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AppDynamics. Ohio User Group. What is ExactTarget?. Software as a Service Email Marketing 500 million emails sent a day 200 million web transactions a day. Role at ExactTarget. Systems Engineer Infrastructure Division Product Operations DevOps. Needs.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AppDynamics Ohio User Group

  2. What is ExactTarget? • Software as a Service • Email Marketing • 500 million emails sent a day • 200 million web transactions a day

  3. Role at ExactTarget • Systems Engineer • Infrastructure Division • Product Operations • DevOps

  4. Needs • Real-time troubleshooting (fire-fighting) • Performance Testing • Topology Mapping • Legacy Code Visibility

  5. Deployment How ExactTarget enables AppD

  6. Configuration • 550 agents • IIS web layer • Clicks | Opens | WWW | WebService| REST | Microsite • Tiers based on Application Services • Stack / Code / Cluster

  7. Tier Design

  8. Installation • Two steps • Install Configuration • Install Agent

  9. Install configuration • Dynamically build configuration data

  10. Machine.config • Build xml based on data returned

  11. Install Agent • Remote Execution of Batch File • appD64.bat

  12. .NET Instrumentation • Registry Change required for EXE

  13. Agent Uninstall • Uninstall without the Specific Version

  14. Troubleshooting How AppD enables ExactTarget!

  15. Topology • Discover new things

  16. Load Testing • RabbitMQ Performance

  17. Incorrect Configuration • Cross stack communication

  18. Advanced Uses Expanding AppDynamics

  19. REST API • Pre-existing dashboards • Pull data from various sources • Enhanced graphing technologies • Filter or Aggregate based on specific requirements

  20. REST API – Transaction Analysis • Pull All Tiers • Create list of specific tiers • Execute calls for each tier • # Calls • # Slow Calls • # Very Slow Calls • # Errors • Average Response Time

  21. REST API – Transaction Analysis

  22. Custom Metrics • Ability to Upload Data from Various Sources • Correlate Application Data with System Data • Utilized AppD policy engine • Easy Viewing with AppD Metric Browser

  23. Custom Metrics • Install Java Agent • Configure Monitor • Monitor runs HTTP Listener • Secondary program runs queries against DB • Results of query sent to HTTP Listener • Listener Outputs Data to Console • Data Captured in AppDynamics

  24. Java Agent • Run Java Agent on Windows Server

  25. Configure Monitor Monitor runs HTTP Listener

  26. Query Data Warehouse Results of Query make web requests to listener

  27. Listener Output HTTP Listener outputs data to AppD Java Agent

  28. AppD Custom Metrics Data is visible in the Metric Browser

  29. Future Plans • F5 • Hadoop • Memcache • MTA activity • MongoDB • IIS Performance

  30. Q&A

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