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introductions. Nicholas Fischio Development Manager Kelvin Smith Library of Case Western Reserve University Benjamin Bykowski Tech Lead and Senior Developer Optiem. overview. Digital Case opened for business on August 22, 2006
introductions Nicholas Fischio Development Manager Kelvin Smith Library of Case Western Reserve University Benjamin Bykowski Tech Lead and Senior Developer Optiem
overview Digital Case opened for business on August 22, 2006 Digital Case is Case Western Reserve University's digital library, repository and archive Digital Case stores, disseminates, and preserves the intellectual output of Case faculty, departments and research centers in digital formats (both "born digital" items as well as materials of historical interest that have been digitized) Digital Case has over 10,000 items of content organized into 13 collections Users across the globe have accessed Digital Case items over 13,000 times and conducted over 12,000 search queries Digital Case promotes Open Access through OAI-PMH and Google Sitemaps
process Institutional Repositories (IR) are technical in nature and technical staff typically drive the process Kelvin Smith Library (KSL) realized early on that user interface design is not our forte and we would need professional help with that effort Given the importance of Digital Case to the University and the KSL, we knew that the user interface needed to be the best of breed in this space Hired Optiem, a local technology and design firm to lead the design process allowing KSL resources to focus on the business requirements and implementation Optiem realized potential synergies at the outset between Ektron and Fedora Started the process by asking our users what they would envision a digital library to be
interface highlights Full-text search capabilities Browser-based image viewing Browser-based movie viewing Integrated reporting feature Permanent URL assignment
architecture Open Source Fedora - digital repository software Lucene - full-text search engine Handle System - persistent URL system Apache Axis - Web services framework Commercial Ektron CMS400.NET - content management software Aware JPEG 2000 Image Server - image compression software Oracle 10g Release 2 - database software Microsoft .NET Framework - application framework Microsoft Clustering Services - clustering software Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows - storage software EMC Legato NetWorker - backup & recovery software iSCSI Software Initiator - network storage protocol
discovery • Research Librarian focus groups • Student focus groups • Competitive research • Best practices analysis • Recommendations • Wire frames
digital case Designed to collect and preserve digital content produced by Case Western faculty and staff Needed to make these vast collections accessible to researchers and the world at large via a simple and intuitive interface
browse Browsing the Collections was designed to aid a visitor by giving them easy access to sorting and filtering items Visitors are able to sort alphabetically or restrict by format They may peruse through a collection with access to Title, Creator, Date, a permanent URL and a summary describing each item
search • The Search employs an optimized • system powered by Lucene • Visitors can search by: • Key Word Combinations • Digital Asset Format • Collection or Collections
examine Viewing individual pieces of content often involved images. The JPEG 2000 server was used to dynamically serve images in the size needed by the requester Video content is served as Flash video, employing the same technology as You Tube and Google Video and providing for cross browser compatibility
admin interface The Admin Interface bridges the management of both Digital and Website content Utilizing LDAP, any Faculty member is able to submit content, while KSL Librarians control what content gets published Content Added is intuitively organized in a folder structure for easy access
images and files Ektron’s Library was already designed to provide an interface for uploading and organizing files and images The Drag and Drop multiple file upload system provides a convenient and easy way to move a collection of files or images, including a Dublin core Record from the user’s local machine to the server
smart forms Ektron Smart Forms were used as the interface for Objects and Data Streams Smart Form data is stored as XML in the Ektron Database The Dublin Core Record, the Object Info and any Data Streams are all stored as XML data in the Smart Form
extensibility server The Ektron Extensibility Server provided the event hook functionality around which Fedora Interfacing could take place based on the editing, addition and publishing of CMS content XML parsing in ASP.NET facilitated the communication needed to translate Smart Form content into FOXML Web Services in Ektron allowed us to dynamically add Smart Form content based the items dragged into the System
custom development After translation of the content was complete, calls to the Fedora API-M service allowed us to add content to Fedora Web Services were employed to convert Images and video to JPEG2000 and Flash video formats, while a call to the indexing service ensured that Lucene would detect the addition of new items Successful addition of content allowed for the deletion of the uploaded content, keeping only the reference info in Ektron
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