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INTE R N A TI O NAL C O NF E R E N C E. “ T h e o b se r v a n c e of c h il d r e n ’ s rig h t s t o f amily h a b i t a t ion. A n al y sis o f th e e x i s t i n g si tu a t ion in th e R e pub lic of M ol d o v a th r o u gh th e b e s t p r acti c es of o th er c o u n t ries”.
INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE “Theobservanceof children’srightstofamilyhabitation. Analysis of theexistingsituationin theRepublicof Moldovathrough thebest practicesof other countries” Chisinau(Moldova),03-05October 2013 Protectionofchildrenwithoutadequate care inCroatia DanijelaŽagar and LidijaPetrović, advisors to the Ombudsperson forChildren parental
TheRepublic ofCroatia Area: 56,594km2 (2011):4.284.889 inhabitants Population 896.605children(0-19) *CentralBureau of Statisticsof theRepublicofCroatia(Census 2011)
Ombudspersonfor Children Croatianmodel o autonomous,independent,specialisedOffice, establishedbytheLawonOmbudsmanfor Childrenin2003 headofficeinZagrebandthreeregionaloffices o
The Law on the Ombudsmanfor Children (OfficialGazette96/2003) o The Ombudsman for Childrenprotects,monitorsand promotes therightsand interestsof childrenin accordancewiththe Constitutionof the Republicof Croatia,internationaltreatiesand nationallaws o Article13 The Ombudsman for Childrenis entitledto enter the premises andgain insightinto the mannerof providing careto children whoare stayingorhave been temporarilyorpermanently accommodatedwithnaturaland legal personsand otherlegal entitieson the basisof specific regulations.
CHILDRENIN INSTITUTIONS 3typesofhomesfor children: • homesfor childrenwithoutadequateparental care(25) • homesfor childrenwithbehavioural disorders (12) • homesfor children(andadults)withdisabilities(45)
HOMES FOR CHILDRENWITHOUT PARENTALCARE 25homesfor children withoutadequateparental care ADEQUATE • Homesfoundedby thestate -14homesand7 branches • Homesfoundedby otherfounders - 2 homes (SOS-villages) • Familyhomes –3 homes (family-based formof care) • 6religious communitiesandNGOs *accordingtotheOfficeofOmbudspersonforChildren’sdataon31 December2012
HOMES FOR CHILDREN WITHOUT ADEQUATE PARENTALCARE Numberofchildrenon31December2012:1046childrenandyouth • • 927(0-18yr) 119(18-21yr) • 845children(80,78%)permanentaccommodation • averagelengthofstay:3yearsandmore *accordingtothe Office ofOmbudsperson forChildren’sdataon 31December 2012
OUROBSERVATIONS • • • • largeinstitutions largenumberofchildrenin institutions lengthyperiodofstay unevendevelopmentoffostercarein differentCroatian regions lack ofurbanandspecializedfostercare inadequatecooperationofsocialwelfarecenterswithfoster carers lackofparticipationin makingindividualplansforchildren lack ofadditionalandcontinuouseducationforfostercarers returnofchildrenfromfostercaretoinstitutions….. • • • • •
Deinstitutionalization, more human natural stimulating cheaper especially as foster care is typeof care,whichensures family-basedform of care. protectionand life in
NATIONALPLANONDEINSTITUTIONALIZATIONAND TRANSFORMATIONOF SOCIALWELFAREHOMES ANDOTHER TYPESOF LEGALENTITIESPROVIDINGSOCIAL WELFARE SERVICESIN THEREPUBLIC OF CROATIA 2011-2016 MASTERPLAN (2018) -decreaseinstitutionalisedcare -increasefamily-basedforms of care for childrenand youth without adequateparental care (foster care, family homes and livingcommunities)
FINALREMARKS • thesocialwelfare systemiscurrentlyin the processof reform andreorganisation withthe aimof improvingitssocial protectionand socialservices • althoughdeinstitutionalisationis crucial,it isclearlya very slowprocess
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