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Present Tense of – er and –ir verbs and Tag Questions

Present Tense of – er and –ir verbs and Tag Questions. Spanish 1- Chapter 4. - er and –ir Verbs. To conjugate a regular – er or –ir verb in the present tense, drop the – er or –ir of the infinitive and add these ending …. - er and -ir.

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Present Tense of – er and –ir verbs and Tag Questions

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  1. Present Tense of –er and –ir verbs and TagQuestions Spanish 1- Chapter 4

  2. -er and –ir Verbs • Toconjugate a regular –eror –ir verb in thepresent tense, dropthe –eror –ir of theinfinitive and addtheseending…

  3. -er and -ir • Some –er and –ir verbs are beber (todrink), asistir (toattend), abrir (to open), and interrumpir (tointerrupt). Tosaythatsomeonedrinkssomething, use beber algo.

  4. TagQuestions • A tagquestionisattachedtotheend of a sentencetomakeit a question. Ifyouexpectsomeonetoanswer yes, use ¿no? Or¿verdad? • Whentheexpectedansweris no, use ¿verdad? • ¿Vienes a la fiesta? ¿no?- You’recomingtotheparty? Aren’tyou? • ¿No vas al partido? ¿verdad?- You’renotgoingtothegame…right?

  5. Practica • Pg. 138: 32, 33

  6. Muchos estudiantes (comer) • El profesor (beber) • Yo (interrumpir) • Nosotros (leer) • Tú (escribir) • Ustedes (asistir) • La cafetería (abrir)

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