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EU Biomass Industry : PROMISING MARKETS FOR MODERN BIOENERGY. Mr. Giuliano Grassi Secretary General , European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA). 28 April 2010 BIOMASS STAKEHOLDERS FORUM. Promising Markets.
EU Biomass Industry: PROMISING MARKETS FOR MODERN BIOENERGY Mr. Giuliano GrassiSecretaryGeneral, European Biomass IndustryAssociation (EUBIA) 28 April 2010 BIOMASS STAKEHOLDERS FORUM
Promising Markets • Refining a typeofligno – cellulosichumidBiomasesinto Agro – Pellets or torrifiedPellets; • Production ofHeat ( heating / cooling , cooking, industrial processing); • Production ofBioelectricity or Heat & Power. In particular: • - High levelof Biomass – CoalCofiring • - Cogenerationplants ( 2 MWe – 50 MWe) • 4. CoproductionofBioethanol & Biolectricityfromsweet – sorghum / sugar cane ( 5 Mwe – 50 Mwe and 6 m3 ofbioethanol/haxcycle); • 5. Coproductionof Biogas & Compostfromresidues in a longer – term; • 6. Bio – Hydrogen production; • 7. Synthetic Diesel / jet – fuels ( fischertropschsynthesis); • 8. Industrial Commodities ( MetallurgicalCharacoalpellets, Bio – ethylene, Composite materials , Bio – methanol, D.M.E., etc...).
1 - REFINING HUMID BIOMASS The HugeAmountofannual Biomass produced world – wide ( ~ 80 Billion TOE / y) requires a considerableflowof water crossingthplants ( 200 – 1,000 li / cyclex Kg ofbiomassproduced. Afterharvesting 50 % offeshcropis water content; therefore 50 % offreshCropis water content; therefore Biomass isbiologicallyunstable, degrades more or less fast emitting GHG ( methane, CO2). Thus the necessity ( especiallyforlarge – scale utilisation / trading) torefininghumidbiomassto: • -stabilizethe feedstock; • - obtain a “ bioenergysolidcommodity”ofgeneralutilisation • At presenttwotypesofRefiningProcesses can beenvisaged: • - Pellets or Agro – Pellets Production , bydrying&compactation; • -TorrefiedPellets or Bio – Coal – Pellets Production , obtainedby a mildcarbonisationofbiomasses.
Pellettisation is a well known technology ( many technologies available since one century) and has reached an high – level of performances / quality based on pre – drying biomass up to 14 % followed by compactation; “ Agro – Pellets” is a new , very attractive refing technology , because: - can process directly humid – biomasses ( with a m.c. Of ~ 30 %); - can process also any kind of biomass mixtures without the addition of other compound (blending of different biomass is easy); The quality and density of Agro – Pellets is very high ( 800 Kg / m3 : Bulk density ), reducing the logistics costs. Modern Pelletization technology
The energy processing needs are lower of other conventional technologies as summerised here below: • Considerable production cost saving can thus be obtained by the new “ Agro – Pellets” technology. Assunig an electricity industrial supply prices of 0.1 / Kwhe and the production cost of Agro – Pellets of 100 € / ton , an Operation Annual Saving of 330,000 € / year ( 470,000 $ /y) can be obtained in a 5 t/h plant; ManPower Requirement ( Unit 5 -10 t /hr): • - 3 Operators x 4 shift / day; • - 1 manager per week; • with a total of 13 persons / week and 7 days / week operation. • In general 7,000 hr / year are considered in the economic evaluation. Modern Pelletization technology
Indicative Investment Costs ( 2009) are: • - 5 t / hr plant • - 10 t / hr plant: ~ 3,2 million € ( complete plant) Installed Power ( Higher than Operational Power): - 2 t / hr plant: 370 Kwe - 5t / hr plant: 687 Kwe NEW Pelletization technology
HIGHLY REFINED “TORRIFIED” BIOMASS • Torrefaction of Biomass is a a mild – carbonisation process carried out at ~ 250 / 280 C in an inert atmosphere ( to avoid combustion) • Benefits derived from the torrefaction Up – grading • Loss of moisture ( max 4 % ) and Acyd – Acetic, precursor of corrosion and tar formation; • Increase of the specific heating value of the feedstock upto ~ 5,200 Kcal / Kg; • Increase of the energy density of bulk refined biomass ( lower logistic costs); ~ 20% • The feedstock bbecome hydrophobic ( easy storage); • Refined product more brittle and easy to grind ( similar to coal) • More homogeneous fuel from different biomasses
CRITICAL ISSUES ( Torrefaction ) : • High productivity: 10 -20 t /hr ( fast processing); • Accurate temperature process control; • Uniform temperature of Bulk feedstock; • Low processing & maintenance costs; • Low process material / energy losses; • Possibilty to refine different types of feedstock • Concept ( Three Stages Process) - Biomass: 1) Drying 2) Heating 3) Torrefaction
ECONOMICS (Indicative data) Investment ( 5 -10 t /h capacity): 4 -7 M€ Processing Cost ( Torrified Pellets ): 20 – 50 € /t PRESENT SITUATION Very Wide., Diversified, Technology or Torrefaction at present under way around the worls. Commercial Technology is not yet available ( 1- 2 years); FUTURE CONTEXT: The combined Refining Processing of Pelletisation & Torrefaction is vital for large scale utilisation-trading
UTILISATION OF TORREFIED PELLETS • Most to promising markets are: • Bioelectricity by cofiring; • BTL production by Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis; • Torrified pellets for metallurgical uses; • Bio – Hydrogen production; Utilization of Biomass
2 - Production of Bioheat Context: In the EU 40% of the energy consumption is for production of heat. The CO2 emission reduction targets for the EU ad for the year 2020 are: • 27% for the residential heating sector • 19% industry sector • Biomass can play and will be asked to provide a considerable contribution: 120 MTOE/y in the year 2020 – 180 MTOE/y in the year 2030 Utilization of Biomass
Typical Utilization: Heating of houses & commercial building by chips and wood pellets. The 2009 market volume in the EU is as follows: Chips:use around the world, ~ 20 Million ton/y Pellets: ~ 10 Million ton/y (EU – 2010) District Heating of village / tows Most in North Europe (long cold seasons) Heat/Steam production for industrial processing: In particular the replacement of steam coal with steam biomass has huge potentialities (and perspectives due to large impact on the world CO2 emission mitigation (~1.5 t of CO2 reduction for each ton of dry biomass replacing a conventional fuel)
Typical CO2 emission from: • CementFactories: ~ tCO2/tCement (1 bill t cement/y). • Steel Factories:~ 3tCO2 /tsteel (1.2 bill steel/y). • PowerPlants (coal): ~ 1kg CO2 / KWhe (18000 billKwhe/y). • Oil Refineries: ~ 0.5 tCO2/t oil (3.5 bill t/y). The heat production can beutilisedalsofor air conditioning/cooling/freezing. Biomass boilersforsolidbiomass are since long time on the market in verydiversifiedforms. Their price varybetween 200-500 €/kwth. For the useofpellets the presentmaximumpowercapacityofburnersis 50 MWth
Heating value of biomass Bulk density
3 – Bioelectricity Production byco-firing Caoal the mostpollutingfuel provides a largecontributionto the total world energyneeds and forpower generation -in year 2010: 2.60 Billion TOE (21% of total primaryenergy) -in year 2020: 2.95 Billion TOE (19% of total primaryenergy) Combusationofbiomasswithcoalis the mostefficient way ofbioelectricity production now and in future due to high electricalefficiencyofmoderncoal/powerplants
Possible level of biomass co-firing Chips: ~ 8% Pellets: ~ 20% Torrefied Pellets: up to 100% Options: Direct Co-firing Indirect co-firing (gassification of biomass) Parallel co-firing (separated boilers for biomass) Coal Biomass CoFiring
Potential market volume: Assuming an average co-firing level of 20% (at present possible in all type of coal power plants, using pellets) Large scale co-firingwillrequire the production ofagropelletsfromagro-forestryresidues /energycrops and torrefiedpellets 20% ofco-firingwillrequire 200 Mt ofagropellets/y
Large Co-firing Power Plant 4,000 MWe (UK) Economics and biomass availability limits at present full exploitation of its cofiring potential
Future priorities: • Fuel quality & International standards • Refining Biomass Mixtures • Optimisation of logistics • New infrastructures (ports) • Diversification and security of Biomass supply • Benefits from Carbon credits • Green Certificates
4 – Co-productionofBioethanol & BioelectricityfromSwetSorghum Whysweetsorghum? • Motivation: large World Demandincreasedforliquidfuel and electricity FORECAST OF INCREASED WORLD CONSUMPTION (period 2005 to 2030)
High yield of bioethanol & Bioelectricity from Sweet Sorhum (especially in tropical areas) Combined Productivity of Bioethanol and Power & Bio-Heat from different crops (average) [m3 of ETOH + KWhe + KWhth/ha.year]
Why Sweet Sorghum? • Sweet-Sorghum is not a food crop but a multi-functional • (energy) crop, thus not a competitor crop for the food • market! • Sweet Sorghum absorbs large amounts of CO2 • (~45 t CO2/ha x cycle); • 1 ltr of bio-ethanol saves ~2,2 kg CO2 (transport); • Low energy, chemical inputs;~ 0.5 TOE/ha • Respect of biodiversity in large plantations (wide range of varieties); • Soil erosion loss (on marginal erodible sites) ~10 t/ha/y, within the tolerance level (11 t/ha/y); • Biofertiliser production (compost) from Sweet Sorghum residues can improves the sustainability of cropping;
Vast Areas (agricultural, marginal, semi-arid lands) are available on all continents for S.S. plantation 70° 60° 52° Limit for cereals Sugar beet Sugarcane Sweet Sorghum AREAS WHERE SS COULD BECOME AN INSTRUMENT OF DEVELOPMENT.
High level of competitiveness of Sweet-Sorghum • For its high productivity (~100 fresh ton/ha) sugars and lignocellulosic residues are available at low cost (i.e. sugars ~50€/ton, residues: ~20€/ton) making possible a viable Co-production of bioethanol and bioelectricity. • Since the growing cycle of S.S. is ~140 days, in tropical areas, two plantations per year are possible (10-12m3 ETOH/ha/y) with large increase of the ROI.(but sustainability considerations must be carefully taken in account) • Optimized S-S. Biorefineries present a high Energy Ratio • ( outputs/Inputs) ~5-7 is therefore very efficient for atmospheric CO2 absorption and development (in future) of substantial Carbon Credits benefits.
Available Sweet Sorghum varieties with high yield of biomass (high economic value) Productivity of Sweet Sorghum is similar to the sugar cane but the water demand is much lower (~ 1/3) and can be cultivated in temperate areas.
2. Concept & schemeofSweetSorghumcomplex: Integrated Bio-energy Complex: Bioethanol can be produced at 250 €/m3 (South, Central, East EU)
3. Possibility of a decentralised / centralised production Bioethanol Plants Decentralised Production (≥ 6,000 m3/y) Centralised Production (≥ 20.000m3/y)
5. Co-Productionof biogas compost Why Biogas? • Great potentialfromwetorganicwastes • Decreasedependencyofimportednatural gas (60%of total) • Versatile secondaryenergycarriersfor: • Bioelectricity • Injiection (afterpurification) intoNatural gas pipeline • Vehiclebiofuels 4) Significant environmental advantages in term of GHG mitigation and soil amendant availability (compost) 5) Large potential impact of rural sustainable development (new jobs new income) Concept: Different type of bacteria have the availability of breaking down organic matter and generate biogas and biofertiliser
Biogas Feedstock Manure Landfill Energy crops Sewage Sludge Landscape management Municipal Solid Waste Grass Food waste Conversion Time The speed of the process is influenced by the composition of the feedstock: -Lignin: close to infinity; -Cellulose: several weeks; -Hemicellulose: few days; -Sugar, Fatty acids, alchool: few hours.
Versatile use.. Biogas: Production of electricity and heat (cogeneration) Production of electricity alone Production of heat alone Upgraded Biogas (Biomethane) Injection in the gas grid Transportation fuels High tech process energy Raw material for the chemical industry
6. Bio-Hydrogen production Could be produced commercially now at a reasonable cost from agro-forestry residues: • 2000 €/t via carbonization & steam reforming • Yield: 55 kg of H2/ton agripellet • Potential carbon credit: 200€/t H2 (for8 t/CO2) For a country like Malaysia, large vegetal oil producer from palm oil plantation, BioH2 could be utilized for modern processing of biodiesel, as well for the glass industry, for metallurgical applications, enrichment of Natural Gas (pipelines).
ηen total~ 40 %max Bio-H2 production process Renewable hydrogen can be obtaied from biomass via - production of synthesis gas from agropellets • production of synthesis gas from bioethanol • production of synthesis gas from biogas Humid Biomass (moisture 50%) 1,8 t 1st Step Mechanical drying & Compactation Pre-treatment process Agro-Pellets (moisture 10%) 1 t 2nd Step Carbonisation Agro-pellets Charcoal ~270 Kg 3rd Step Steam-Reforming (950 °C) Bio-Syn-Gas (67 Kg) [57% H2 + 14 % CO+ …] in volume 4th Step Co-shifting 99% Bio-H2 (52 Kg of H2) New four steps Process for Production of Bio-H2 from Solid-Biomass
TypicalBio H2 Yield (via Torrefaction) ~ 11 t Agro-Pellets (via carbonization) ~ 18 t Charcoal 7 t From Biofuels Bioethanol ~ 5 t Biogas 10 000 m3 1 ton H2 Electricity ~50.000 KWhe Coal 10.1 t From Fossil resources Oil 5.1 t Nat. gas 6,400 m3 Nafta 4.8 t
H2 is of great interest because: 1°) Saves Energy for example in transport : a) Gasoline car (average 13/Km/li) requires ~2.4 MJ/Km (efficiency 17%-21%) b) H2- car (average 120 MJ/100 Km) requires ~1.2 MJ/Km (efficiency 50%-60%) 2°) Saves CO2 emissions because: -combustion of H2 produces H2O vapour + some NOx (no CO2) 3°) Bio-Hydrogen production from R.E. does not have any CO2-emissions and thus is of primary interest if utilised in large amounts. 4) The conversion of H2 from hydrocarbons (coal, oil, natural gas) presents an energy loss of ~40-30% with consequent CO2 emission.
3questions : Hydrogen is not a “primary energy Resource” (in fact is not available as “separate fuel on earth”). But must be considered as “Energy Vector” (a means to transfer large amount of energy to utilisation sites) • Can “ Bio-H2” be produced in large quantities? yes • 2) Can “Bio-H2” be produced at resonable cost? yes • 3) Can “Bio-H2” be produced commercially now? yes
Bio-H2 Bio-H2 can be obtained via solar (pv), wind, geothermal, hydraulic energy and from biouels (solid, liquid, gaseous)but the major general future interest is on: Bio-H2 from Biomass is the cheapest Because: -solid biomass is the cheapest biofuel; -solid biomass is a dispersed resource but available everywhere; -the anticipated production cost of bio-H2 from biomass ( 50€/d.t) is reasonable and nearly competitive with the actual most utilised process (steam reforming of natural gas)also not taking into account possible future carbon credits (8 t co2/ t H2). Our presentation is focused on a less efficient but commercial low-cost production of Bio-H2 from solid biomass (agro-forestry residues, clean organic wastes, energy crops)
Bio-H2 be produced from solid biomass at resonable cost? YES! • Being: • The conversion efficiency trials of the new process sufficiently high (~40%); • The “Agro-pellets” production cost from residues at (50€/d.t) reasonable: 80€/t; • The estimated commercial Bio-H2 production cost is: • Via carbonisation: ~1.800 €/t (with 8 t ofCO2 Credits) • Via torrefaction; ~1.500 €/t (with CO2 Credits) • H2 production cost from Natural Gas (at 7 $/MBTU) via steam-reforming is about • ~1.800 €/t of Hydrogen • Therefore Bio-H2 from Agro-pellets is nearly full competitive!
Can Bio-H2 produced commercially now? • All the technology involved in the 4-steps process are commercial: • Agro-pellets; • Carbonisation / torrefaction; • Steam Reforming; • CO-Shifting; • H2 purification. • Commercial Bio-H2 plants (in the capacity range of 5000-50000 t/y) could be offered. • Potential large markets: • Natural Gas enrichment in pipelines (5-10%); • Petroleum refining; • Metallurgical high quality steel application; • Transportation biofuels; • Glass Industry; • Chemicals.
Reactor for the Production of H2 from Biomass Pellets Bio-syngas: C= ~ 50% H= ~ 6% O= ~ 43,5% % Composition (wt) N= ~ 0,5%
Example: Bio – H2 Standardised Plant for enrichment of Natural Gas
7. Synthetic Biofuels: Diesel/jet Fuel/Biomethane Producing the syngasbygassificationofsolidbiomass, before the synthesisprocessoperation, thereis a needof: • Obtain a clean gas bypurificationprocess • Obtain a adeguate H2/CO compositionof the syn gas. OptimisationofF.T.synthesisto produce diesel or Jet fuelrequire a selectionof a goodcatalyst and operation moderate process temperature (250-300 C°). Production of jet fuelisofparticular interest (325 M m3/y isusednowby 13000 commercial planes)
Basic process-scheme : Gasification of biomass Gasification is an endothermic reaction between Carbon and steam or CO2: C + H2O CO + H2 C + CO2 2CO 2:1 2:1 3:1 1:1 H2/CO Methanol Fischer-Tropsch Methane Oxo synthesis Ethylene • Formaldehyde • Gasoline • Aromatics • Olefin • Gasoline • Middle distillates • Waxes • Jet Fuel • Aldehyde • Alcohols • Hydrocarbons • Ethanol • Acetic Acid • Glycol Ether Unfortunately synthesis-gas from wood contains tar (mixture of hydrocarbon compounds) and traces of HCl,HF,NH3 and alkaline metals; their concentration depends on nature of biomass and type of reactor. Tar gas-cleaning is under development !
Biomass Conversion Technologies Pre-treatment Stabilisation of humid biomass is of great strategic importance for future large-scale exploitation of this renewable resource. A promising technology is now appearing on the market. Several new machines could be developed. Biological conversion • - Anaerobic digestion (biogas production) • Sugar fermentation (Bioethanol production) • Bio-H2 production Thermochemical conversion - Carbonisation (he~ 50%) - Pyrolysis (he~ 70%) - Gasification (he~ 70%)