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Math Coaches Network Co-Planning with Administrators. June 6, 2012. Today’s Agenda. 8:30 – 9:00 Article The Structure is the Standards 9:00 – 9:45 Goals review 9:45 – 10:00 Break 10:00 – 12:00 Co-planning with Administration 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 2:00 Response to Intervention
Math Coaches NetworkCo-Planning with Administrators June 6, 2012
Today’s Agenda 8:30 – 9:00 Article The Structure is the Standards 9:00 – 9:45 Goals review 9:45 – 10:00 Break 10:00 – 12:00 Co-planning with Administration 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 2:00 Response to Intervention 2:00 – 2:30 Wrap-up
The Structure is the Standardsby Phil Daro, Bill McCallum, Jason Zimba Once you have read the article, please answer the questions below with an elbow partner. • How do the authors describe the standards? Provide evidence in the text. • How were the Common Core State Standards developed? Point to evidence in the text. • Why did they use the word “structure” in the title? Discuss with your elbow partner. Daro, P., McCallum, B., & Zimba, J. (2012, February 16). The Structure is the Standards [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://commoncoretools.me/2012/02/16/the-structure-is-the-standards/
Goals Planning • Revisit and complete your Goals Planning Document 2011-2012 • What were the results? • What evidence do you have to support this? • Did you set realistic goals? • Why or why not? • Begin to consider possible goals for 2012-2013
Welcome Administrators
Looking Back: Where have we been? • Create a list of resources, workshops, or other experiences that have guided your RTTT work this year, as it applies to mathematics. • From this list, identify the three that have been the most prevalent. • From the list, identify one that you would benefit from spending more time with.
Looking Forward: Where are we going? • Based upon your work throughout the transition, identify what future focus is needed for successful implementation of RTTT initiatives as it relates to mathematics. • What role will Math Coaches play in this work?
Latest RTTT News and Resources • Sample PARCC assessment items • 10 per grade level
Latest RTTT News and Resources • Scope and Sequence • Modules
Latest RTTT News and Resources • NYS CC Ambassador Program • To create common language and a common understanding • Organizations will nominate participants • Paired with an instructional coach in one particular area of the standards you wish to improve upon • 5 days in Albany – August 13th– 17th • 4 follow up days in Albany throughout school year • Possible videotaping to show progression of development • Funding for training through NTI
Illustrative Mathematics Project • The tasks are written by a variety of people: teachers, educators, mathematicians. Some are adapted from existing tasks (with permission). • The goal is to have a set of tasks for each standard that: • Illuminate the central meaning of the standard and also show connections with other standards; • Clarify what is familiar about the standard and what is new with the Common Core; • Include both teaching and assessment tasks; • Reflect the full range of difficulty expected.
2011-2012 Goal Review • Review CCSS and Leadership goals that were set last spring • Identify and celebrate areas of success • Identify hurdles that may have prevented success • How could this have been approached differently?
2012-2013 Goal Planning • What RTTT elements are critical to support within your grade/building/district? • What opportunities for leadership growth do you envision?
Goals Planning Document • Goal: What do you hope to accomplish? • Plan of action: How will you accomplish your goal? • Steps to accomplish this action: What are the specific tasks or activities necessary for your success? • Resources: What will you need to be successful? • Time frame: When will this action occur? • Evidence of attainment: How will you know you have reached your goal? • Results: (To be completed in Spring 2013)
What are the biggest needs of the Math Coaches Network for 2012-2013?
Response to Intervention in Math • Chapter 10: Next Steps in the RtI Process • 1. Find or create an assessment system that allows for screening and progress monitoring. • 2. Implement Tier 1 instruction with fidelity. • 3. Decide on an intervention system. • 4. Review the research on interventions. • 5. Decide what your Tier 3 is meant to be. • 6. Review the effectiveness using student data. • How do we connect RTTT initiatives with the RtI process?