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predecessors: Energy Efficiency Target Programme (2000), Implementation plan of the Energy Efficiency Target Programme 2001-2005 (2001)legal basis District Heating Act 3, article 14 of directive the 2006/32/ECnational energy policy Long-term Development Plan of the Fuel and Energy Sector (200
1. Transposition of the Directive 2006/32/EC: State of Play in Estonia Madis Laaniste
Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewables Division
Energy Department
2. predecessors: Energy Efficiency Target Programme (2000), Implementation plan of the Energy Efficiency Target Programme 2001-2005 (2001)
legal basis – District Heating Act §3, article 14 of directive the 2006/32/EC
national energy policy – Long-term Development Plan of the Fuel and Energy Sector (2005)
has links with a number of national policy documents (10)
preparation schedule
30.11.2006 – proposal for the preparation accepted by the Government
19.01.2007 – submitted to inter-ministerial consultation
16.02.2007 – submitted to State Chancellery
04.03.2007 – general elections in Estonia,
05.04.2007 – new Government assumed office
23.08.2007 – new draft submitted to inter-ministerial consultation
3. national regulation
to ensure compatibility of budgetary allocations and strategies
sets demands for the content of the strategy
4. Structure of the Energy Demand (2005)
5. Factors limiting improvement in energy efficiency pricing of fuel and energy
fragmented energy saving potential
inadequate structures to intervene in new sectors
lack of specialists and engineers
increased welfare
limited awareness of energy consumers
lacking (energy) statistics
public sector does not lead by example
6. General features of the NEEAP the scope
agriculture, industry, commercial and public services, households, district heating
transport is not included (as this is covered by existing strategies: national Transport Development Plan)
7. Four policy areas of NEEAP (1/2) availability of information
focuses on improving the awareness of energy consumers, eg. through supplying the information in energy bills, websites, includes specialised measures for local governments and SME’s
availability of know-how and specialists
to increase the number of people able to implement energy saving measures, eg. promotion of market for some services (energy audits), development of know-how, practice of energy services
8. Four policy areas of NEEAP (2/2) energy efficiency improvements in energy production, distribution and consumption
promotion of investments to energy efficiency through direct grants, obligations to energy suppliers and instruments improving the attractiveness of energy efficiency investments
fulfilling the obligations of Member State to the EU
transposition of EU directives in EE field and getting prepared for actions under Commission’s Energy Efficiency Action Plan
9. Difficulties in the development of NEEAP assessment of the effect of the measures
no experience with monitoring system, no obligation to monitor the EE effect measures
structural changes in economy still large and EE measures are consequences of many different factors
no institutional capacity, methodological problems
lack of earlier co-operation with energy distributors
bureaucratic governmental process to develop new strategies
12. Key criterion for a success: extended ground for EE policy implementation
13. Conclusions draft NEEAP is developed, defines actions in four cross-sectoral areas
education and know-how
following EU policy in EE field (legislative measures)
according to the demands set in the directive, the 9% indicative target for Estonia would be 9.8 PJ (2008-2016)
it is essential to involve energy suppliers in work related to improvement of energy efficiency
14. Thank you for your attention!