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Cosa è ?. Mandatory labelling EU Energy Labelling Voluntary labelling EU Ecolabel EU Energy Star programme. What is energy labelling? Is a way to show energy efficiency in household appliances, helping the consumer to choose more efficient equipment and save money.
Mandatory labelling EU Energy Labelling Voluntary labelling EU Ecolabel EU Energy Star programme
What is energy labelling? Is a way to show energy efficiency in household appliances, helping the consumer to choose more efficient equipment and save money. The label also shows other information which relates to the use of energy or other resources: e.g. water consumption, volume of the appliance, etc Energy labels are mandatory for all appliances placed on the EU market and should always be clearly displayed on each appliance at the point of sale. Energy Labelling
Directives and regulations Energy Labelling of Energy related Products Directive 2010/30/EUof 19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products . The extension of the scope from energy-using to energy-related products (including construction products) implies that the Directive covers any good having an impact on energy consumption during use. These products do not consume energy but "have a significant direct or indirect impact" on energy savings. Examples are window glazing and outer doors. The Energy Labelling Directive is what is known as a 'framework directive‘; it does not specify any limit or performance levels. It provides a legislative framework into which other directives can be introduced to require marking and performance levels for particular types of domestic appliance. Energy Labelling
On September 28th 2010 the Commisssion has proposed the Regulations for TV’s, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines. Energy Labelling
supplier’s name or trade mark model identifier Label Information Example for washing machines energy efficiency class weighted annual energy consumption (kWh per year) weighted annual water consumption (litres per year) airborne acoustical noise emissions, during the washing and spinning phases (in dB ) rated capacity (kg) spin-drying efficiency class
A+++ A++ A+ A B C D E F G EEI<22 22 EEI < 33 33 EEI < 44 44EEI <55 55EEI <75 75EEI <95 95EEI <110 110EEI <125 125EEI <150 EEI 150 Refrigerators and freezers For the calculation of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of a household refrigerating appliance model, the annual energy consumption of the household refrigerating appliance is compared to its standard annual energy consumption. The standard annual energy consumption takes into consideration the equivalent volume of the household refrigerating appliance, the presence of a chill compartment and other values depending on the appliance category ( for example: 0, 1, 2, 3 star compartments) This is the scheme proposed by the Commission to apply until 30 June 2014
Refrigerators and freezers Label proposed for household refrigerating appliances classified in energy efficiency classes A+++ to C label for proposed household refrigerating appliances classified in energy efficiency classes D to G
For the calculation of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of a household washing machine model, the weighted annual energy consumption of a household washing machine for the standard 60°C cotton programme at full and partial load and for the standard 40°C cotton programme at partial load is compared to its standard annual energy consumption. The annual energy consumption takes into consideration the weighted energy consumption, the weighted power in ‘off-mode’, weighted power in the ‘left-on mode’, weighted programme time and the total number of standard washing cycles per year. “off-mode” means a condition where the household washing machine is switched off using appliance controls or switches accessible to and intended for operation by the end-user during normal use to attain the lowest power consumption that may persist for an indefinite time while the household washing machine is connected to a power source and used in accordance with the supplier’s instructions; where there is no control or switch accessible to the end-user, ‘off-mode’ means the condition reached after the household washing machine reverts to a steady-state power consumption onits own; “left-on mode” means the lowest power consumption mode that may persist for an indefinite time after completion of the programme without any further intervention by the end-user besides unloading of the household washing machine; Washing machines
A+++ A++ A+ A B C D EEI <46 46 EEI < 52 52 EEI < 59 59EEI <68 68EEI <77 77EEI <87 EEI 87 Washing machines This is the scheme proposed by the Commission to apply until 30 June 2014 label proposed for household washing machines
DishwashersFor the calculation of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) of a household dishwasher model, the annual energy consumption of the household dishwasher is compared to its standard annual energy consumption.The annual energy consumption takes into consideration the energy consumption for the standard cycle, the power in ‘off-mode’ for the standard cleaning cycle, the power in the ‘left-on mode’ for the standard cleaning cycle, the programme time for the standard cleaning cycle and the total number of standard cleaning cycles per year.“cycle” means a complete cleaning, rinsing, and drying process, as defined for the selected programme.“programme” means a series of operations that are pre-defined and are declared as suitable by the supplier for specified levels of soil or type of load, or both, and together form a complete cycle;
A+++ A++ A+ A B C D EEI<50 50 EEI < 56 56 EEI < 63 63EEI <71 71EEI <80 80EEI <90 EEI 90 Dishwashers This is the scheme proposed by the Commission to apply until 30 June 2014 label proposed for household dishwashers
A+++ A++ A+ A B C D E F F EEI<0,10 0,10 EEI < 0,16 0,16 EEI < 0,23 0,23EEI <0,30 0,30EEI <0,42 0,42EEI <0,60 0,60EEI <0,80 0,80EEI <0,90 0,90EEI <1,00 EEI 1,00 TelevisionsThe Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) is defined as in Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2009, and mainly depends on the measured on-mode power consumption of a television and its screen area. This is the scheme proposed by the Commission
Televisions Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A+++ Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A++ Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A+ Label proposed for televisions classified in energy efficiency classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Directives and regulations summary Directive 2010/30/EU of 19 May 2010 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products Implementing rules Commission Directive 2003/66/EC of 3 July 2003 amending Directive 94/2/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric refrigerators, freezers and their combinations Commission Directive 2002/40/EC of 8 May 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric ovens Commission Directive 2002/31/EC of 22 March 2002 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household air-conditioners Commission Directive 1999/9/EC of 26 February 1999 amending Directive 97/17/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household dishwashers Commission Directive 98/11/EC of 27 January 1998 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household lamps Commission Directive 96/89/EC of 17 December 1996 amending Directive 95/12/EC implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household washing machinesCommission Directive 96/60/EC of 19 September 1996 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household combined washer-driers Commission Directive 95/13/EC of 23 May 1995 implementing Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of household electric tumble driers Energy Labelling Commisssion’s proposed Regulations for TV’s, refrigerators, dishwashers and washing machines.
The European Ecolabel is a voluntary scheme, established in 1992 to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment. Products and services awarded the Ecolabel carry the flower logo, allowing consumers - including public and private purchasers - to identify them easily. What is the Ecolabel? • While the logo may be simple, the environmental criteria behind it are challenging • The flower logo helps manufacturers, retailers and service providers gain recognition for good standards, while helping purchasers to make reliable choices.
the most significant environmental impacts, in particular the impact on climate change, the impact on nature and biodiversity, energy and resource consumption, generation of waste, emissions to all environmental media, pollution through physical effects, use and release of hazardous substances; In determining Ecolabel criteria, the following shall be considered: Directives and regulations Reg (EC) No 66/2010 This Regulation lays down rules for the establishment and application of the voluntary EU Ecolabel scheme.
Who does what? Source: THE EUROPEAN ECO-LABEL Better by Nature
Who does what? Source: THE EUROPEAN ECO-LABEL Better by Nature
Product groupshttp://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/ecolabelled_products/product_categories_en.htm By 19 February 2011, the EUEB and the Commission shall agree on a working plan including a strategy and a non-exhaustive list of product groups. Source: THE EUROPEAN ECO-LABEL Better by Nature
The ENERGY STAR is a voluntary appliance specific label, identifying to consumers appliances (office equipment) that meet certain standards regarding energy efficiency. What is the Energy Star programme? • It was orginally set up by the US EPA in co-operation with EREN DOE (Department of Energy, US government) in 1992. In 2001 the European Union signed an Agreement with US EPA to introduce the ENERGY STAR in Europe as well (only for office equipment), thereby recognizing eachother as Partner in the ENERGY STAR programme. • This allows potential partners in the European Union to sign up through the European Commission, who is responsible for the EU ENERGY STAR Programme.
REGULATION (EC) No 106/2008 Energy-efficiency labelling programme for office equipment For further information see www.eu-energystar.org TOOLS EU ENERGY STAR Database http://www.eu-energystar.org/en/database.htm Energy calculators: http://www.eu-energystar.org/en/en_calculator.shtml