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By William Shakespeare. Macbeth. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. IV,I,44-45. Macbeth. Written in 1605-1606 Set in 11 th century Set mostly in Scotland. Was there really a Macbeth?. Yes! King Duncan and Macbeth interacted with each other in August 1040

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By William Shakespeare Macbeth

  2. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. IV,I,44-45

  3. Macbeth • Written in 1605-1606 • Set in 11th century • Set mostly in Scotland

  4. Was there really a Macbeth? • Yes! • King Duncan and Macbeth interacted with each other in August 1040 • The true story is much like the play presented by Shakespeare

  5. Shakespeare’s Traditional Role Banquo’s bloody Ghost No lines, big part.

  6. Why “The Scottish Play?” • Surrounded with “bad luck” • Many actors injured while playing Macbeth • Could it be the witches? • Just to be safe, refer to it as “The Scottish Play”!

  7. Do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth love each other??? You decide…

  8. Who will be caught in Macbeth’s web of deceit? • King Duncan? • Malcolm? • Macduff? • Macbeth, himself?

  9. Whose at fault??? • King Duncan? • Lady Macbeth? • The Witches? • Macbeth, himself??

  10. Color is very important!!! • Look for red and black in Macbeth • What is happening at that time? • Who is involved?

  11. Do the witches control Macbeth? • Watch for their scenes. • Watch for the mood they set for the play. • Watch for who is controlling whom. • Btw, watch what they are cooking in their cauldron…yum!

  12. Key Lines to Know… • False face must hide what false heart doth know. • I have done the deed. • Blood will have blood. • Double, double, toil and trouble • Out, damned spot! Out, I say!

  13. And now… Act I, scene I A barren, misty heath in Scotland Thunder and lightening Enter three witches

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