFS • Include WMS – WFS in the Store Query – Bookmark function in the CDI User Interface • Then every user can make and share its own WMS – WFS layer following its selection

  19. CDI interoperability options (D8.7) – OpenSearch • OpenSearch is supported by Google, Yahoo, and others • The protocol gives metadata about the content together with a set of URL templates which indicate which parameters are accepted and the range of output formats for results • OpenSearch request is simple and consists of HTTP GET with parameters: • Free search • Geospatial (area or point + radius) • Temporal (from to) • Required to split the total metadata in multiple OpenSearch access points (virtual aggregations) • OpenSearch entry points need to be prepared as RDF and registered in a portal. Each RDF file decribes an access point of an aggregated set of CDIs • MARIS has experience via GENESI-DEC project

  20. Outstanding actions: Open Search • Proposed implementation by aggregation on P03 terms (max 59 OpenSearch entry points) – Search by time, place and free (proposed: parameters (p03 and p02) + station name + platform type + instrument type) • Registration of entry points on SDN CDI portal • Development of client to demonstrate the OpenSearch capabilities for querying CDI service

  21. END

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