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Discussion: He experiments and database

He important: reactor ash, theory test Scarce data for He: D-IIID, JT-60U, NSTX, JET? else? Need for review of fossil data and recent, new experiments (Even old data relevant in light of new theory) Questions: Transport coefficients in H-mode, hybrid, ITB, L-mode

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Discussion: He experiments and database

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  1. He important: reactor ash, theory test Scarce data for He: D-IIID, JT-60U, NSTX, JET? else? Need for review of fossil data and recent, new experiments (Even old data relevant in light of new theory) Questions: Transport coefficients in H-mode, hybrid, ITB, L-mode Is He profile more/less peaked than ne (and in what conditions)? What causes abrupt changes in V/D, when other plasma parameters appear to changes slowly? ... Compile available data and interact with theoreticians to guide future experiments Discussion:He experiments and database ITPA Transport TG meeting, March 2010, Culham

  2. JT-60U(fromTakenaga H. et al 2003 Nucl. Fusion 43 1235) Hollow He in positive shear?

  3. Steady-state He profiles with He as minority (few %) in H-mode, hybrid, ITB, L-mode With mainly ion heating, with mainly electron heating (ITG/TEM) Wide range of parameters (eff, , *, q, Rdq/dr, …) Extend to other ‘easy’ impurities (C, B – also constrain theory!) Profiles of fitted transport parameters, if available from modulation or gas puff experiments Together with profiles of relevant physical parameters, as in ITPA profile database (at least Te, Ti, ne, q, Rint, Rout, pol, , , Jacobians & metric coefficients) and usual scalar data. Other impurities if available, other transport channels if available. Format less important than data themselves …but using same format easier (profile database?) He/impurity wishlist ITPA Transport TG meeting, March 2010, Culham

  4. Start with reasonably modest objectives, e.g. mainly He (and low Z) steady state profile survey as a first step Designate RO’s and participating devices Designate coordinator to merge data into single database Identify volunteer theoreticians and modellers ‘Negotiate’ extent of data to be supplied to coordinator & format Assemble database of existing data, make accessible to ITPA Assess database for gaps, propose experiments Analyse empirically and report at TTG meeting Model using linear and non-linear GK models : are trends reproduced? Report at TTG meeting. When sufficient relevant material available, publish He & other impurities: proposed actions ITPA Transport TG meeting, March 2010, Culham

  5. He & other impurities: participants ITPA Transport TG meeting, March 2010, Culham

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