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Our massage in physiotherapy is more effective in that aspect. We also know that massage that generates a sensation of discomfort activates endogenous opioids related to pain reduction.
About Us "The mind is like a parachute, it only works if it opens," said Albert Einstein. Physiotherapy has come a long way in recent years. We have gone from treating only with massage in physiotherapy (physiotherapy technique that consists of treating muscle tissue with massage) to detesting this technique and using other intervention techniques.
Massage in Physiotherapy Can Help to Enhance the Physiotherapy Treatments: We cannot only offer massage therapy to the people who come to visit the clinic because many of the pathologies that people suffer do not have a muscular origin and if they have a muscular genesis but massage also may not be indicated.
We are going to shed some light on what physio massage consists of, why we can use it, and, above all, at what point in clinical practice we can apply it. Massage therapy is defined as a set of manual techniques that, applied to the body for therapeutic purposes, are used to treat different injuries.
Well, in terms of psychological effects, Kingaroy physiotherapy helps reduce anxiety and nervousness caused by these bodily discomforts. We will know that any injury has harmful effects both at the biological level of cell death, both the psychological level and the social level.
With the massage, we are going to intervene in the psychological aspect because it will also promote confidence and the feeling of being cared for. We have studies that show us that the application of manual techniques without causing pain improves the mood of people. And of course, massage is what many people, especially athletes, look for, and the expectations when receiving it help us improve the initial situation.
It is believed that since the processing of pain is conditioned by the expectations that one has before treatment, our massage in physiotherapy is more effective in that aspect. We also know that massage that generates a sensation of discomfort activates endogenous opioids related to pain reduction. We return to the aspect of pain processing at the brain level rather than the structure itself at the biological level that we are dealing with.
Contact Details www.kingaroychiropractic.com.au (07) 4162 1335 Kingaroychiro@outlook.com 221 Haly St, Queensland, Kingaroy, Australia