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Tuning and Curriculum Development

Tuning and Curriculum Development. Promoting the European Dimension in Learning and Teaching Dundee, 23rd Jan. 2009. TUNING METHODOLOGY: learning outcomes and competences. Steps in designing degrees: 1. Identification of what is required

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Tuning and Curriculum Development

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  1. Tuning and Curriculum Development Promoting the European Dimension in Learning and Teaching Dundee, 23rd Jan. 2009 gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  2. TUNING METHODOLOGY: learning outcomes and competences Steps in designing degrees: 1. Identification of what is required 2. Definition of academic and professional profiles: translation into learning outcomes and generic and subject specific competences 3. Translation into curricula 4. Translation into modules/course units and approaches towards teaching, learning and assessment 5. Programme quality assurance: built in monitoring, evaluation and updating procedures gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  3. Do we know what learners should be able to do? How? gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  4. Learning Chain Labour Market Change of paradigm Learnig outcomes Learners Learning space Total Quality Management Labour Market gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  5. Desired „Can Do“ Profile - gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  6. Learning Chain A PROMISE Labour Market Change of paradigm New Governance in many MS LO Subject related -Broad knowledge Generic -communicate, solve problems, learn, adapt, analyse, (manage) Learners Necessitates Advice/ Selection; accumulates credits, may make use of transfer Learning space Teaching and learning, materials, methods, forms of assessment, suitable to demonstrate in the time specified, workload and level indicated,credits and grades allocated = LO achieved Total Quality Management Accreditation, Evaluation Standards and Guidelines Labour Market gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  7. Learning Chain Design Profile: Regional-National-International / General-Special / Research-Applied Study-Programme Learning Outcomes First Cycle Subject-related Generic 180 credits Bachelor ISR-SQR DQR BA-level 6 BA-level 6-2 Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing BA-level 6-1 Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing Internal Quality Assurance+Enhancement Quality (LO)/Quantity (Credits)/Assessment External Quality A+E gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  8. Knowledge widening -present tools to design a strategy and to develop business organisations strategically -interpret alternative tools to make a choice -outline consequences of strategic decisions Knowledge deepening -apply tools to implement a strategic development successfully -identify and interpret strategic issues in different contexts -realise how strategy development can be seen, how processes can be understood and what the implications are for strategy development -differentiate between strategic management in different contexts Capability – Knowledge accessing / opening / developing Instrumental (methodological) capability -apply techniques of strategic analysis -apply techniques to select adequate strategies -apply techniques to implement strategy Communicative / interpersonal capability -use different viewpoints on strategy to explain observable processes in organisations -explain implications of diffrent scenarios and different strategies Systemic capability -to demonstrate the impact of national and organisational culture on strategy formulation and implementation -to apply techniques in specific business positions LO in detail BA-level 6-1 Knowledge -Widening -Deepening Capability Accessing/ Opening / Developing gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  9. Forms of Assessment -Quizzes („best two“) -Oral Presentation (Case Study- Group) -Oral exam (20 min. Individual) -Case Study („Open Book Exam“-Notes) Knowledge widening -present tools to design a strategy and to develop business organisations strategically -interpret alternative tools to make a choice -outline consequences of strategic decisions Knowledge deepening -apply tools to implement a strategic development successfully -identify and interpret strategic issues in different contexts -realise how strategy development can be seen, how processes can be understood and what the implications are for strategy development -differentiate between strategic management in different contexts Capability – Knowledge accessing / opening / developing Instrumental (methodological) capability -apply techniques of strategic analysis -apply techniques to select adequate strategies -apply techniques to implement strategy Communicative / interpersonal capability -use different viewpoints on strategy to explain observable processes in organisations -explain implications of diffrent scenarios and different strategies Systemic capability -to demonstrate the impact of national and organisational culture on strategy formulation and implementation -to apply techniques in specific business positions gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  10. Principles in Practice Information, Consultation, Analysis processes: Consensus Building Learning Agreement Learning Space Information Pack. Employability et al Modularisation Descriptors Individual Selection Learning Outcomes Profile • Performance • Credits • Grade Level Workload Award / Diploma Supplement Credit Transfer / Accumulation Transcript of Records Information, Consultation, Analysis processes: Consensus Building gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  11. Bologna in Action Instruments Trainability/ Learning Agreement Information Package Employability Structure of a Module Tuning • Individual • Advice/Selection • Interview • Portfolio u.a. • Learning Outcomes: • Subj. rel. /non subj. rel. • Knowledge widening • Knowledge deepening • Knowledge accessing • Instrumental • Interpersonal • systemic Dublin Descriptors Qualifications-framework • Performance • Credits • 5 • Grade • Local • Ranking LLL Workload -Effectiveness - Efficiency Award / Diploma Supplement Transfer / Accumulation Transcript of Records Instruments

  12. Learning Chain Tools at work Labour Market Change of Paradigm Learning Outcomes Subject-related -Knowledge Deepening / Widening Generic -Skills / Competences Knowledge opening / developing QFR-NQR-HQR-SQR Learner Credit Transfer + Accumulation Application /CV / Learning Agreement/ TOR / Mobility Pass Language Pass Diploma/Certificate Supplement Learning Space Teaching and Learning, Research Learning Environment Information Package / Course Catalogue Labour Market Quality Assurance/ -enhancement Standards & Guidelines / Register gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  13. Common Platform – plus customised modules = individual study-programmes gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  14. Bereich Quakenbrück Bereich Nordhorn Uni OS One-stop-shop FH OS Regional E&T Center Bereich Bramsche Bereich Melle BA Lingen gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  15. Atlantic Dallas Hub-and-Spoke Code Sharing LA Spokes HUB UA Spokes Berlin New York Spokes Hannover HUB LH Spokes FMO Düsseldorf gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  16. OUTCOME OF PROCESS: A coherent system based on learning outcomes and competences has been developed Definir Define Analyse Design Incorporate Measure Formulate Identify Consult Build consensus Develop

  17. Timing Objectives Mobility Substitute Add-on Resources Type of Pro- gramme Structure Complement Timing Mode of Study Syllabus/ Learning Outcomes Synergy Type Of Student Core Curriculum Learner centred Workload Document- ation ECTS Key Features Assessment Rating User´s Guide Grade Employability Profile QFR Learning Chain QA Recognition Social Dimension gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

  18. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig!Curriculum design is more than make-up gehmlich@wi.fh-osnabrueck.de

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