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Understanding Ocean Mixed Layer Processes Through LES Model Equations

Explore physical processes in the ocean mixed layer using the LES model equations, including short-wave radiation, atmospheric disturbances, heat flux, and more. Investigate phenomena like Ekman flow, turbulence, and Langmuir circulation within the marine environment.

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Understanding Ocean Mixed Layer Processes Through LES Model Equations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physical Processes in the Ocean Mixed Layer short-wave radiation Precipitation Atmospheric Disburbance Heat Flux long-wave radiation Wind Stress Evaporation Wave Breaking Inertical Current Turbulence Langmuir Circulation Ekman Flow Shear Instability Internal Waves

  2. The Governing Equations of the LES Model ★The Boussinesq Navier-Stokes Eqs. the f-plane ★The SGS parameterization: Smagorinsky(1963)

  3. Vertical Cross Sections of the Density FieldResonant Rotating Wind Forcing

  4. Resonant Rotating Wind Forcing Richardson Numb. Density Field

  5. Time-Depth Section of the Horizontally Averaged Density Field Resonant Rotating Wind Forcing

  6. Time-Depth Section of the Horizontally Averaged Richardson Number Resonant Rotating Wind Forcing

  7. Time-Depth Section of the Horizontally Averaged Density Field Off-resonant Constant Wind Forcing

  8. Time-Depth Section of the Horizontally Averaged Richardson Number Off-resonant Constant Wind Forcing

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