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Kongres Serikat Pekerja Indonesia Indonesian Trade Union Congress

Kongres Serikat Pekerja Indonesia Indonesian Trade Union Congress. Aryo Judhoko Consultant for Network and Cooperative SERIKAT PEKERJA NASIONAL NATIONAL WORKER TRADE UNION. Indonesian Country Report. Trade Union Training on IT with a focus on Networks Development”.

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Kongres Serikat Pekerja Indonesia Indonesian Trade Union Congress

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  1. Kongres Serikat Pekerja Indonesia Indonesian Trade Union Congress Aryo Judhoko Consultant for Network and Cooperative SERIKAT PEKERJA NASIONAL NATIONAL WORKER TRADE UNION Indonesian Country Report Trade Union Training on IT with a focus on Networks Development” Bangkok , 11-15 December 2006

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Adaptation to drastic changes in the labour market • How are the Unions handling delimits of Globalization and regional integration • ITUC Profile • IT on Trade Union

  3. Global Condition in Indonesia Introduction • Independence from Colonialism August, 17 1945 • Have population around 220 million peoples. • Have many island, 17.300 islands • Have different cultured, language, Religious, (The Majority is Moslem, around 80 % ) • Total of workers (formal and indformal) : 106.9 million

  4. Employment by Industry 2000 + unemployment rate 2000

  5. Informal workers by industry 1997 - 2002

  6. Adaptation to drastic changes in the labour market

  7. Situation in Indonesia: • Fourth largest population in the world (210 million) • Low-cost producer (“cheap labour”) but nascent emergent democratic union movement post-Suharto • Rapid growth pre 1997 • Women largely in “traditional roles” • Effects of Asian crisis • Role of IMF and World bank • Influence of informal sector • Lack of welfare system; widespread poverty

  8. Social Protection in Indonesia • Government give an electric subsidy • Government give an education subsidy Until Elementary School • Government give a health subsidy For Poor Family

  9. Indonesian Labor Law • Time Maximum Training for New workers  6 months • Total Hours worker in Week  40 Hours • Total Annual Leaves  12 days • Maternity Leave (when got baby for women)  3 Months For this case Some Trade Union Refuse this labor Law until Now, but the Government wants Revision this Labor Law become more worst. • Established Trade Union  minimum 10 workers  regular & contractor workers • Make Collective Bargaining and Agreement  Have 50% + 1 of total workers • Requirement Contractor Workers  Limited jobs which are not regular • Outsourcing  Limited jobs are in Core Business

  10. How are the Unions handling delimits of Globalization and regional integration :

  11. Indonesian Workers Challenges • Minimum Wage, 95 $ / per month For Banking $95 + 8 %/month • The large number of unemployeed • The member of trade union are only 3.3 million

  12. Indonesian Workers Challenges • Outsourcing : teller, call center, marketing, mall, factory • Privatization : telecom • Merger : Bank • Bankrupt : textille, property, factory • Restructuring : printing • Factory moved to other country : Soni Indonesia  Vietnamm • Change the Business : textile  trading

  13. Major Problem in Indonesia • The big of amount Indonesia Debt 131billion $ ( 1 person have to guarantee 800$ ) 30 % Budget of State to Paid Debt. • Corruption in Government  Corruption Together, Not Productive, Not Efficiency • Government Not Care  Cutting Some Subsidy • Influenced of Capitalism to Government by IMF, ADB, World Bank. • Law enforcement  Many Case in Industrial Relationship

  14. Impact of Globalization • The Concept of Global Market Unlimited border country in global Market & Only Good & Big Company have opportunity to win global competition • Flexibility of Labor Market Change the status of employees, its aim to cut / dismissed labor easily • Changed The State’s Concept The function of state is only to protect Interested Capitalism with forced labor

  15. Revision Plan of Labor Law • Contract extension from 3 years to 5 years Unlimited position and kind of job  accounting, marketing also can be contrated • Unlimited Outsourcing  unlimited kind of job • No retirement Payment for mages up $120 • Limitation of Retirement Payment

  16. The Weakness of Labor Movement • Not have a strong ideology Not Care with the other Issue  the oriented movement is still materialistic • Low Awareness of the members Will active if they have a problem  no good commitment from grass root • Weakness Education Good Education Limited on Leader Trade Union

  17. ITUC Action Plan • Build the Grass Root  Organize, maintenance & encourage members in Grass Root • Makes an excellent Collective Bargaining and Agreement  To be protected in Company Level • Lobby Parliament  Get Support from parliament to Support Labor Movement • Build Alliances with other civil movement, build action together if there have some same idea

  18. ITUC Profile • There are 3 National Trade Union Center (National Confederation) : KSPSI, KSBSI and KSPI. • Kongres Serikat Pekerja Indonesia or Indonesian Trade Union Congress (ITUC) Established 2001 by 10 Federation, and have almost 2,000,000 member. In Global Federation  affiliated to ICFTU.

  19. Established 2001 by 10 Federation : • PGRI = education sector affiliated to Education International • SPN = textile & garment sector affiliated to ITGWF • ASPEK Indonesia = services sector affiliated to UNI • SPMI = metal, electronic and automotive sector affiliated to IMF • KAHUTINDO = wood and rattan sector affiliated to IBBWF • FARKES = pharmacy and health sector affiliated to PSI • KEP = chemical, energy and mining sector affiliated to ICEM • ISI = cement industry sector • PPMI = graphic, publishing and media sector • Pariwisata = Tourism sector

  20. IT on ITUC • ITUC have not website. • From ITUC member, only ASPEK Indonesia who have an official website. • For correspondence, it is a common all the member have their email address. • There is not yet programmed to TV

  21.  Thank You 

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