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Equilibrium of Rigid Body. A rigid body is said to be in statical equlibrium when the resultant force acting on the body is zero and the resultant torsion at any point of the rigid body is zero Mathematically is Σ F = 0 and Σ τ = 0 If Σ F = 0 the body is in translational equilibrium
Equilibrium of Rigid Body • A rigid body is said to be in staticalequlibrium when the resultant force acting on the body is zero and the resultant torsion at any point of the rigid body is zero • Mathematically is • Σ F = 0 and Σ τ = 0 • If Σ F = 0 the body is in translational equilibrium • If Σ τ = 0 the body is in rotational equlibrium
Static Equilibrium can be classified : • 1. Stable Equilibrium. • Stable Equilibrium is characterized by the raise in object’s center of gravity whenever it is given a stimulus • When disturbance has gone, the object will return
2. Unstable Equilibrium • Unstable Equilibrium is characterized by the lowering in object’s center of gravity whenever it is given a stimulus • When disturbance has gone, the object does not return to initial position
3. Indifferent ( Netral ) Equilibrium • Indifferent Equilibrium is characterized by the in object’s center of gravity will not undergo any change in height whenever it is given a stimulus
Stable conditional: 1. Σ F = 0 ⇒ Σ Fx = 0 Σ Fy = 0 Σ Fx = 0 N = T cosα Σ Fy = 0 w = f + T sin α 2. Σ τ = 0 T sin α T f F α N T cosα ½ L.w - L T sin α = 0 w
Hitunglahtegangantalidangayapadaujungengsel . Beratbatang = 20N,berat papan=30N 37o SMA 1 KLATEN
Batangberatnya=500 N, teganganpadatalihanyamampumenahan 3000 N , berapabeban max yang dapatditahanbatang. Tgθ=3/4 0,375 L 45o 0,625 L θ
Batang yang disandarkan Syaratkesetimbangan: Σ F = 0 Σ Fx = 0 NA = fs Σ Fy = 0 NB =W 2. Σ τ = 0 darititik B L sin θ. NA - 1/2 Lcosθ.W=0 licin NA A F NB w θ kasar fs B
Batang yang disandarkan fsA Syaratkesetimbangan: Σ F = 0 Σ Fx = 0 NA = fsB Σ Fy = 0 NB +fsA=w 2. Σ τ = 0darititik B L sin θ. NA - 1/2Lcosθ.W +Lcosθ. fsA=0 FA kasar NA A FB NB w kasar θ fsB B
Berapakahgaya(F) minimum supaya bola terangkatkeatas,jikaberat bola 15 N. 2M F 0,4 M
Sebuahtrukmassa 3 ton melintasisebuahjembatan yang panjangnya 50 m, jikatrukjaraknyadariujungawal 20 m. Berapakahgaya yang bekerjapadaujung-ujungjembatan,jikaberatjembatan 50.000N .
Sebuahtanggamassanya 40 kg yang disandarkanpadadinding yang licindanterletakpadalantai yang kasardengankoefisiengesekan 0,5.Seorang yang massanya 60 kg menaikitangga. Berapakahtinggiorangitumenaikitanggasampaisaattepatakantergelincirtangganya. 10 m 8 m 6 m