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Terramatch Manager

Terramatch Manager integrates and matches data across organizations, ensuring accurate linkage and maintenance processes. Migrate to an intuitive, user-friendly GUI system with APEX for minimal development. Enjoy quick deployment and cost savings.

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Terramatch Manager

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Terramatch Manager An Oracle Application Express Application for Data Management Bryan Teahan

  2. What is APEX? • Rapid Web application development tool for the Oracle database • Requires only a web browser, limited programming experience • Fast and Secure • Fully supported by Oracle • Free • http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/overview/index.html

  3. Oracle Video apex_demo.avi http://www.oracle.com/pls/ebn/swf_viewer.load?p_shows_id=6392594&p_referred=0&p_width=800&p_height=600

  4. APEX Release 4.1 Goal to improve the development of database-centric Web 2.0 applications and reports Released August, 2011 Available for download from Oracle Technology Network http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/overview/index.html#new_in_41

  5. New Features in Release 4.1 Error Handling Use of ROWID Data Upload Calendar Websheets Tabular Forms Plug-Ins Dynamic Actions Accessibility

  6. Terramatch Manager • Integrate, standardise and match data from different organisations • Links addresses and parcels to valuation and title information • Requirement for maintenance process for data matching • Core System at Terralink • Underpins all of Terralink’s products and services • Critical to our business

  7. Terramatch Manager • Old system 10 years ago in Oracle Forms • Migration 5 years ago to Shell-scripts using PL/SQL – not user friendly • Requirement to move to GUI friendly system with minimal development and using existing code – APEX was the solution

  8. Menu System • Drop down or select options

  9. Reports

  10. Query Menu

  11. Valuation Report

  12. Title Report

  13. Integration with Terraview

  14. Terraview showing NZ

  15. Terraview showing Wellington

  16. Terraview showing Road Layer

  17. Terraview showing Imagery

  18. Terraview showing address and cadastral layer

  19. Terraview showing Imagery and cadastral layer

  20. Terraview showing street layer

  21. Terraview at Parcel Level

  22. Terraview Link to Apex Reports

  23. High Resolution Imagery with links to APEX – aiding match

  24. APEX report of all parcels in Terraview Screen

  25. APEX report showing addresses on a parcel

  26. Resolve form for matching – Link to Terraview

  27. Resolve showing parcels matched to valuation

  28. Resolve showing nearby matches

  29. Terramatch Manager Development Environment

  30. Lists

  31. Breadcrumbs

  32. Customised Buttons

  33. Example of Report Code – PL/SQL block

  34. Example PL/SQL code

  35. Linking code between reports

  36. Code to link to Terraview

  37. Terraview Linking Function – ActiveXObject – Shell run

  38. Terraview Delphi Code to link to APEX Uses the Windows ShellExecute API command to force the url to open in a browser. The URL is forced to open in IE as opposed to the system default browser, as IE seems to work better with APEX if (TApex.GetInstance.UseIE) then res := ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'iexplore', PChar(url), nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) else res := ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(url), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); The function will open a different APEX report depending on the menu button if (Sender = ViewAPEXParcelExtent) then page := TApex.GetInstance.page[20]; url := Format(apex, [Format(page, [XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax])]); OpenURL;

  39. Terraview INI Code to link to APEX The URL hotlink that is created uses a .INI file setting or a hard-coded default URL location [Apex]TVP.Path=\\Mistral\TERRAVIEW_HOME\Terraview.exe URL=http://cyclone.local.terralink:7778/apex/f?p=111:%s URL.Parcel=5:::NO:5:P5_PARCEL_ID:%d URL.Title=17:::NO:17:P17_LAND_DISTRICT,P17_REFERENCE:%s,%s URL.Valuation=16:::NO:16:P16_VALREF:%s URL.Address=4:::NO:4:P4_PARCEL_ID:%d MaxReports=10 Use.IE=1

  40. Benefits Intuitive Easier to use Used existing code Quick development time Cost savings Corporate-wide deployment New releases simple, transparent to users


  42. APEX Plug-Ins The framework can be extended Item Type Region Type Process Type Dynamic Action Type Community Plug-In Repositories (http://www.apex-plugin.com, http://skillbuilders.com/apexplugins ) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/apex-41-new-features-459652.html#plugins

  43. APEX Documentation and Tutorials Extensive documentation and tutorials Full library Release notes Installation guide Developer’s guide Application builder user’s guide Migration guide SQL workshop guide API Reference Advanced Tutorials guide http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/documentation/index.html

  44. APEX Packaged Applications Packaged applications and sample code have been removed because they no longer follow recommended coding practices and security. A select number of these applications are being revised and will include: New Features Timesheets Asset Manager Task Manager Events Employee Directory lookup Sample Objects from 2 day guide is included http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/packaged-apps-090453.html

  45. APEX Forum https://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=137

  46. Thank You • Questions?

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