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Explore the activities and data analysis conducted during the TRINITAPOLI meeting in Turin, related to the EEE Project in cosmic ray research. Compare data from different altitudes in Gargano and Erice, showcasing diverse cosmic box experiments.
TRINITAPOLI 1oth Centro Fermi projects meeting – EEE Project 6/7/8 march 2019 - Turin Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale TurinUniversity. The cosmicraysstudy: an interculturalopportunityexchange “Measurewhatismeasurable,andmakemeasurablewhatisnot so” (Galileo Galilei) Prof. Giacomo di Staso Maria Chiara Samarelli Silvia Di Fidio
Liceo “Staffa” TRINITAPOLI and Lyceum “Chuicov” MOSCOW friendship and cooperationagreement
Liceo “Staffa” Trinitapoli – Lyceum “Chuikov” Moscow
TRIN-01 telescopemonitoring Russian teachers and students are particularlyinterested in the Extreme Energy Eventsproject
Lecture by prof. Marcello Abbrescia aboutthe EEE ProjectPhysicsDepartmentUniversity of BARI Many cultural, scientific and experimentalactivitieswerecarried out duringtheir stay
Lecture by prof. Marina Trimarchiabout the use of the cosmic boxes and relative data analysisLiceo Staffa_Trinitapoli
Gargano (Puglia): Data taking withCosmic Boxes atdifferentaltitudes 12/10/2018 5 cosmic boxes Altitudes : sealevel + 5 m; s.l.+ 613 m; s.l.+829 m Acquisitiontime: 30 minutes, withreadingsevery 10 minutes Excel data processing: cosmics rate at differentaltitudes: ratiobetweenthe total # events and time Error on frequency = squareroot(# events)/time; normalized rate at eachaltitudeputting1 at altitudes.l.+ 829 histograms for eachcosmicbox regressionfitto the data rate vs. altitude
Gargano (Puglia): differentaltitudes data taking12/10/2018 Sealevel + 829 m Sealeves + 613 m Sea level + 5 m
Manfredonia Castle Sealevel + 5 m
Monte Sant’Angelo steep road Sealevel + 613 m
Monte Sant’Angelo Castle Sealevel + 829 m CB4 CB2 CB3 CB1 CB5 a 5 m s.l.m. a 613 m s.l.m. a 829 m s.l.m.
Data analysisComparison:Erice December2017 - Gargano October 2018 Erice +760 m Castellammare del golfo +20 m Monte Sant’Angelo +829 m Segesta +270 m Tornante salita +613 m Manfredonia +5 m • Some differences: • cosmic boxes number: • n. 15 in Erice - n. 5 on the Gargano promontory • Locationsmuchclosertoeachother • on the Gargano • - On the Gargano promontory the taking of data wascarried out atconstant pressure and temperature Puglia Sicilia
Data analysisComparison:Gargano October 2018 - Erice December2017 The twoslopes are verysimilar: 0,2636Normalizedfrequencyvariation/km Erice data 0,2818Normalizedfrequencyvariation/km Gargano data
Data takingusing n. 4 cosmic boxes indoor, on the 1 st floor, and outdoor 05/11/2018 4 cosmic boxes Altitude + 6,70 m; + 7,00 m; +11,00 m Data takingduration: 60 minutes, with readingsevery 20 minutes Excel data processing: Histograms for eachcosmicbox Normalizationto the frequencymeasured outdoor Frequencypercentagevariation for eachcosmic box averagepercentagevariation
Data takingusing n. 4 cosmicboxes indoor, on the 1 st floor, and outdoor 05/11/2018_Liceo Staffa di Trinitapoli altitude + 6,70 m altitude + 7,00 m Lastre in c.a.p. estruso altitude + 11,00 m Lastre in c.a.p. estruso
Cosmic box n. 1 data CB 1 all’aperto al piano terra al 1° piano
Cosmic box n. 8 data CB 8 all’aperto al piano terra al 1° piano
Cosmic box n. 12 data CB 12 all’aperto al piano terra al 1° piano
Cosmic box n. 16 data CB 16 all’aperto al piano terra al 1° piano
Analysis results al piano terra al 1° piano all’aperto
Final data comparison 92,77% 100% 77,62%
Some LyceumChuikovstudents, led by theirteachers, haverealised an app for the EEE Project link https://silaedr.shinyapps.io/EEE_project/
Example: TRIN-01 09/2/2019 – 10/02/2019 Youchoose the telescope, the time span, download the data, indicate whatparameterto put on the abscissaaxis
An example Youchoosewhatparameterto put on the y-axis and get the plot with the chosen data
Allscientificactivities made during the first 10 years of partecipation to the EEE Project havebeendescribed in the book “NOI e l’UNIVERSO, dieci anni di ricerche” by professors Giacomo di Staso e Margherita Lafata. Itcontainsanintroduction by prof. Luisa Cifarelli, nicearticles by prof. Antonino Zichichi, prof. Marcello Abbrescia and doctorFabrizio Coccetti, and includes some interestingcontributions by the students of Liceo Staffa