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AZIENDA OSPEDALIERA UNIVERSITARIA INTEGRATA DI VERONA University Hospital of Verona. Doctors and health professionals operating in University Hospital of Verona (AOUI) pride themselves in their work of improving health guaranteeing complete respect of the patient. The focus is on:
Doctors and health professionals operating in University Hospital of Verona (AOUI) pride themselves in their work of improving health guaranteeing complete respect of the patient. The focus is on: • specialized and top quality health care; • research in the medical field and in the organization and management of care services; • sharing of culture and scientific knowledge regarding diagnosis and treatment, as well as with rehabilitation and prevention. HEALTH CARE RESEARCH TEACHING Our avant-garde hospital facilities are organized according to the level of intensity of care. This care is always patient-centred and carefully integrated with the urban context, offering our clients accomodation of a high standard.
HEALTHCARE ACTIVITIES The University Hospital of Verona is the second largest hospital trust in Italy in terms of the number of hospital beds, and the fifth largest in term of admission. All the “high specialties” are to be found in the University Hospital of Verona, from heart surgery to organ transplant, from paediatric oncohaematology to the serious burns unit to IORT (intraoperatory radiotherapy). All of them guarantee diagnosis, therapy and care of a very high standard, achieved also through the use of an interdisciplinary approach. ORDINARY HOSPITAL BEDS: 1.384 DAY HOSPITAL BEDS: 138 STAFF: 6.081 OPERATIVE UNITS: 84 Complex Operative Units (U.O.C.) responsible to the Health Director of which 78 have ISO certification 9001:2008 16 Complex Services responsible to the General and Administrative Directors of which 14 have ISO certification 9001:2008 DAILY ACTIVITIES: 1.150 patients hospitalized as ordinary patients; 100 surgical operations; 280 Day Hospital admission; 400 Emergency Room admission; 3.000 Outpatient treatments; 10 births Organ Transplants in 2010: 194 (heart, kidney, liver, bone marrow) 3/51
NEUROSURGERY A highly specialized centre dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical treatment, including minimally invasive treatment, of diseases of the nervous system. Particularly prominent both nationally and internationally are the services in neuro-oncology, vascular neurosurgery, radiosurgery and stereotactic neurosurgery using new generation apparatus (Gamma-Knife and Perfexion). TRANSPLANT PROGRAMME The kidney transplant programme has passed the milestone of 40 years of uninterrupted activity and constitutes one of the most important transplant centres in Italy and in Europe. The liver transplant activities have also a primary importance. EXCELLENCE HEALTH CARE ACTIVITIES SPECIALIZED REGIONAL CENTRE FOR SURGICAL AND BIONIC AURAL REHABILITATION The specialized regional center for surgical and bionic aural rehabilitation deals with otoneurological pathologies, and promotes the development of all those instruments which preserve and increase the capacity to hear and communicate (e.g. the bionic ear). Since its foundation the Centre has produced 136 scientific pubblications and has collaborated with over 30 international universities and hospital.
EXCELLENCE HEALTH CARE ACTIVITIES HEART SURGERY A highly specialized Centre dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical treatment, including transplants, of pathologies of the heart and large vessels in adults and children. It delivers more treatments in all these fields than any other Centre in Italy, and is in the vanguard in research. REGIONAL CENTRE FOR CYSTIC FIBROSISThe University Hospital of Verona is home to the Regional Centre for Cystic Fibrosis, a Centre of international importance for diagnosis, treatment and research into this and other rare pathologies of the respiratory, gastroenteric and immune systems. PANCREAS CENTRE An avant-garde centre for diseases of the pancreas. It provides provides diagnosis, treatment and research, and offers patients the best avalaible treatments for pathologies of the pancreas through a multidisciplinary approach (the team includes surgeon, gastroenterologist, oncologist, radiologist, endoscopist and anatomopathologist). CENTRE FOR BONE MARROW TRANPLANTS An avant-garde centre in terms of technique, functions and planning. Thanks to well-established synergies with donors’ associations and the Tranfusion Service, it is responsible for about a fifth of all the stem cell transplants from bone marrow donors carried out in Italy. It is one of the centres of excellence both nationally and in Europe.
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH The numerous research activities conducted at the University Hospital of Verona include: STEM CELLS RESEARCH LABORATORY and CELL FACTORY The stem cell research laboratory works on the biology and potential clinical applications of stem cells of diverse origins (mesenchymal, hematopoietic, neural, cardiac, epithelial, neoplastic). The Cell Factory, which is closely linked with the laboratory, produces mesenchymal stem cells for clinical use. ARC-NET and INTERNATIONAL CANCER GENOME CONSORTIUM ARC-NET is a centre which concentrates and coordinates the technologies, the experience and the competence found in University Hospital of Verona in order to identify and validate new diagnostic/prognostic markers in oncology. It is the only Italian centre involved in the International Cancer Genome Consortium, a worldwide project aiming to sequence the genomes of different types of cancer. CENTRE FOR EXPERIMENTAL ROBOTIC SURGERY The first Italian centre for experimental robotic surgery is found at the University Hospital of Verona. This recentrly inaugurated centre aims to develop and validate new devices and algorithms for robotic surgery. Numerous European and International projects converge in this laboratory, which intends to promote the transition from research to clinical practice. CENTRE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH (CRC) The CRC was founded in 2005 to collaborate with pharmaceutical companies and assist research centres in the initial phases of the development of new drugs, guaranteeing high standards of quality and rapid progress. .
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND TRAINING IN MENTAL HEALTH AND SERVICE EVALUATION The psychiatry and clinical psychology section is one of the 3 Centres in Italy which collaborate with the Word Health Organization in the field of research into mental health, and the only centre in the world which conducts Mental Health Service Evaluation for the W.H.O. The University Hospital of Verona is home to CReMPE, the Regional Coordination Centre for European Project Management, through which, on behalf of the Veneto Region, it coodinates various important European projects, including: EUREGENAS The project called EUropean REgions ENforcing Actionsagainst Suicide (EUREGENAS) groups together 11 European countries with the common aim of developing a programme of suicide prevention. SIALON II The European Sialon II project is concerned with preventing the spread of HIV in the population at highest risk of infection. Workikng alongside the University Hospital of Verona are the Veneto Region, the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, the Italian ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) and research centres and public health organizations from 11 European countries. http://www.sialon.eu HoNCAB The HoNCAB Project, of which AOUI is the leader, aims to normalise the refund relations between EU National Health Systems for their own cross-border patients, namely those patients that for various reasons receive treatments in EU States other than their own. This project has the delicate task of finding a link between the different EU National Health Systems before the adoption of the Directive 2011/24/EU that will guarantee the right to receive treatment in any EU State for any EU citizen.
TRAINING and TEACHING Thanks to the integration of its hospital authority with the University, Verona can offer students and graduates degree courses, higher degrees, post-graduate specialist training, master’s degrees and doctorates of a very high standards. Every year more than 4000 students and health professionals choose the University of Verona and the AOUI for the teaching and training offered there, including 41 schools of medical specialization. There are also plans to construct a real university campus with accomodation and services, in the area of Borgo Trento hospital. The AOUI is developing an integrated project for training and continuing professional education of its health workers at all levels. These professional training courses will teach technical and non technical skills, and will include advanced didactic techniques involving simulation (dummies and virtual simulators) The numerous training and continuing education courses for health professionals are open to both our internal staff and to clients from outside the University Hospital of Verona. We also organize and host numerous seminars and congresses of national and international importance, with the opportunity for “live web” meetings between different hospital trusts through multimedia work stations.
INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION PEDIATRIC ONCOHAEMATOLOGY The Pediatric Oncohaematology Operative Unit and Tblisi, capital of Georgia, are working together on an important project to set up a bone marrow transplant programme for paediatric patients. The University Hospital of Verona will provide reference and support for Tblisi in future years until the new Centre reaches full autonomy. TBLISI VERONA TELECONSULTATION SERVICE The University Hospital of Verona offers a teleconsultation service, receiving calls and using methods certified as meeting the standards defined by the Veneto Region. This service is currently available for Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology and in future other specializations will also be available.
ACTIVITIES DEDICATED TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES In order to propagate throughout the world the scientific culture and medical experience which have always distinguished the University Hospital of Verona, it offers: Distance Learning Courses, in foreign language tailored to clients’ needs, if required, thanks to the support of cultural mediators. Residential Courses, at Verona, to learn through personal experience the latest techniques in surgery and other fields. Support to the development of healthcare techniques, as happened with the project for setting up a bone marrow tranplant centre in Tblisi in Georgia. Support for the development of new hospitals. One example of this activity is the cooperation provided by the University Hospital of Verona to the Ngozi Hospital in Burundi in rebuilding and reorganizing their facilities. Support to the Meta-Planning of new hospital.The AOUI brings to this task all its experience in the design and planning of high-tech hospitals of excellent quality for acute patients needing high levels of care.
Borgo Trento SITE BORGO TRENTO P.le A. Stefani, 1 37126 Verona, Italy BORGO ROMA P.Le L.A. Scuro, 10 37134 Verona, Italy Contacts: Central switchboard +39 045 812 11 11 Website www.ospedaleuniverona.it Borgo Roma SITE BY CAR:To reach Borgo Trento Hospital take the Verona Nord exit from the A22 autostrada (motorway); for Borgo Roma Hospital take the Verona Sud exit from the A4 autostrada (motorway). BY TRAIN: From the area in front of Verona Porta Nuova station, the number 21 and 22 buses leave for Borgo Roma Hospital from platform E. For Borgo Trento Hospital, the number 21,22, 23, 24, 41 buses leave from platform D. BY PLANE: The Valerio Catullo Airport is about 12km from the centre of Verona. An ATV shuttle bus leaves the airport for Verona Porta Nuova railway station every 20 minutes. • TAXI: The radiotaxi service can be reached on 045 532666, 24 hours a day including holidays. WHERE WE ARE The two sites of the University Hospital of Verona are situated near the centre of Verona and are easy to reach, whether you arrive in town by car, by train or by plane. HOW TO REACH US