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1. Reshef Meir
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Joint work with Maria Polukarov, Jeffery S. Rosenschein and Nick Jennings
2. Content Example
Voting background
Voting as a normal form game
Iterative voting and convergence
Variations of the game
4. Voting: model Set of voters V = {1,...,n}
Voters may be human or machines
Set of Candidates A = {a,b,c...}; |A|=m.
Candidates may also be any set of alternatives, e.g. a set of movies to choose from
Every voter has a private rank over candidates
The ranking is a complete, transitive order
E.g. d>a>b>c
5. Voting profiles The preference order of voter i is denoted by Ri
Denote by R (A) the set of all possible orders on A
Ri is a member of R (A)
The preferences of all voters are called a profile
R = (R1,R2,…,Rn)
6. Voting rules A voting rule decides who is the winner of the elections
The decision has to be defined for every profile
Formally, this is a function
f : R (A)n ? A
7. The Plurality rule
Each voter selects a candidate
Voters may have weights
The candidate with most votes wins
Tie-breaking scheme
Deterministic: the candidate with lower index wins
Randomized: the winner is selected at random from candidates with highest score
8. Voting as a normal-form game
9. Voting as a normal-form game
10. Voting as a normal-form game
11. Voting as a normal-form game
12. Voting in turns We allow each voter to change his vote
Only one voter may act at each step
The game ends when there are no objections
This mechanism is implemented in some
on-line voting systems, e.g. in Google Wave
15. Rational moves Voters do not know the preferences of others
Voters cannot collaborate with others
Thus, improvement steps are myopic, or local .
16. Dynamics There are two types of good steps that a voter can make
17. Dynamics There are two types of good steps that a voter can make
18. Variations of the voting game Tie-breaking scheme:
Deterministic / randomized
Agents are weighted / non-weighted
Number of voters and candidates
Voters start by telling the truth / from arbitrary state
Voters use best replies / better replies
19. Some games never converge Initial score = (0,1,3)
Randomized tie breaking
20. Some games never converge
21. Some games never converge
22. The main question: Under what conditions the game is guaranteed to converge?
Also, if it converges, then
How fast?
To what outcome?
23. Is convergence guaranteed?
24. Some games always converge Theorem: Let G be a Plurality game with deterministic tie-breaking. If voters have equal weights and always use best-reply, then the game will converge from any initial state.
Furthermore, convergence occurs after a polynomial number of steps.
25. Some games always converge Theorem: Let G be a Plurality game with deterministic tie-breaking. If voters have equal weights and always use best-reply, then the game will converge from any initial state.
We will show the proof for the case where voters start by telling the truth
26. Proof of convergence (I) We prove by induction on the following invariants:
The score of the winner never decreases
Each step promotes a less preferable candidate (for the manipulator)
If a voter i “deserts” a candidate, no other voter will ever vote for this candidate (or for any candidate that is better for i)
27. Proof of convergence (II) Base case:
Before the first step, each voter votes for his most preferable candidate, thus (2) holds.
No one will desert the winner, thus (1) also holds.
(3) cannot be violated in a single step.
28. Proof of convergence (III) Suppose that (3) is violated at time t. that is, there is some step at time t’ < t :
29. Proof of convergence (IV) and at time t some agent votes for c again
30. Proof of convergence (V) Now assume (2) is violated. That is, a voter j votes for a more preferable candidate (e.g. a) at time t.
Thus there was a step t’<t, where j selected c <j a, since a could not win.
Therefore, a cannot win now.
31. Proof of convergence (VI) Finally, a violation of (1) implies a violation of (2), since a voter will not desert the winner for a less preferable candidate.
Therefore, if there are no violations until step t, there are no violations in step t+1
We also note, that in this case convergence occurs after at most m-1 steps
32. Results - summary
33. Conclusions The “best-reply” seems like the most important condition for convergence
The winner may depend on the order of players (even when convergence is guaranteed)
Iterative voting is a mechanism that allows all voters to agree on a candidate that is not too bad
34. Related work (solution concepts) A lot of work about strategic behavior by multiple independent voters
Feddersen, Sened, and Wright 1990 (single peak)
Messner & Polborn 2002 (strong equilibrium)
Peleg 2002
Dhillon and Lockwood 2004 (dominated strategies)
and many more…
Crucially, they all assume that full preferences of all voters are known
35. Related work (partial knowledge) Myerson & Weber (1993) analyzed voting equilibria in a complex model with partial information (polls) and non-atomic voters
Our model is more suitable when there are few voters
Chopra, Pacuit and Parikh (2004) focus on the relations between knowledge and strategic behavior
36. Related work (sequential voting) Farquharson (1969) analyzed a model where a different issue is voted upon in each turn
Showed how the game can be solved with backward induction
A different model was studied by Airiau and Endriss (2009), where in every step voters choose between the current winner and a suggested alternative
Show sufficient conditions for convergence (of payoffs)
37. Future work Extend to voting rules other than Plurality
Investigate the theoretic properties of the newly induced voting rule (Iterative Plurality)
Study more far sighted behavior
In cases where convergence in not guaranteed, how common are cycles?
38. Questions?