2. The IAQ IssueThe IAQ Issue
4. Owner Occupied BuildingsOwner Occupied Buildings
5. Who’s Problem Is It ?
In one form or another we are all adversely effected by poor Indoor Air Quality.Who’s Problem Is It ?
In one form or another we are all adversely effected by poor Indoor Air Quality.
6. What’s Being Done ?What’s Being Done ?
8. Cleaning the air in the enclosed space by employing filtration methods and materials can be used to improve indoor air quality and reduce the requirements for outdoor air.
ASHRAE Standard 62 Indoor Air Quality Procedure provides a procedure for reduced levels of required outdoor air by cleaning and recirculation part of the indoor air. This can reduce required fresh air.
High efficiency filters, carbon filter media and gaseous contaminant removal systems can be used to clean the air. The cleaned air stream flow is measured and the dilution ratio with outside air verified. The recirculated air is then used for part of the outside air requirements.
Compliance with the standard requires design verification and documentation.
This solution is complex due to the design verification requirements and the required air cleaning equipment. Gases can be difficult and expensive to remove. Maintenance is expensive and mandatory to maintain compliance.
The largest unknown is present day contaminants which are declared hazards in the future. Future modifications may be required, or liability for the past effects of the reduced fresh air rates might result from the installation.Cleaning the air in the enclosed space by employing filtration methods and materials can be used to improve indoor air quality and reduce the requirements for outdoor air.
ASHRAE Standard 62 Indoor Air Quality Procedure provides a procedure for reduced levels of required outdoor air by cleaning and recirculation part of the indoor air. This can reduce required fresh air.
High efficiency filters, carbon filter media and gaseous contaminant removal systems can be used to clean the air. The cleaned air stream flow is measured and the dilution ratio with outside air verified. The recirculated air is then used for part of the outside air requirements.
Compliance with the standard requires design verification and documentation.
This solution is complex due to the design verification requirements and the required air cleaning equipment. Gases can be difficult and expensive to remove. Maintenance is expensive and mandatory to maintain compliance.
The largest unknown is present day contaminants which are declared hazards in the future. Future modifications may be required, or liability for the past effects of the reduced fresh air rates might result from the installation.
9. Control de la fuente contaminante Fuentes interiores:
Materiales de construcción
Mobiliario y equipos
Flora y fauna
Ocupación y actividades
14. Reducción de la concentración de contaminantes
Capaz de hacer frente a futuros contaminantes
Posibilita el ahorro energético Dilution is the process of adding fresh outside air and reducing the concentration of the pollutants. It is the basis for ASHRAE Standard 62 level of 15 CFM per person outside air. At the normal body CO2 production rates 15 CFM per person will maintain the CO2 level below 1000 ppm. (Assuming a normal outside air CO2 level of 300 ppm)
Ventilation with outside air reduces the concentration of all pollutants. Unknown hazardous materials or gases impossible to remove from the air stream will all be diluted together by the fresh air.
Ventilation with outside air is relatively easy to implement or enhance.
Dilution is a good position for the future. It is the method on which the standards are based. The future “unknown” pollutant is also being diluted.
The problem with dilution and ventilation is the fresh air impact on the HVAC system. Cooling and heating loads are increased. Equipment will have to be added or modified to meet the added demand in a retrofit situation. New construction will pay an energy penalty.
Lossnay™ by Mitsubishi can help solve the energy problems.
Dilution is the process of adding fresh outside air and reducing the concentration of the pollutants. It is the basis for ASHRAE Standard 62 level of 15 CFM per person outside air. At the normal body CO2 production rates 15 CFM per person will maintain the CO2 level below 1000 ppm. (Assuming a normal outside air CO2 level of 300 ppm)
Ventilation with outside air reduces the concentration of all pollutants. Unknown hazardous materials or gases impossible to remove from the air stream will all be diluted together by the fresh air.
Ventilation with outside air is relatively easy to implement or enhance.
Dilution is a good position for the future. It is the method on which the standards are based. The future “unknown” pollutant is also being diluted.
The problem with dilution and ventilation is the fresh air impact on the HVAC system. Cooling and heating loads are increased. Equipment will have to be added or modified to meet the added demand in a retrofit situation. New construction will pay an energy penalty.
Lossnay™ by Mitsubishi can help solve the energy problems.
24. Cover Slide - Lossnay PresentationCover Slide - Lossnay Presentation
27. If an air-to-air heat exchanger is applied to this example the sensible energy saved has reduced the cooling required by 16%.
The moisture in the incoming air will require attention. Heat has been transferred between the airstreams, but the fresh air continues to add 150 grains of moisture to the space which has to be removed by the cooling equipment.
Condensation in the air-to-air heat exchanger incoming air will likely occur under these conditions requiring a condensate drain. Careful consideration of the air flow paths will be required to prevent the moist incoming air from being a comfort problem.
The condensate creates the worst of conditions; little latent energy is saved and a condensate drain is required. Condensate in the air passages will create ideal conditions for biological growth. Air flow balance might also be disturbed by the condensation and growth.
A wheel type heat exchanger will rotate the exchange medium between intake and exhaust passages. Condensation and biological problems can be transferred to the fresh air coming into the space.
Sensible heat exchange under these conditions creates all of the problems with little of the energy savings.
Sensible heat exchange can make sense in extreme humidity situations such as enclosed swimming pools. Condensation is then a benefit in removing excess humidity.
If an air-to-air heat exchanger is applied to this example the sensible energy saved has reduced the cooling required by 16%.
The moisture in the incoming air will require attention. Heat has been transferred between the airstreams, but the fresh air continues to add 150 grains of moisture to the space which has to be removed by the cooling equipment.
Condensation in the air-to-air heat exchanger incoming air will likely occur under these conditions requiring a condensate drain. Careful consideration of the air flow paths will be required to prevent the moist incoming air from being a comfort problem.
The condensate creates the worst of conditions; little latent energy is saved and a condensate drain is required. Condensate in the air passages will create ideal conditions for biological growth. Air flow balance might also be disturbed by the condensation and growth.
A wheel type heat exchanger will rotate the exchange medium between intake and exhaust passages. Condensation and biological problems can be transferred to the fresh air coming into the space.
Sensible heat exchange under these conditions creates all of the problems with little of the energy savings.
Sensible heat exchange can make sense in extreme humidity situations such as enclosed swimming pools. Condensation is then a benefit in removing excess humidity.
28. An energy recovery ventilator using a Lossnay™ core in these example conditions exchanges 59% of the total energy reducing the cooling from 13.8 tons to 9.1 tons.
Humidity transfer occurs continuously during flow through the energy exchange core. The requirement for a condensate drain is eliminated.
Notice how Lossnay™ attempts to maintain the conditioned space conditions, both temperature and humidity.An energy recovery ventilator using a Lossnay™ core in these example conditions exchanges 59% of the total energy reducing the cooling from 13.8 tons to 9.1 tons.
Humidity transfer occurs continuously during flow through the energy exchange core. The requirement for a condensate drain is eliminated.
Notice how Lossnay™ attempts to maintain the conditioned space conditions, both temperature and humidity.
31. As an example consider winter design conditions as an example of how ventilation affects heating.
Balanced ventilation is assumed.
450 CFM of ventilation requirement is chosen as an example. This ventilation rate might be typical of a school classroom of 30 students.
As an example consider winter design conditions as an example of how ventilation affects heating.
Balanced ventilation is assumed.
450 CFM of ventilation requirement is chosen as an example. This ventilation rate might be typical of a school classroom of 30 students.
32. The diagram shows what is happening in the space by applying an “energy audit” on the exhaust and fresh air. If the space is to remain at a constant temperature and humidity the energy flows will have to balance. Lets investigate what we have to do to make this happen if we ventilate with outside air.
The air leaving the space is at the same conditions as the space, and we take the “energy audit” representing the lost energy.
At the example conditions approximately 34,400 BTU heating is required just to handle the ventilation air.
Humidity control has to be provided by additional equipment.
The diagram shows what is happening in the space by applying an “energy audit” on the exhaust and fresh air. If the space is to remain at a constant temperature and humidity the energy flows will have to balance. Lets investigate what we have to do to make this happen if we ventilate with outside air.
The air leaving the space is at the same conditions as the space, and we take the “energy audit” representing the lost energy.
At the example conditions approximately 34,400 BTU heating is required just to handle the ventilation air.
Humidity control has to be provided by additional equipment.
33. If an air-to-air heat exchanger is applied to this example the sensible energy saved has reduced the heating required to 15,400 BTU’s.
The moisture in the incoming air will require attention. Heat has been transferred between the airstreams, but the cold fresh air lowers the temperature of the exhaust air t the dew point causing condensation in the unit, requiring a condensate drain.
A wheel type heat exchanger will rotate the exchange medium between intake and exhaust passages. Condensation and biological problems can be transferred to the fresh air coming into the space.
Sensible heat exchange under these conditions occurs at about a 55% enthalpic efficiency.
Sensible heat exchange can make sense in extreme humidity situations such as enclosed swimming pools. Condensation is then a benefit in removing excess humidity.
If an air-to-air heat exchanger is applied to this example the sensible energy saved has reduced the heating required to 15,400 BTU’s.
The moisture in the incoming air will require attention. Heat has been transferred between the airstreams, but the cold fresh air lowers the temperature of the exhaust air t the dew point causing condensation in the unit, requiring a condensate drain.
A wheel type heat exchanger will rotate the exchange medium between intake and exhaust passages. Condensation and biological problems can be transferred to the fresh air coming into the space.
Sensible heat exchange under these conditions occurs at about a 55% enthalpic efficiency.
Sensible heat exchange can make sense in extreme humidity situations such as enclosed swimming pools. Condensation is then a benefit in removing excess humidity.
34. An energy recovery ventilator using a Lossnay™ core in these example conditions exchanges 72% of the total energy reducing the heating load to 9700 BTU’s.
Humidity transfer occurs continuously during air flow through the energy exchange core. The requirement for a condensate drain is eliminated.
Notice how Lossnay™ attempts to maintain the conditioned space conditions, both temperature and humidity.
An energy recovery ventilator using a Lossnay™ core in these example conditions exchanges 72% of the total energy reducing the heating load to 9700 BTU’s.
Humidity transfer occurs continuously during air flow through the energy exchange core. The requirement for a condensate drain is eliminated.
Notice how Lossnay™ attempts to maintain the conditioned space conditions, both temperature and humidity.
50. Cover Slide - Lossnay PresentationCover Slide - Lossnay Presentation
60. Gas transmission rate
Row material of core was changed and introduced to all Lossnay products from April of this year.
On the new row material, gas transmission rate was widely improved.
Maybe you know, eventually Lossnay core has a special feature that carbon dioxide (CO2) transmission rate is very small than general paper.
This improving makes Ammonia transmission rate decrease from 28% to 2.9%. This supposes to lead expand Lossnay installation possibility.
Gas transmission rate
Row material of core was changed and introduced to all Lossnay products from April of this year.
On the new row material, gas transmission rate was widely improved.
Maybe you know, eventually Lossnay core has a special feature that carbon dioxide (CO2) transmission rate is very small than general paper.
This improving makes Ammonia transmission rate decrease from 28% to 2.9%. This supposes to lead expand Lossnay installation possibility.